From Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
aka Bechtel/UT Battelle & Oak Ridge National Labs/GEM Technologies/Oak Ridge Schools/Leidos/Mark D. Boeckmann/Oak Ridge Public Schools Education Foundation/Oak Ridge Tool and Engineering/CNS, Consolidated Nucear Security LLC/UCOR URS CH2M Oak Ridge LLC/ORAU/Bio-Largo/Roane State Foundation/FIRST Place Finish/Blanchard & Associates/Scrum, Inc./Gen Bruce K. Holloway AFA Chapter/East Tennessee Robotics Foundation/Arconic/Acato Information Systems/Strata-G/East Tennessee Orthodonics&Oak Ridge High School
Rookie Year: 2012
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Robot Name: Oppenheimer

Event Results

Team 4265 was 11-11-0 in official play and 39-31-0 overall in 2016.

Palmetto Regional

in Myrtle Beach, SC 29578, USA
to Week 0.5

Team 4265 was Rank 34 with a record of 4-4-0

Watch All Matches

Smoky Mountains Regional

in Knoxville, TN 37996, USA
to Week 5

Team 4265 was Rank 9 with a record of 7-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Volunteer of the Year (Mark Buckner)
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4265
Pick 1 4462
Pick 2 3489
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West Virginia RObotics eXtreme

in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 4265 had a record of 19-16-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2656 3193 1708 686 1325 4265 58 81
1071 4467 1325 9999 2656 4265 66 71
1126 4265 888 3504 1071 2656 101 75
2656 5418 4265 1708 1629 4505 104 116
4265 3193 4505 9999 1325 48 73 60
1629 4265 4954 1071 48 5418 105 79
3193 4265 2614 4467 3504 1708 151 140
1629 2614 3511 1071 456 4265 85 89
9999 3492 1629 3511 3504 4265 76 95
3193 2614 4467 3492 4265 1126 123 103
1126 456 1071 3511 4265 48 93 96
4265 888 686 456 3492 4954 108 94
888 3193 4505 4265 686 1629 83 48
4467 48 2614 4265 1708 3844 119 106
3492 1708 3844 2655 4265 3511 94 104
5418 4505 4265 3260 3844 2614 88 107
5418 9999 456 4265 1126 1325 103 88
3504 4265 3260 888 1325 2655 77 90
4265 1629 4467 4954 686 3511 99 98
4265 5418 4954 48 3492 2655 121 95
4265 2655 888 1325 3260 3193 82 99
48 456 5418 2656 4265 3193 97 95
4265 1126 3492 686 3193 1708 70 76
1629 4467 4265 4505 1325 3492 114 120
2614 9999 3844 3260 4265 5418 97 89
1708 2614 4265 3260 456 1071 105 87
3504 1126 4954 456 4265 3844 84 115
4265 3844 5418 4505 4954 2655 107 135
4265 3844 5418 4505 4954 2655 142 104
4265 3844 5418 4505 4954 2655 132 103
3193 1629 1071 4265 3844 5418 113 110
3193 1629 1071 4265 3844 5418 97 147
3193 1629 1071 4265 3844 5418 110 120
2614 456 3492 4265 3844 5418 148 108
2614 456 3492 4265 3844 5418 143 89

Battle for the Bluegrass

in Corbin, KY, USA

Team 4265 had a record of 9-4-0

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Robot Name: Oppenheimer

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