Iowa Regional 2023

to Week 4
McLeod Center/UNI Dome in Cedar Falls, IA, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8770 9082 4260 9061 3102 2846 50 90
525 8024 8737 6732 4329 7048 72 110
5690 3928 7541 6424 8822 5935 124 108
9092 1625 8766 4096 1785 171 113 96
167 4624 8821 2264 4674 2667 69 51
5914 5041 4646 2847 6217 5125 56 107
6420 6419 6455 3058 5006 7848 70 81
2526 2040 8824 5837 8298 6317 61 84
7531 3277 7309 4021 967 5275 51 69
4859 9092 171 2957 8822 5690 64 59
4329 3102 4096 1785 167 3928 132 110
4624 2846 5041 6424 8737 1625 107 115
9061 5935 8821 6420 3058 2847 56 95
6419 2667 8824 6455 5914 2040 76 71
9082 7309 5125 525 5275 7531 61 82
5006 4859 6217 6317 8770 2264 84 109
3277 5837 4646 6732 7848 8766 112 58
2526 2957 4674 8024 967 4260 118 81
1625 7048 8298 4021 7541 3102 92 101
2847 4624 9061 171 5690 6455 92 51
525 2040 5125 4096 6419 2846 103 119
8824 1785 5275 4859 8737 2264 61 94
8770 6424 6732 5935 167 5837 100 106
9082 9092 3928 6217 967 7309 100 72
6420 7848 7048 4260 8822 2526 85 43
4674 4021 6317 7541 5041 3058 48 107
5006 2667 7531 4646 8766 2957 65 69
5914 8298 4329 8024 8821 3277 57 45
171 2847 2040 4624 6732 3102 105 84
8737 6419 5837 2264 2846 7309 93 130
7848 8822 967 167 7048 8770 79 88
4674 6217 4096 525 2526 6424 96 137
5690 1625 5275 8766 6317 3058 73 72
8821 6455 7541 5041 3277 2957 101 75
8824 4260 9092 4646 3928 4021 66 97
1785 8298 9082 5914 5935 6420 59 95
8024 4329 4859 5125 9061 5006 107 92
7048 6424 2667 2847 7531 8770 99 76
3058 6217 6419 3102 8766 8822 78 85
171 525 6317 8821 8737 967 92 65
5275 5041 6455 3928 2526 5837 51 90
4646 7848 2846 5690 3277 4674 103 54
9061 6732 8298 9092 5125 2264 19 133
2667 7309 167 8024 5006 1625 77 100
7531 7541 4260 1785 5914 4624 75 101
4859 4021 2040 4329 6420 9082 68 119
5935 4096 8766 2957 8824 7048 76 63
8770 8821 171 5275 6419 6424 60 77
8737 3102 2526 967 4646 5690 106 127
5041 6317 7848 7309 3058 9092 101 92
5006 2846 525 7541 1785 2667 128 102
7531 6420 4674 3928 5125 4329 107 132
5935 1625 6732 4260 5914 4859 88 55
2957 9082 8024 8824 5837 4624 67 78
2040 167 4096 3277 9061 6217 129 82
8822 2264 8298 4021 6455 2847 80 80
8766 5690 2846 7309 525 5041 88 82
6420 6317 6424 3102 4646 6419 114 83
3928 4260 7848 2667 4859 8821 74 73
5125 7048 7541 8824 171 3058 115 76
9092 4674 967 2040 5935 5006 95 83
8298 3277 2526 1625 2264 9082 85 106
8822 5837 9061 8737 7531 4624 42 83
2847 8024 1785 4021 8770 4096 97 81
4329 6455 2957 5275 6732 6217 84 51
5914 3058 3928 2846 171 167 67 100
2040 2667 6420 7048 5690 5041 115 101
6424 2264 8824 4260 525 1625 122 118
8822 4624 3277 6317 5125 5935 75 85
3102 8024 7531 5006 8821 9092 99 102
967 5837 6732 6419 4329 1785 103 65
6217 8298 4021 8737 5275 7848 60 64
7309 2957 5914 8770 9061 4674 36 62
7541 8766 2847 167 4859 2526 127 121
6455 4646 8822 9082 4096 525 59 101
5041 2264 8024 171 7531 5935 91 88
4624 5006 6419 3277 3928 7048 113 67
5837 5125 5690 8821 4260 4021 112 47
7848 6424 1785 2040 9061 4329 134 88
2526 9092 5275 3102 2667 5914 107 71
2846 9082 6317 167 2847 2957 91 119
967 3058 4859 8298 4096 4646 88 103
8766 4674 8737 6455 8770 1625 60 99
6732 6420 7309 7541 8824 6217 89 104
4329 4260 5006 5041 171 8822 104 79
6419 4021 5935 2667 2526 9061 60 75
2264 3928 2847 6317 2040 8024 143 89
3058 2957 3102 7848 525 3277 109 146
5125 6424 5914 8766 967 6455 103 65
4096 6732 8737 4674 7541 9082 81 109
2846 5275 8770 9092 4624 6420 76 130
6217 5690 167 8298 8824 7531 110 27
4859 4646 1785 7048 7309 8821 120 78
5837 2847 525 1625 171 6419 114 114


