From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
aka Rockwell Automation/Regal Rexnord/Rev Robotics/Wright Weber Management LLC/Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction&Divine Savior-Holy Angels HS&Marquette Univ High School
Rookie Year: 2006
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 1732 was 50-12-2 in official play and 83-22-2 overall in 2022.

Lake Superior Regional

in Duluth, MN, USA
to Week 1

Team 1732 was Rank 1 with a record of 13-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Miles Menos)
  • Regional Winners
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1732
Pick 1 2052
Pick 2 2531
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4181 1732 3291 8836 3197 2526 59 50
5826 7797 1732 2531 3740 7068 69 64
4656 5253 1732 6146 2506 2227 65 48
3102 5690 5653 6146 1732 3058 77 59
6574 1732 167 5143 876 6217 86 49
4511 2503 4741 1732 2977 6318 57 65
2264 4728 2861 2501 5464 1732 72 68
1732 93 2052 3134 5348 3275 69 52
6160 2052 7893 1732 5847 3122 53 81
2052 1732 2531 3276 3134 93 105 64
2052 1732 2531 3276 3134 93 125 67
2052 1732 2531 5847 5690 3197 107 73
2052 1732 2531 5847 5690 3197 66 71
2052 1732 2531 5847 5690 3197 74 44
2052 1732 2531 876 4607 2239 85 49
2052 1732 2531 876 4607 2239 99 65

Wisconsin Regional

in Milwaukee, WI, USA
to Week 4

Team 1732 was Rank 1 with a record of 14-3-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1732
Pick 1 3197
Pick 2 8802
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1732 1792 8847 5096 3418 1259 67 67
3418 1732 1675 5148 6823 706 73 67
7237 1714 6223 1732 6643 8531 41 66
537 6823 1732 4786 2077 7417 113 64
8701 1732 1714 1792 537 1306 83 55
8802 2574 8701 6381 1732 2506 40 86
2574 3596 1732 93 8803 3418 52 39
7900 1306 8531 706 930 1732 35 94
6381 1714 8803 1732 93 7915 58 118
1091 1675 93 8803 2830 1732 58 87
1732 1306 1091 2202 2194 6823 56 74
1739 1675 2830 2062 1732 3197 64 78
3197 1732 8802 1259 6574 930 98 87
3197 1732 8802 1259 6574 930 76 58
3197 1732 8802 2830 6823 1306 96 78
3197 1732 8802 2830 6823 1306 82 50
3197 1732 8802 2202 6421 2506 0 74
3197 1732 8802 2202 6421 2506 97 105

Midwest Regional

in Chicago, IL, USA
to Week 6

Team 1732 was Rank 2 with a record of 13-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1732
Pick 1 2451
Pick 2 2022
Backup for 2022 3488
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3110 4096 7560 1732 4787 3061 6 122
2358 48 6651 2062 2151 1732 64 86
1732 1781 3067 3488 4241 5822 96 65
1732 5125 8096 1739 5847 3734 88 59
8880 2451 1732 1781 8096 2022 92 54
7560 5553 8122 4292 112 1732 59 84
3695 2220 1732 8802 2830 5125 59 56
4702 111 6381 2358 1732 8029 88 115
2338 111 677 6381 1732 5934 134 88
4145 1732 7560 8880 101 7237 85 29
2451 1732 2022 2358 1781 4145 82 50
2451 1732 2022 2358 1781 4145 106 82
2451 1732 2022 48 3061 2062 86 85
2451 1732 3488 48 3061 2062 54 101
2451 1732 3488 48 3061 2062 86 77
111 2338 8122 2451 1732 3488 120 96
111 2338 8122 2451 1732 3488 126 100

Galileo Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 1732 was Rank 2 with a record of 10-2-1

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 1732
Pick 1 118
Pick 2 1816
Pick 3 316
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Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Columbus, IN, USA

Team 1732 was Rank 17 with a record of 6-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 3rd Pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 2767
Pick 1 3538
Pick 2 1023
Pick 3 1732
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WVRoX 2022

in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 1732 was Rank 1 with a record of 27-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1732
Pick 1 3538
Pick 2 3260
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2656 1732 7515 325 117 4467 77 65
2614 4265 1732 3492 2656 325 148 31
5740 2051 2614 9999 325 1732 100 82
5811 3940 2614 3538 1732 2363 76 146
4265 5740 686 1732 48 7515 69 106
4265 346 1732 48 686 5811 82 35
2656 456 1732 9999 9985 3940 23 34
3504 2656 346 9985 3940 1732 38 115
5811 1732 4991 7515 2363 456 93 84
1732 3940 3492 4467 7515 2363 83 70
1732 2363 9999 4991 5740 9985 102 54
48 346 3492 1732 4991 2614 48 89
4991 346 456 2656 1732 3492 62 88
1732 456 3492 2363 117 48 94 112
4991 4467 1732 346 3504 5740 112 67
4467 2656 4265 3260 5740 1732 54 87
3504 1732 2051 3538 2363 4467 105 112
5740 1732 3260 3538 48 3940 131 115
5811 1732 7515 9999 3260 4991 213 18
3538 9999 1732 7515 3260 48 127 51
9999 3504 4265 686 1732 346 79 99
325 5811 2051 1732 9985 686 47 120
2051 117 456 1732 346 9985 48 101
325 2614 9985 1732 3538 4467 90 128
3940 2614 4265 1732 117 3260 97 77
3504 1732 3940 3260 3492 5811 115 22
3538 1732 3260 7515 4991 3492 133 26
3538 1732 3260 7515 4991 3492 124 47
3538 1732 3260 4265 5740 5811 114 94
3538 1732 3260 4265 5740 5811 120 109
3538 1732 3260 2614 3940 3504 154 107
3538 1732 3260 2614 3940 3504 133 106

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