From Churchville, New York, USA
aka Churchville-Chili Central School District/Bausch & Lomb/The Donald F. and Maxine B. Davison Foundation/L3Harris/REV Robotics/Alumni and Mentors/Gene Haas Foundation/Power & Construction Group/Optimax/The Wiesmore Family&Churchville Chili High School
Rookie Year: 2000
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Event Results

Team 340 was 17-11-1 in official play and 20-17-1 overall in 2023.

Finger Lakes Regional

in Rochester, NY, USA
to Week 3

Team 340 was Rank 18 with a record of 8-7-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1507
Pick 1 340
Pick 2 250
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1551 340 271 1126 120 4027 71 71
1518 3550 3003 120 3799 340 95 86
340 4027 2228 3951 5528 639 104 57
340 6868 3015 1511 533 3838 127 49
340 229 5740 3360 3181 1507 69 109
4093 6806 1585 2340 340 1518 57 48
4150 63 2340 6300 5590 340 79 71
4930 1450 6621 1591 340 2791 39 136
191 3044 1591 424 3951 340 83 110
2228 2791 20 340 1507 250 118 137
250 1507 340 1559 3173 5740 93 122
250 1507 340 3360 3990 3550 128 102
340 1507 250 4027 1493 271 117 101
5740 3173 1559 340 1507 250 130 132
3003 1591 3015 340 1507 250 156 125
3003 1591 3015 340 1507 250 138 75

New York Tech Valley Regional

in Albany, NY, USA
to Week 5

Team 340 was Rank 7 with a record of 9-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 3).

Captain 340
Pick 1 1493
Pick 2 424
Watch All Matches

Rah Cha Cha Ruckus

in Rochester, NY, USA

Team 340 was Rank 26 with a record of 3-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 3).

Captain 3015
Pick 1 340
Pick 2 379
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
340 578 610 379 191 1585 88 77
1511 378 340 2053 1507 4930 89 97
578 3951 1559 340 3003 3173 102 90
4039 5406 1405 191 340 2340 142 64
1585 3015 9996 424 340 6868 128 47
1585 639 340 3181 1126 1511 79 69
1507 610 2228 3015 379 340 136 120
1405 3173 639 3015 379 340 84 86
4930 5406 5740 3015 379 340 108 98

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