From Davis, California, USA
aka Davis Joint Unified School District/TechnipFMC/Clifford I. Anderson/UC Davis Office of the Chancellor/Sacramento Kings/Moyle/Marchand Family/Bambu Lab/West Coast Products/Gene Haas Foundation/Tesco Controls/Niemela-Pappas & Associates/Lockheed Martin/UCD College of Agricultural & Environmental Science/DMG Mori/PTC/Larry Walker Associates/Law Office of Michael J. Harrington/M.CUBED/Recology/fabworks/Pacific Powder Coating&Davis Senior High School
Rookie Year: 2005
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Event Results

Team 1678 was 64-7-0 in official play and 108-8-0 overall in 2022.

Hueneme Port Regional

in Port Hueneme, CA, USA
to Week 1

Team 1678 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1678
Pick 1 4414
Pick 2 589
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1678 973 5817 589 4400 1452 140 11
1678 1661 4501 1836 4415 5012 87 53
8537 1836 1678 589 5012 1661 85 14
2102 6560 1678 359 8006 973 91 88
3759 4400 2945 3501 687 1678 45 83
5285 8537 4817 4711 1678 1452 26 93
4415 3859 5817 1678 3759 3128 42 113
8006 1678 972 968 973 1836 89 47
8768 1678 589 5285 5199 2659 100 54
972 4711 3128 5025 2945 1678 40 86
5025 4711 2102 4400 1678 4817 23 76
5199 4414 4400 1678 5285 4 88 79
4414 1678 589 3759 8006 4 132 38
4414 1678 589 3759 8006 4 136 40
4414 1678 589 5199 6560 4400 99 40
4414 1678 589 5199 6560 4400 131 33
4414 1678 589 973 359 2945 121 76
4414 1678 589 973 359 2945 123 106

Sacramento Regional

in Davis, CA, USA
to Week 4

Team 1678 was Rank 3 with a record of 16-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Emily Xia)
  • Regional Winners

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 254
Pick 1 1678
Pick 2 5458
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5419 1678 8020 7157 8404 766 61 52
1678 254 766 701 1160 2288 176 72
1836 766 1072 1662 6981 1678 36 105
8033 4643 1678 3189 2288 751 128 47
1678 8048 5458 8033 254 6662 120 119
751 5728 973 7157 2288 1678 106 114
1458 2035 1678 2551 6981 5419 71 57
2035 8020 7419 1836 1678 3669 39 126
5700 3598 7137 1072 1678 5274 56 135
1678 7667 3598 973 1662 4904 58 106
5274 687 6662 973 1678 3189 28 113
1678 254 5458 1836 7419 5700 162 53
1678 254 5458 1836 7419 5700 164 65
1678 254 5458 1072 5419 687 154 52
1678 254 5458 1072 5419 687 180 61
1678 254 5458 7157 973 5274 131 105
1678 254 5458 7157 973 5274 160 111

Silicon Valley Regional

in San Jose, CA, USA
to Week 6

Team 1678 was Rank 2 with a record of 15-0-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Engineering Inspiration Award
  • Regional Winners

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 254
Pick 1 1678
Pick 2 7419
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
766 972 6884 2144 8033 1678 49 81
6238 7419 1678 4973 1351 8033 122 60
1967 1678 971 6418 3482 8793 143 30
1678 5171 7413 840 4904 5027 128 10
8048 6918 670 1678 4990 2643 92 108
5419 8404 4091 2489 192 1678 58 117
8262 2854 841 4186 1678 4255 68 103
4171 5507 1967 6814 1678 5027 58 96
1678 4973 254 2035 852 2144 168 48
1678 254 7419 7415 3482 1351 179 37
1678 254 7419 7415 3482 1351 167 49
1678 254 7419 5507 5419 8262 158 101
1678 254 7419 5507 5419 8262 139 106
1678 254 7419 604 971 8404 147 116
1678 254 7419 604 971 8404 144 124

