From Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
aka Bechtel/UT Battelle & Oak Ridge National Labs/GEM Technologies/Oak Ridge Schools/Leidos/Mark D. Boeckmann/Oak Ridge Public Schools Education Foundation/Oak Ridge Tool and Engineering/CNS, Consolidated Nucear Security LLC/UCOR URS CH2M Oak Ridge LLC/ORAU/Bio-Largo/Roane State Foundation/FIRST Place Finish/Blanchard & Associates/Scrum, Inc./Gen Bruce K. Holloway AFA Chapter/East Tennessee Robotics Foundation/Arconic/Acato Information Systems/Strata-G/East Tennessee Orthodonics&Oak Ridge High School
Rookie Year: 2012
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Event Results

Team 4265 was 30-14-1 in official play and 51-33-1 overall in 2022.

Electric City Regional

in Anderson, SC, USA
to Week 2

Team 4265 was Rank 4 with a record of 15-2-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • Regional Winners

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 4020
Pick 1 4265
Pick 2 1293
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2815 4020 4265 4533 1466 4074 110 26
4265 4582 1466 1102 5130 3490 66 35
4265 2393 1102 281 364 1287 74 71
6167 4265 6107 8137 1051 3489 58 47
3489 343 4582 1758 1051 4265 52 72
2080 343 5727 281 4823 4265 35 35
1539 1293 2815 7085 4265 4451 22 68
4823 4073 342 4265 3976 1293 33 34
4265 4748 5130 4073 4020 1758 54 79
6693 1466 6366 3490 4265 2080 33 70
3976 1758 6961 4073 8137 4265 29 54
4265 4020 1293 1102 4823 4074 105 27
4265 4020 1293 1102 4823 4074 97 38
4265 4020 1293 343 2393 7525 77 76
4265 4020 1293 343 2393 7525 85 61
4265 4020 1293 4451 364 4533 95 59
4265 4020 1293 4451 364 4533 66 77
4265 4020 1293 4451 364 4533 85 72

Smoky Mountains Regional

in Knoxville, TN, USA
to Week 5

Team 4265 was Rank 21 with a record of 12-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and won the event.

Captain 4451
Pick 1 4265
Pick 2 3824
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2252 343 3966 63 5005 4265 80 67
5744 5492 1466 4630 7525 4265 38 22
4265 5002 5744 343 4630 3492 77 64
4050 1466 180 4265 4467 3821 81 60
4306 1758 4265 7406 2614 4504 70 72
1051 1747 4150 4265 4504 4533 89 70
4462 4306 6302 3966 4265 3824 35 75
4150 4265 4576 6302 7516 3824 98 29
63 2783 4467 4028 4265 4020 78 119
4265 2783 8575 2393 6517 1758 73 70
6517 4265 2252 3984 4451 6302 90 82
4265 4451 3824 4467 4050 3821 101 51
4265 4451 3824 4467 4050 3821 94 62
4020 180 4306 4265 4451 3824 82 83
4462 180 4306 4265 4451 3824 52 96
2252 2614 5002 4265 4451 3824 75 105
2252 2614 5002 4265 4451 3824 100 117

Roebling Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 4265 was Rank 64 with a record of 3-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

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Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Columbus, IN, USA

Team 4265 was Rank 35 with a record of 4-6-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4265 3940 1732 3176 2363 27 113 104
195 325 1339 1720 624 4265 104 85
4265 1533 4028 2539 4143 2468 130 144
4635 67 694 587 7457 4265 136 135
1706 3175 3538 2075 4265 1024 119 97
4265 2614 5712 2767 1706 5010 109 131
2338 234 829 4265 325 4926 95 100
503 4028 4926 195 4265 1706 122 123
3357 2468 4265 1706 503 340 128 140
1024 33 624 5406 4265 4499 124 145

WVRoX 2022

in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 4265 was Rank 10 with a record of 17-13-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 5740
Pick 1 4265
Pick 2 5811
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4265 2051 48 4991 5811 5740 96 41
2614 4265 1732 3492 2656 325 148 31
2656 3260 4991 3492 4265 9985 26 44
686 4265 3260 117 4467 4991 40 56
4265 5740 686 1732 48 7515 69 106
4265 346 1732 48 686 5811 82 35
3538 3492 3504 5740 4265 7515 8 32
9999 2051 48 117 325 4265 33 46
3538 4265 686 117 9999 325 83 51
4265 325 48 346 3538 9985 70 91
2614 7515 2051 4265 3504 3940 41 56
2363 5740 9999 456 9985 4265 55 40
2363 48 9985 2614 4467 4265 78 103
9985 2614 9999 4467 4265 5811 71 59
4265 9985 7515 3940 686 325 10 81
4467 2656 4265 3260 5740 1732 54 87
5740 4265 325 3260 456 2656 92 33
2051 3504 4467 456 2363 4265 41 100
2051 4265 117 3492 3504 2363 228 66
2656 4265 3504 686 2363 346 52 99
9999 3504 4265 686 1732 346 79 99
456 3940 4991 4265 3538 3492 43 100
4265 9999 2656 3538 3492 7515 50 93
2051 117 4265 3940 456 346 113 59
3940 2614 4265 1732 117 3260 97 77
7515 4991 4265 456 3538 9985 46 84
4265 5740 5811 117 686 325 115 66
4265 5740 5811 117 686 325 114 56
3538 1732 3260 4265 5740 5811 114 94
3538 1732 3260 4265 5740 5811 120 109