From Waialua, Hawaii, USA
aka State of Hawaii Dream Equipment Dream Fund - 1,800,000.00/State of Hawaii CIP - 1,350,000.00/State of Hawaii Title IV-A SSAE Grant - 320,000.00/State of Hawaii DHS Uplink Grant - 138,000.00/Waialua Complex 21st CCLC Grant - 95,000.00/Friends of Waialua Robotics, Inc. - 40,000.00/McInerny Foundation - 30,000.00/Waialua High School STEM Learning Center - 20,000.00/PHNSY & IMF - 23,750.00/Career & Technical Education - Perkins and State - 17,800.00/Atherton Family Foundation - 10,000.00/First Hawaiian Bank Foundation - 10,000.00/Corteva Agriscience - 8,000.00/L3 Harris Foundation - 5,000.00/Ms. Fumiko Horii - 5,000.00/Waialua Federal Credit Union - 5,000.00/Susan L. Smith Charitable Fund - 2,000.00/Gene Haas Foundation - 2,750.00/RTX-Raytheon - 2,500.00/Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association - AFCEA International - 2000.00/Hawaiian Electric Company - 2,000.00/BAE Systems P&S - 2,000.00/Island X Hawaii - 1,000.00/HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Un... &Waialua High & Interm School
Rookie Year: 2000
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Hall of Fame (2011): Video

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Event Results

Team 359 was 17-5-0 in official play in 2003.

Silicon Valley Regional

in San Jose, CA, USA
to Week 4

Team 359 had a record of 12-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman’s Award
  • Regional Finalist

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
973 359 632 480 14 63
971 701 1097 359 41 67
359 971 691 632 88 8
359 766 159 831 62 28
668 972 359 374 18 46
831 1120 359 8 9 36
159 114 256 359 28 61
581 376 632 359 39 82
1045 692 359 368 49 113
368 359 691 114 33 7
368 359 841 846 37 31
368 359 841 846 33 7
368 359 115 254 25 56
368 359 115 254 50 6

Galileo Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 359 had a record of 5-3-0

Captain 45
Pick 1 217
Pick 2 359
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
662 359 1029 473 45 49
348 359 945 662 20 32
359 118 207 473 39 7
359 1029 145 783 84 10
359 945 662 461 43 2
1038 945 783 359 37 53
486 999 1029 359 30 66
359 217 123 541 28 70

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