From Clarkston, Michigan, USA
aka Walsh Education Foundation/David W. Elliott Memorial Foundation/BorgWarner/Team 221 LLC/REV Robotics/Lawrence Plastics/Techmode, LLC/AMT/Chase Plastics/PMMI Foundation/White Pine Helicopters/Rotary Club of Clarkston/BGM Engineering/Omnia Data Services Corp/BOWMAN Chevrolet/Prime Energy CS/1-800-GOT-JUNK?/Amica/Michigan Drone Flights/Oakland University - School of Engineering and Computer Science/Atom Tech/Rehab/YAYMARSHALL/The Edwards Family/Nana & Papa McKay/FLIP/Razal Grandparents/The Law office of Robert Spencer/Linda McClelland/Online Marketing/River of Life Christian Church/BAE Systems/Shovel Bums/WSM Consulting LLC/Hungry Howie's/IGD Solutions/AUCH/Club Pilates - Clarkston/MATRIX Engineered Systems/ESSENTIAL Electric/INTERLINK Networks/adkison, need & allen, PLLC/Don's Electric/Dort Financial Credit Union/Michigan Flight Museum and Air Adventures/BHD Builders/Cyberlink Computing LLC/Clarkston Foundation/Air-Way Global Manufacturing/Kitchen tune up/Gestam... &Clarkston High School
Rookie Year: 1997
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Hall of Fame (2014): Video, Presentation, Essay

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Event Results

Team 27 was 29-14-0 in official play and 40-23-0 overall in 2008.

Detroit Regional

in Detroit, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 27 was Rank 2 with a record of 13-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • Woodie Flowers Award (Anthony Lapp of Team 27)
  • Regional Finalist

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
515 314 1250 27 2048 1528 0 34
2337 818 184 27 1250 5 38 14
519 1506 245 515 440 27 28 30
184 440 123 27 903 703 10 52
1 703 815 27 217 302 34 54
27 1025 314 1602 123 835 26 24
453 1025 184 469 27 245 30 38
49 27 247 123 5 302 56 0
397 27 519 703 515 247 66 34
27 47 818 49 217 5 74 62
453 27 47 1506 245 247 96 66
453 27 47 245 1506 247 50 76
453 47 27 245 1506 247 100 46
47 27 453 1528 1025 815 62 68
27 453 47 815 1528 1025 56 52
27 47 453 1025 815 1528 74 38
217 440 469 47 27 453 98 84
440 469 217 47 453 27 124 106

Great Lakes Regional

in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 27 was Rank 3 with a record of 8-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Motorola Quality Award

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
67 240 306 27 470 65 8 86
27 67 291 308 33 2163 122 28
1015 217 63 27 245 326 78 44
313 217 27 461 68 123 98 0
573 280 201 548 494 27 54 116
66 1023 27 322 70 226 92 64
322 33 27 107 1747 326 50 64
2576 503 47 2612 308 27 48 94
1646 27 469 65 245 68 114 44
27 469 1646 68 245 65 110 48
503 67 326 469 27 1646 94 46
503 67 326 1646 469 27 96 68

Archimedes Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 27 was Rank 7 with a record of 8-5-0

Captain 525
Pick 1 27
Pick 2 93
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
49 269 752 1727 27 322 72 98
433 2604 171 49 27 85 90 64
122 599 177 116 27 135 62 106
357 337 27 222 401 303 110 68
93 41 27 303 151 71 86 96
27 66 71 201 1 116 116 52
701 303 27 107 228 66 106 68
93 525 27 292 201 41 86 94
525 27 93 201 292 41 100 68
525 93 27 41 292 201 100 86
93 525 27 1124 1024 177 86 82
27 93 525 1024 1124 177 102 126
27 525 93 177 1124 1024 64 92

Einstein Field

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 27 won the following awards:

  • Championship - Motorola Quality

No matches played.

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 27 had a record of 6-7-0

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