From Dundee, Michigan, USA
aka Stellantis/State of Michigan - FRC Grant&Dundee High School
Rookie Year: 2012
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Event Results

Team 4395 was 10-15-1 in official play and 25-34-1 overall in 2022.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 4395 ranked 286 having earned 38 points.

FIM District Saline Event presented by DTE

in Saline, MI, USA
to Week 4

Team 4395 was Rank 37 with a record of 3-8-1

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 6
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 6
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FIM District Woodhaven Event presented by Ford

in Brownstown, MI, USA
to Week 6

Team 4395 was Rank 12 with a record of 7-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 5901
Pick 1 4395
Pick 2 7196

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 11
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 5
Total Points 32
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Michigan Advanced Robotics Competition

in Monroe, MI, USA

Team 4395 was Rank 14 with a record of 7-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 3538
Pick 1 226
Pick 2 240
Pick 3 4395
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
240 217 226 4395 1023 3538 69 98
3641 240 2834 4395 2851 5205 61 49
1023 8423 240 302 8332 4395 68 86
3538 217 8332 2851 51 4395 81 46
548 3538 217 4395 302 1528 77 70
3641 8332 5205 1023 4395 2834 102 78
51 8423 3641 1023 4395 3538 122 95
240 4395 548 5205 1528 3641 42 71
4395 8332 226 5205 1528 51 90 87
3538 4395 240 2851 1528 8423 77 51
3641 1023 226 2851 4395 548 144 44
302 226 4395 2834 2851 548 111 98
217 5205 4395 8423 3538 2834 38 93
4395 3641 217 302 8423 226 46 129
1528 8423 4395 51 302 2834 22 68
226 4395 3538 2834 1023 5205 100 99
226 4395 3538 51 548 8332 93 81

Michigan Advanced Robotics Competition II

in Dundee, MI, USA

Team 4395 was Rank 17 with a record of 8-9-0

Captain 2834
Pick 1 503
Pick 2 4395
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
240 2834 3641 4395 68 830 42 19
4395 3538 8424 8332 3604 6120 55 24
68 3538 226 3604 3641 4395 87 40
3175 8728 4395 6120 3641 33 43 90
503 8832 1528 240 4395 9998 28 33
830 8832 3604 6120 1528 4395 31 24
9998 2834 3538 226 4395 3655 97 69
33 8424 240 503 4395 3655 83 56
68 8332 4130 4395 8832 33 39 55
2834 6120 3175 8332 4395 240 68 55
1528 33 8332 4395 4130 3538 72 93
1528 8424 8728 2834 3604 4395 31 48
503 2834 4395 8728 830 8332 100 41
503 2834 4395 8728 830 8332 97 40
3538 33 8832 503 2834 4395 119 98
3538 33 8832 503 2834 4395 96 98
3538 33 8832 503 2834 4395 110 59

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