From Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
aka The Thames Valley District School Board/SAF-Holland/2D Electronics and Automation/PH Engineering/Gene Haas Foundation/Timberland Equipment/KYJO Steel/Baird Machines Inc./Unlimited Metals/Precision Maintenance and Repair/STEMCamp Foundation/Jeff Dowdall/Superior Electric Motors Inc./Best Contractors/Canada Stampings Inc./DragonCore Canada Inc./Adams Building Supply/Fastenal&College Avenue Secondary School
Rookie Year: 2019
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Event Results

Team 7475 was 12-15-0 in official play and 15-19-1 overall in 2023.

As a member of the Ontario district, Team 7475 ranked 100 having earned 33 points.

ONT District Western University Engineering Event

in London, ON, Canada
to Week 3

Team 7475 was Rank 30 with a record of 4-8-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 7
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 7
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ONT District University of Waterloo Event

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 7475 was Rank 10 with a record of 8-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 3).

Captain 7475
Pick 1 8081
Pick 2 9062

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 11
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 26
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STEMley Cup Championship

in Hamilton, XX, USA

Team 7475 was Rank 22 with a record of 3-4-1

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7475 3538 48 5719 1511 9098 133 79
5719 7475 1360 3739 3683 9998 99 48
48 7509 4476 7475 1114 3739 96 96
3739 7558 48 7475 7509 1325 159 89
1325 4951 5719 3161 1310 7475 80 126
9997 2056 7475 4946 3538 1114 128 139
865 1114 4678 1241 7475 1511 171 124
865 4946 7475 3161 1325 3739 115 157

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