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 2264 1625 2667 5837
Alliance 2 6424 4329 1785
Alliance 3 7541 2847 3102
Alliance 4 9092 525 2846
Alliance 5 6420 3928 2040
Alliance 6 5125 4096 167
Alliance 7 4624 5006 2526
Alliance 8 7848 7048 4646

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2667 1625 2264 7048 4646 7848 129 103
9092 2846 525 3928 6420 2040 119 115
4329 6424 1785 5006 2526 4624 164 104
3102 2847 7541 4096 5125 167 141 87

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7048 4646 7848 3928 6420 2040 95 126
4624 2526 5006 4096 5125 167 121 111
5837 1625 2264 525 2846 9092 149 128
4329 6424 1785 7541 2847 3102 141 140

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9092 2846 525 5006 2526 4624 124 116
3102 2847 7541 3928 6420 2040 141 105

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5837 1625 2264 1785 6424 4329 149 137
3102 2847 7541 525 2846 9092 136 137

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4329 6424 1785 525 2846 9092 134 129


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5837 1625 2264 1785 6424 4329 124 126
5837 1625 2264 1785 6424 4329 141 147

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 2264-1625-2667-5837 1
8 7848-7048-4646 0
Match 7
1 2264-1625-2667-5837 1
4 9092-525-2846 0
Match 2
4 9092-525-2846 1
5 6420-3928-2040 0
Match 11
1 2264-1625-2667-5837 1
2 6424-4329-1785 0
Match 3
2 6424-4329-1785 1
7 4624-5006-2526 0
Match 8
2 6424-4329-1785 1
3 7541-2847-3102 0
1 2264-1625-2667-5837 0
2 6424-4329-1785 2
Match 4
3 7541-2847-3102 1
6 5125-4096-167 0
Match 13
2 6424-4329-1785 1
4 9092-525-2846 0
Match 10
3 7541-2847-3102 1
5 6420-3928-2040 0
Match 5
8 7848-7048-4646 0
5 6420-3928-2040 1
Match 12
3 7541-2847-3102 0
4 9092-525-2846 1
Match 9
4 9092-525-2846 1
7 4624-5006-2526 0
Match 6
7 4624-5006-2526 1
6 5125-4096-167 0
Ranking Score
Avg Match
Avg Charge Station
Avg Auto
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 2264 2.90 100.70 30.00 27.40 8-1-1 0 10 29
2 6424 2.80 106.50 27.00 27.30 8-2-0 0 10 28
3 1625 2.80 100.80 28.60 25.80 7-2-1 0 10 28
4 4329 2.80 98.10 29.80 28.40 8-2-0 0 10 28
5 7541 2.70 105.00 28.20 29.70 8-2-0 0 10 27
6 9092 2.70 97.20 29.60 28.10 8-2-0 0 10 27
