From Manchester, NH, USA
aka FIRST Off-Season Demo Team
Rookie Year: 2017
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 9992 was 80-92-3 during the 2023 offseason.

Melbourne Robotics Tournament

in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Team 9992 had a record of 7-12-1

Captain 5584
Pick 1 9147
Pick 2 9993
Pick 3 9992
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7128 9147 6996 9992 6508 9146 79 75
7128 9991 9993 9992 6508 9189 31 82
5648 9146 5876 9144 9992 9991 49 49
9144 9146 4537 9993 5584 9992 83 63
7583 5584 9993 5876 9992 9991 69 23
9992 9189 7128 9144 9146 5876 51 89
4537 9992 6996 9146 5584 6508 71 134
9992 7583 9189 9144 9147 6508 54 121
9146 9992 7583 5876 5584 7128 86 64
5584 6508 4537 5876 9147 9992 119 46
6996 6508 7128 9992 5648 5584 86 96
9991 4537 9992 9189 9993 9147 58 66
9992 4537 9144 6508 9991 7583 61 90
9991 5648 9144 6996 9147 9992 68 69
5584 9991 9147 9992 5648 7128 76 42
6508 9993 9992 4537 5876 5648 49 69
5584 5876 9992 9991 6996 9189 90 82
5648 7128 9992 4537 9189 9144 69 64
7583 9992 9147 9146 6996 9189 87 89
5648 7583 7128 9993 9992 6996 67 69

Texas Robotics Invitational

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 10 with a record of 5-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 2).

Captain 9992
Pick 1 3847
Pick 2 4336
Pick 3 4587
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Mukwonago Robotics Offseason Competition

in Mukwonago, WI, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 18 with a record of 9-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 930
Pick 1 3538
Pick 2 9992
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9992 2202 6381 4143 3197 6574 53 127
9992 4655 9999 9991 93 9990 91 70
930 9990 93 2062 9992 9993 167 62
930 9991 4143 93 9992 8701 152 81
9992 4143 2194 8701 9993 6381 135 132
1714 9990 9992 6381 2062 3538 109 68
6421 9992 3197 9999 93 1732 108 115
9992 3538 6574 2194 6381 9999 105 86
6381 4655 930 1792 9999 9992 141 79
3538 1792 2202 9991 1732 9992 116 88
3538 930 9992 9997 9998 9996 1 0
3538 9992 930 93 9999 3197 168 150
3538 9992 930 6574 1714 2062 153 142
3538 9992 930 6574 1714 2062 167 124
3538 9992 930 6574 1714 2062 179 102
3538 930 9992 1714 6574 2062 *

Steel City Showdown

in Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 9 with a record of 3-3-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4991 1640 3504 9990 9992 666 24 66
3504 9999 9991 1640 4150 9992 27 91
117 2614 666 6414 4991 9992 62 10
9992 5740 9999 9991 2614 9990 44 92
6414 666 4467 9991 9992 2656 56 10
9992 4467 2614 4150 3504 3260 85 42

No matches played.

Arizona Robotics League Qualifier 4

in Glendale, AZ, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 21 with a record of 4-3-1

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West Australian Robotics Playoffs 2023

in Bentley, WA, Australia

Team 9992 was Rank 11 with a record of 8-8-1

Captain 9190
Pick 1 9986
Pick 2 9992
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4788 9989 9991 9985 9190 9992 73 28
9988 6524 9986 9992 9991 4788 24 44
6509 9992 9991 9990 9987 9308 26 40
9190 7113 9986 9988 9275 9992 14 13
9986 9191 7113 9992 9985 9991 25 29
9992 9986 4788 9191 6509 9988 34 14
9990 9191 9992 9987 7113 9190 49 69
9992 9989 9190 9987 9308 9191 18 54
9985 7113 6524 9988 9992 9991 39 38
7113 9990 9992 9308 4788 9989 53 30
9275 9985 9990 9190 9992 7113 29 54
9275 9987 6509 9991 7113 9992 36 56
9191 9992 9985 9986 9990 9308 50 32
9190 9986 9992 9191 9985 6524 50 50
9190 9986 9992 9191 9985 6524 29 70
7113 9990 9275 9190 9986 9992 53 66
9190 9986 9992 9191 9985 6524 47 64


in Toronto, XX, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 20 with a record of 5-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 2).

