From Goodrich, Michigan, USA
aka General Motors / State of Michigan / Fiat Chrysler Automotive Foundation / Kettering University / Patti Engineering / Leoni / Midstates Bolt & Screw Co. / Mid Michigan Robotics Alliance / Polyflex Products / Spentech / Ford Motor & Goodrich High School
Rookie Year: 1998
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Event Results

Team 70 was 23-21-0 in official play and 29-26-1 overall in 2008.

St. Louis Regional

in St. Charles, MO, USA
to Week 1

Team 70 was Rank 14 with a record of 5-6-0

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West Michigan Regional

in Allendale, MI, USA
to Week 4

Team 70 was Rank 12 with a record of 8-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • General Motors Industrial Design Award

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Great Lakes Regional

in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 70 was Rank 28 with a record of 5-6-0

Galileo Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 70 was Rank 34 with a record of 5-3-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1366 115 25 509 70 48 80 56
195 1212 234 457 70 1038 116 74
84 65 217 70 115 195 70 80
70 180 217 399 40 65 64 34
226 103 168 812 70 65 38 48
1983 1758 70 2621 2638 134 60 30
8 103 70 612 302 364 54 64
2340 121 70 2487 8 84 68 42

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 70 had a record of 3-3-1

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
118 931 1625 1501 70 48 66 90
1114 70 292 2056 1 233 134 60
1014 876 16 368 830 70 113 94
68 71 868 968 27 70 120 108
2171 1018 330 70 494 93 146 122
67 70 910 1741 573 1008 90 44
461 70 101 116 1731 2194 60 60

Kettering Kickoff

in Flint, MI, USA

Team 70 had a record of 3-2-0

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