7 6420 2.70 97.20 27.00 25.90 7-3-0 0 10 27
8 5125 2.60 101.30 29.60 26.00 7-3-0 0 10 26
9 2847 2.50 104.30 24.60 30.70 7-1-2 0 10 25
10 4624 2.40 88.00 27.40 21.70 7-3-0 0 10 24
11 7848 2.40 87.60 23.80 20.80 8-2-0 0 10 24
12 167 2.30 102.40 28.40 32.70 7-3-0 0 10 23
13 4096 2.30 98.40 29.80 29.90 6-4-0 0 10 23
14 3928 2.30 95.90 26.80 29.10 7-3-0 0 10 23
15 525 2.20 104.00 26.00 28.80 6-3-1 0 10 22
16 5837 2.20 90.90 26.60 25.40 7-2-1 0 10 22
17 2846 2.10 97.80 28.40 32.80 7-3-0 0 10 21
18 5006 2.00 92.20 31.40 27.60 6-4-0 0 10 20
19 4646 1.90 87.90 22.00 26.50 7-3-0 0 10 19
20 7048 1.90 87.60 26.20 24.40 5-5-0 0 10 19
21 9082 1.90 85.80 27.80 28.60 5-5-0 0 10 19
22 6317 1.90 85.80 26.00 23.60 6-4-0 0 10 19
23 5935 1.90 81.80 29.40 22.70 5-5-0 0 10 19
24 5690 1.80 87.90 21.00 21.80 6-4-0 0 10 18
25 171 1.80 84.90 27.60 30.60 4-5-1 0 10 18
26 8766 1.80 76.60 22.40 22.60 6-4-0 0 10 18
27 4859 1.70 86.90 30.60 29.40 4-6-0 0 10 17
28 3102 1.60 94.50 28.00 29.70 4-6-0 0 10 16
29 1785 1.60 92.30 27.60 27.60 4-6-0 0 10 16
30 2526 1.50 91.60 24.40 24.40 5-5-0 0 10 15
31 2040 1.50 88.20 27.80 26.90 3-7-0 0 10 15
32 967 1.50 83.40 26.20 24.70 4-6-0 0 10 15
33 6217 1.50 81.70 29.40 27.30 3-7-0 0 10 15
34 8024 1.50 81.60 28.60 20.70 4-6-0 0 10 15
35 2957 1.50 78.90 26.80 24.30 4-6-0 0 10 15
36 2667 1.50 77.40 24.60 26.30 4-6-0 0 10 15
37 6732 1.50 74.60 23.00 20.60 3-7-0 0 10 15
38 8824 1.50 70.20 23.60 21.90 4-6-0 0 10 15
39 5275 1.50 64.20 18.00 17.10 6-4-0 0 10 15
40 3058 1.40 83.30 30.40 30.60 3-7-0 0 10 14
41 6419 1.40 79.20 25.80 25.30 3-6-1 0 10 14
42 8770 1.40 78.60 24.60 25.00 4-6-0 0 10 14
43 4674 1.40 76.50 22.40 23.70 4-6-0 0 10 14
44 8737 1.30 76.90 19.60 19.90 4-6-0 0 10 13
45 9061 1.30 69.80 24.20 24.00 4-6-0 0 10 13
46 5914 1.30 66.00 21.00 21.60 4-6-0 0 10 13
47 8298 1.30 62.70 21.00 18.10 3-6-1 0 10 13
48 5041 1.20 80.30 25.40 20.40 3-7-0 0 10 12
49 4021 1.20 69.10 25.80 21.90 3-6-1 0 10 12
50 8821 1.20 68.40 25.20 22.40 3-7-0 0 10 12
51 6455 1.10 71.10 18.80 21.30 3-6-1 0 10 11
52 4260 0.90 70.80 24.40 18.40 2-8-0 0 10 9
53 8822 0.90 66.20 23.20 17.20 1-8-1 0 10 9
54 3277 0.80 75.50 21.00 15.70 2-8-0 0 10 8
55 7309 0.80 73.40 23.60 23.80 1-9-0 0 10 8
56 7531 0.80 72.30 20.40 19.90 2-8-0 0 10 8

