From Long Beach, California, USA
aka The Boeing Company/Frontier Technologies/Long Beach Unified School District/Primo Powder Coating&Polytechnic High School
Rookie Year: 2018
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Robot Name: Wyvern

Event Results

Team 7042 was 20-17-0 in official play and 33-29-0 overall in 2023.

Aerospace Valley Regional

in Lancaster, CA, USA
to Week 5

Team 7042 was Rank 28 with a record of 9-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 7157
Pick 1 4414
Pick 2 7042
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8768 687 4079 2659 7042 9084 119 121
7042 687 3759 2659 5124 8768 92 130
4014 1197 4698 7042 8768 3669 82 107
981 5124 7042 8888 6305 399 51 66
4419 4415 8060 8888 4079 7042 159 88
5012 3669 6060 7042 7607 8060 106 53
691 7042 3512 2073 3476 6417 87 142
7157 5012 7042 2073 691 4698 125 110
7042 5869 399 6657 4698 3512 82 133
6657 5012 9084 3476 980 7042 56 105
9084 4414 3669 6072 7042 6305 126 89
6417 7042 6657 8888 2375 687 97 133
7042 7157 4414 4419 3749 5012 163 100
7042 7157 4414 3512 2659 1197 172 118
7042 7157 4414 2073 4415 6657 172 144
7042 7157 4414 2073 4415 6657 185 143
7042 7157 4414 2073 4415 6657 180 93

Curie Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 7042 was Rank 47 with a record of 6-4-0

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SoCal Showdown

in El Segundo, CA, 90245

Team 7042 was Rank 17 with a record of 9-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Innovation Award

Captain 9408
Pick 1 696
Pick 2 7042
Pick 3 1452
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1138 7042 9997 6072 3759 2584 62 68
7042 4322 8006 2637 696 1138 57 132
968 7042 9998 8006 6072 9993 119 33
6904 4123 1452 6220 2710 7042 58 81
9996 9998 9408 3759 1197 7042 136 76
687 9999 3473 2637 599 7042 115 111
9995 4470 5199 4201 7042 9996 141 68
599 5089 597 7042 696 5199 142 149
7042 1452 9408 968 3473 9997 107 54
2584 3473 7042 4 294 4470 98 124
696 7042 9408 1197 4201 4123 144 126
696 7042 9408 599 2710 9995 156 84
696 7042 9408 687 9996 294 159 133
696 7042 9408 2637 9999 968 153 111
696 7042 9408 2637 9999 968 140 112
696 7042 9408 2637 9999 968

Beach Blitz presented by the Gene Haas Foundation

in Mission Viejo, CA, USA

Team 7042 was Rank 24 with a record of 4-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Scouting Award

Captain 294
Pick 1 3476
Pick 2 2710
Pick 3 7042
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Robot Name: Wyvern

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