From Sparta, Wisconsin, USA
aka Spartek Inc./Southwest Bus Services/Ashley Furniture/Flex Craft/Mathy Construction&Sparta High School
Rookie Year: 2020
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Event Results

Team 8024 was 7-13-0 in official play and 15-23-0 overall in 2023.

Iowa Regional

in Cedar Falls, IA, USA
to Week 4

Team 8024 was Rank 34 with a record of 4-6-0

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Rumble on the River

in La Crescent, MN, USA

Team 8024 was Rank 5 with a record of 8-10-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 6166
Pick 1 8024
Pick 2 9991
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2977 6421 9991 9994 8024 7021 57 8
8024 2977 9992 4011 7021 9991 35 61
6166 9992 5339 6421 7021 8024 46 102
6421 2977 6166 9993 5914 8024 83 22
7021 9994 8024 5339 4011 5914 50 82
8024 9991 5339 9993 4011 6421 17 107
9994 8024 4011 6166 9993 7021 83 28
9991 8024 6166 7021 5339 9993 60 52
8024 6421 9993 5914 7021 9992 85 72
2977 8024 9993 5339 9992 9994 30 13
8024 5914 6166 9992 9991 9994 70 33
9994 6421 6166 8024 4011 9992 102 74
2977 5914 4011 6166 5339 8024 93 62
8024 6166 9991 2977 4011 9993 45 76
5914 9994 5339 8024 6166 9991 55 57
2977 4011 9993 8024 6166 9991 54 77
7021 6421 9992 8024 6166 9991 101 64
7021 6421 9992 8024 6166 9991 115 64

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