From Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
aka HWCDSB/John Deere Canada/HATCH/Rev Robotics/Stryker/Jantz Canada/Arcelor-Mittal Dofasco&Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School
Rookie Year: 2015
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Event Results

Team 5406 was 34-21-0 in official play and 60-38-0 overall in 2023.

As a member of the Ontario district, Team 5406 ranked 24 having earned 194 points.

ONT District Western University Engineering Event

in London, ON, Canada
to Week 3

Team 5406 was Rank 4 with a record of 9-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 2).

Captain 5406
Pick 1 1285
Pick 2 6070

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 13
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 32
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ONT District McMaster University

in Hamilton, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 5406 was Rank 4 with a record of 11-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Gracious Professionalism Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 5).

Captain 5406
Pick 1 2200
Pick 2 7722

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 13
Award Points 5
Total Points 51
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6135 8765 1325 6140 6854 5406 99 107
6135 7623 5406 8764 1374 4343 89 96
7722 7022 1310 5406 9062 8765 109 112
2056 5406 6975 1241 1310 188 146 114
8884 6992 1241 7722 7520 5406 112 103
9062 1334 6140 2609 5406 7058 67 129
1334 188 5406 6992 7200 1360 118 100
5406 6865 4343 6992 8765 9262 116 35
9262 5406 1360 188 7520 6865 110 30
5406 4015 8764 4992 2056 6978 78 165
5406 1310 7659 4015 7509 2386 117 48
8764 2200 4992 7022 5406 7509 87 113
7722 2200 5406 4343 188 2386 145 82
6854 1241 2609 7722 2200 5406 131 151
4992 1325 2056 7722 2200 5406 199 143
5406 2200 7722 2609 1241 6854 142 150

FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship - TECHNOLOGY Division

in Hamilton, ON, Canada
to Week 6

Team 5406 was Rank 7 with a record of 10-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 3).

Captain 4976
Pick 1 5406
Pick 2 8884

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 54
Alliance Points 42
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 15
Total Points 111
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5031 5032 1360 4152 8349 5406 94 131
5406 1241 4951 771 1360 4308 100 34
772 5409 5719 2200 2702 5406 113 152
7558 5409 5406 4308 5032 4951 174 66
5032 3161 5406 5409 3683 5834 117 149
7659 781 8349 8081 5406 7136 113 132
4476 5406 7712 2634 9098 1374 142 118
8884 5406 9098 7136 4976 2056 143 171
4976 9098 7480 7659 5406 5719 148 143
5406 6978 4976 4152 2702 4476 158 107
2852 5834 9098 5406 1374 9062 94 109
5406 6140 2634 1374 2200 3161 132 124
8884 4976 5406 7480 781 4152 135 114
9098 2702 3161 5406 4976 8884 140 132
5406 4976 8884 1305 5409 6978 99 112

FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship

in Hamilton, ON, Canada
Week 6

Team 5406 won the following awards:

  • Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Brendan Simons)

No matches played.

Daly Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 5406 was Rank 40 with a record of 4-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 3rd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 4).

Captain 2054
Pick 1 695
Pick 2 5712
Pick 3 5406
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Rainbow Rumble

in Mason, MI, USA

Team 5406 was Rank 7 with a record of 11-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist

Captain 5406
Pick 1 4422
Pick 2 8728
Pick 3 5704
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7211 4327 4381 5406 7211B 226 107 105
6081 5406 3175 4381 302 2832 137 133
5406 818 3656 2611 7197 6861 120 78
3357 5406 302 4422 3656 3655 162 128
8424 4422 33 2832 5460 5406 124 159
9312 2834 7211B 5406 6861 503 108 137
2834 7166 5406 8728 5712B 4422 85 132
51 818 503 33 1038 5406 126 115
6078 226 6081B 3655 5406 7197 114 152
7211B 3655 3357 5406 8728 4422 167 165
302 3656 3175 5406 8728 4422 131 181
7211 7197 9312 5406 8728 4422 120 151
503 818 6078 5406 8728 4422 172 182
1038 33 6081 5406 8728 4422 130 160
51 2834 5460 5406 8728 4422 152 177
51 2834 5460 5406 8728 4422 202 191
51 2834 5460 5406 8728 4422 215 195


in Toronto, XX, USA

Team 5406 was Rank 7 with a record of 8-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 5).

Captain 5406
Pick 1 9991
Pick 2 8764
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2609 7520 4343 9996 5406 5719 87 77
2935 5834 8729 5406 7902 8574 105 81
4678 8764 3683 5406 9994 4039 156 142
5406 3683 9993 4343 8764 2634 110 85
4343 8574 8764 5596 5834 5406 48 125
2935 4343 5406 8729 2609 9991 109 112
5406 8764 8729 5719 2935 5596 85 77
1325 9996 1310 9995 5406 8729 119 112
9992 9991 5406 2702 8729 4039 124 103
1325 1310 5406 8089 4678 9992 179 118
4678 5406 2634 7902 9991 7520 150 74
8764 5406 9991 5834 2935 9995 126 110
9996 1325 1310 9991 5406 8764 130 157
8764 5406 9991 3683 8089 4678 149 177
8764 5406 9991 4039 2609 2634 110 161

Rah Cha Cha Ruckus

in Rochester, NY, USA

Team 5406 was Rank 5 with a record of 7-4-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 5).

Captain 5740
Pick 1 5406
Pick 2 4930
Pick 3 1126
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