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Platteville, Wisconsin, USA
Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA
Marion, Iowa, USA
Winnebago, Illinois, USA
Blue Springs, Missouri, USA
Dunlap, Illinois, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Osseo, Minnesota, USA
Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA
Roseville, Minnesota, USA
Fairmont, Minnesota, USA
Alden, Minnesota, USA
Annandale, Minnesota, USA
Nevis, Minnesota, USA
Thief River Falls, Minnesota, USA
Ames, Iowa, USA
Onalaska, Wisconsin, USA
Champaign, Illinois, USA
Blue Earth Area, Minnesota, USA
Saint Peters, Missouri, USA
Owatonna, Minnesota, USA
Polk City, Iowa, USA
Bemidji, Minnesota, USA
Byron, Minnesota, USA
Prairie Grove, Arkansas, USA
West Branch, Iowa, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Team Location Image
New Prague, Minnesota, USA
Esko, Minnesota, USA
Waterloo, Iowa, USA
Caledonia, Minnesota, USA
Grinnell, Iowa, USA
Cannon Falls, Minnesota, USA
Davenport, Iowa, USA
West Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Muscatine, Iowa, USA
Knob Noster, Missouri, USA
Waterloo, Iowa, USA
Bruce, Wisconsin, USA
Fargo, North Dakota, USA
Storm Lake, Iowa, USA
Dubuque, Iowa, USA
Mapleton, Minnesota, USA
Pontiac, Illinois, USA
Sparta, Wisconsin, USA
Luverne, Minnesota, USA
Eddyville, Iowa, USA
Packwood, Iowa, USA
Charles City, Iowa, USA
Montrose, Iowa, USA
Wapello, Iowa, USA
Mediapolis, Iowa, USA
Pleasant Valley, Iowa, USA
Ogden, Iowa, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 4096
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 3928
Rookie All Star Award 9092
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Michael Woyczik (5914)
Volunteer of the Year Amanda Newendorp and Tyler Owen
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Zoey Berghorst (8298)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Rebecca Murphy (3928)
Regional Winners 6424
Regional Winners 4329
Regional Winners 1785
Regional Finalists 2264
Regional Finalists 1625
Regional Finalists 2667
Regional Finalists 5837
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 167
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 525
Excellence in Engineering Award 6424
Gracious Professionalism Award 5690
Highest Rookie Seed 9092
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5006
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3058
Innovation in Control Award 2264
Judges' Award 5837
Quality Award 4329
Rookie Inspiration Award 9082
Team Spirit Award 8298
Team Sustainability Award 7531
Wildcard 9092
Wildcard 2264
Wildcard 1625
Wildcard 2667

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 340 564 60.28%
Auto Docked 149 188 79.26%
Auto Engaged 123 188 65.43%
Coopertition Criteria Met 147 188 78.19%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 29 188 15.43%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 116 188 61.70%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
18 188 9.57%

Match Statistics

High Score 146 in Q88
Average Match Score 87.89
Average Winning Score 101.32
Average Win Margin 26.86
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 5.43 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 10.41 30.61 --
Average Park Points -- 1.45 --
Average Charge Station Points 8.96 16.77 --
Average Link Points -- -- 11.25
Average Foul Points -- -- 3.03
Average Score 24.79 48.82 87.89


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 77 90 85.56%
Auto Docked 28 30 93.33%
Auto Engaged 27 30 90.00%
Coopertition Criteria Met 0 30 0.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 164 in SF3-1
Average Match Score 127.30
Average Winning Score 136.53
Average Win Margin 18.47
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 7.70 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 16.30 42.83 --
Average Park Points -- 0.40 --
Average Charge Station Points 11.07 26.20 --
Average Link Points -- -- 18.00
Average Foul Points -- -- 4.80
Average Score 35.07 69.43 127.30
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