Captain 7902
Pick 1 4343
Pick 2 9992
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Arizona Robotics League Qualifier 5

in Glendale, AZ, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 13 with a record of 3-3-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4183 2478 9988 9992 2486 2403 62 109
9992 2662 7755 9985 6479 6352 46 88
6479 3944 9992 2375 7703 9989 68 37
9994 2403 9987 3019 9992 9997 66 34
3944 9059 9998 3853 9992 9986 31 54
991 6352 9992 6413 9996 3187 92 106

Rumble on the River

in La Crescent, MN, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 11 with a record of 8-9-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 6421
Pick 1 7021
Pick 2 9992
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9992 6166 9993 5339 5914 4011 36 14
8024 2977 9992 4011 7021 9991 35 61
6166 9992 5339 6421 7021 8024 46 102
5339 9994 7021 4011 9991 9992 83 76
9991 6166 2977 9993 6421 9992 50 77
7021 9992 2977 5914 6166 9994 72 84
9992 6421 9991 5914 2977 5339 77 57
6421 9994 4011 9992 2977 5914 98 52
8024 6421 9993 5914 7021 9992 85 72
2977 8024 9993 5339 9992 9994 30 13
8024 5914 6166 9992 9991 9994 70 33
9994 6421 6166 8024 4011 9992 102 74
9994 9992 6421 7021 9993 9991 104 49
7021 6421 9992 5914 9994 5339 92 55
7021 6421 9992 2977 4011 9993 100 76
7021 6421 9992 8024 6166 9991 101 64
7021 6421 9992 8024 6166 9991 115 64

Blue Ridge Brawl

in Salem, VA, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 15 with a record of 5-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 5).

Captain 3136
Pick 1 3939
Pick 2 9992

NTX Tournament of Robots

in Plano, TX, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 11 with a record of 3-3-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 3rd Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 2).

Captain 3310
Pick 1 6377
Pick 2 2583
Pick 3 9992
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6369 6377 6377B 9992 2881 9991 105 111
9992 6377 2714 5431 1745 5414 123 87
8879 8874 4610 418 9992 2583B 56 49
5411 9992 1745 2583B 2848 9492B 81 63
5212 418 2881 5414 5572 9992 90 69
1745 2583 4192 9105 6377B 9992 71 61


in Plano, TX, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 24 with a record of 1-4-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6171 2583 2881 9992 5431 6377 40 72
6171 8879 9992 4192 5431 8874 0 36
5414 6800 9992 3310 6171 5431 67 83
6377 9105 5414 9992 3310 5212 69 55
2583B 6377 6800 9105 9992 8874 78 51

KCMT (Kendrick Castillo Memorial Tournament)

in Denver, CO, USA

Team 9992 was Rank 18 with a record of 9-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 3rd Pick of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 2972
Pick 1 4944
Pick 2 1410
Pick 3 9992
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9996 9992 2036 2945 2240 2996 81 89
9992 9987 1799 2972 3374 9996 60 63
4418 9998 4388 7737 9992 9988 97 66
4499 9989 9991 9992 9995 4550 168 86
9997 7737 9994 4418 1339 9992 15 103
9996 3200 1799 9992 8334 9997 62 101
1977 3807 9995 9993 2240 9992 89 77
9992 4293 7485 8334 4944 9993 110 68
3648 5493 9997 9991 9999 9992 29 105
3648 9992 1619 7485 4068 5933 140 78
1619 8334 4499 9992 1410 2972 140 103
9992 4944 1410 4388 4068 9995 142 116
3648 4418 3200 1410 4944 9992 93 147
9992 4944 1410 2240 1339 5933 159 122
3729 2945 2996 1410 4944 9992 100 127
1619 3374 4499 1410 4944 9992 181 153
1619 3374 4499 1410 4944 9992 189 141

Arizona Robotics League Championship

in Glendale, AZ, USA

No matches played.

Madtown Throwdown

in Madera, CA, USA

No matches played.

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