Hopper Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 1678 was Rank 3 with a record of 14-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Division Winner
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1706
Pick 1 1678
Pick 2 5454
Pick 3 4213
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2443 2502 5817 7021 1678 2976 85 126
11 3128 4592 1678 2905 3478 68 137
1807 4201 494 1678 8822 3128 136 149
1538 1678 3794 8825 7848 3538 155 95
302 1678 7315 1156 8575 488 139 68
7153 597 1678 2052 148 525 115 136
1678 4499 5806 2992 829 2252 154 93
1678 5006 2839 1625 4421 2202 105 76
5505 302 5454 2883 1706 1678 130 189
6420 3322 1678 180 2771 4926 90 93
4213 1706 1678 302 1538 4201 152 111
5454 1706 1678 302 1538 4201 143 136
4213 1678 1706 4911 488 2767 156 120
4213 1678 1706 4911 488 2767 135 134
5454 1678 1706 4499 148 2614 157 127
5454 1678 1706 4499 148 2614 166 160

Einstein Field

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 1678 had a record of 2-3-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Hopper and were eliminated in the Round Robin Bracket (Rank 5).

Captain 1706
Pick 1 1678
Pick 2 5454
Pick 3 4213
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Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 1678 was Rank 1 with a record of 15-0-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Quality Award

Captain 1678
Pick 1 4414
Pick 2 498
Pick 3 2813
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1690 114 1678 2910 1700 3310 191 139
2930 1678 8033 4255 3476 972 161 73
971 2813 3175 1678 3647 2486 67 160
2486 6036 6800 846 1678 4414 159 208
971 3478 1678 1690 3256 4414 180 105
694 1678 2910 498 846 7034 186 126
7157 3940 1619 2813 649 1678 125 139
3256 498 1678 604 5104 114 165 121
696 5507 5940 1678 4499 7157 130 218
5940 359 1678 254 694 498 178 146
2813 1678 4414 3476 971 3647 156 87
2813 1678 4414 3310 3940 5940 162 145
4414 498 1678 6800 1690 973 172 164
4414 498 1678 254 3175 2910 146 82
4414 498 1678 254 3175 2910 162 134

Capital City Classic

in Elk Grove, CA, USA

Team 1678 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-0-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 1678
Pick 1 5940
Pick 2 5430
Pick 3 4698
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2073B 7777 2135 1678 5940 5458 39 122
841 3257 7419 5924 3859 1678 35 61
5274 2073B 1662 1072 1678 3598 55 93
3257 2643 1678 8016 1072 2551 99 62
5274 2073 8016 6918 5817 1678 43 141
1678 3189 2073B 6662 5817 5924 96 25
1662 4643 1678 6884 2288 5924 107 22
199 701 5430 2288 1678 5274 28 105
5700 8048 1678 6918 3859 6662 113 22
1671 1678 7528 5940 6059 3598 146 85
5940 4698 1678 3257 701 7528 148 40
5940 4698 1678 3257 701 7528 135 44
5940 5430 1678 2551 1662 199 123 82
5940 5430 1678 2551 1662 6059 147 89
5940 4698 1678 1671 8048 114 172 134
5940 4698 1678 1671 8048 114 160 128

Madtown Throwdown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 1678 was Rank 2 with a record of 13-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 1323
Pick 1 1678
Pick 2 841
Pick 3 1323C
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5104 4698 1678 6657B 114 581 123 83
1351 5940B 1323 1323B 1678 973C 105 95
581 1678 8768 971B 971C 1678D 111 70
841 1671 1323C 1678 7419 1148 82 121
841 7419B 1678 973C 1678B 4255 120 27
5419 1678 5817 2135 5026 5940 121 91
299B 852 2073B 1678C 4159 1678 53 113
3970 2813 4698 2813B 299 1678 60 115
841 1323 1678 1678D 973C 2073 170 87
1323C 1323 1678 1678D 973C 2073 160 49
841 1323 1678 1323B 3970 2073B 189 93
841 1323 1678 1323B 3970 2073B 182 64
1678 1323 841 114 5419B 973B 172 155
1678 1323 841 114 5419B 973B 161 105