From Winfield, West Virginia, USA
aka Toyota/NASA Robotics Alliance Project/Putnam County Schools/American Electric Power/Optimum&Buffalo High School&Hurricane High School&Winfield High School
Rookie Year: 2011
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Event Results

Team 3492 was 5-11-0 in official play and 15-29-0 overall in 2022.

Smoky Mountains Regional

in Knoxville, TN, USA
to Week 5

Team 3492 was Rank 31 with a record of 5-11-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4028
Pick 1 2393
Pick 2 3492
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2393 180 7525 1051 3492 6302 86 65
3492 4150 4306 4467 1051 7515 46 55
4265 5002 5744 343 4630 3492 77 64
3492 8575 7516 3984 2783 3489 33 32
3492 3489 5005 4050 3984 4576 29 42
4451 4467 5005 5002 3492 3984 83 29
2614 1758 4533 4467 5492 3492 78 61
4630 6302 1758 1466 3824 3492 57 39
2856 3492 2252 1747 4462 6517 64 76
2252 4028 4576 3492 3140 5744 138 47
3821 4020 63 2614 3492 4050 58 94
2393 4028 3492 1051 343 6517 106 57
2393 4028 3492 1051 343 6517 80 61
2252 2614 5002 2393 4028 3492 107 96
2252 2614 5002 2393 4028 3492 116 120
2252 2614 5002 2393 4028 3492 122 106

WVRoX 2022

in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 3492 was Rank 19 with a record of 10-18-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 4991
Pick 1 7515
Pick 2 3492
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
346 3260 3940 9985 3492 2363 73 48
2614 4265 1732 3492 2656 325 148 31
2656 3260 4991 3492 4265 9985 26 44
2656 3504 3492 9985 2051 9999 12 20
3940 3492 4991 2051 4467 9999 77 43
3492 2051 4991 325 4467 3260 49 38
3538 3492 3504 5740 4265 7515 8 32
3492 4467 5740 3538 5811 7515 77 83
346 3492 4467 5740 3940 2656 57 79
1732 3940 3492 4467 7515 2363 83 70
3492 117 346 3260 3538 325 56 48
48 346 3492 1732 4991 2614 48 89
4991 346 456 2656 1732 3492 62 88
1732 456 3492 2363 117 48 94 112
48 456 2614 9999 3492 5811 102 37
7515 2614 3492 686 5811 9985 54 26
3492 9985 117 686 5811 48 18 67
117 686 3492 2656 9985 325 37 25
2051 4265 117 3492 3504 2363 228 66
2051 5740 325 3492 2614 456 84 60
3940 3492 5740 456 2614 117 70 73
456 3940 4991 4265 3538 3492 43 100
4265 9999 2656 3538 3492 7515 50 93
9999 7515 686 3492 2363 3260 55 41
325 5811 3492 9999 4467 5740 56 64
3504 1732 3940 3260 3492 5811 115 22
3538 1732 3260 7515 4991 3492 133 26
3538 1732 3260 7515 4991 3492 124 47

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