From Milford, New Hampshire, USA
aka BAE Systems/Rockwell Automation/Cirtronics/Vertex&Milford Area Youth Homeschoolers Enriching Minds
Rookie Year: 2005
Last competed in 2021
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Event Results

Team 1519 was 10-4-1 in official play and 25-10-2 overall in 2008.

BAE SYSTEMS Granite State Regional

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Week 1

Team 1519 was Rank 4 with a record of 10-4-1

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Battlecry@WPI 9

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 1519 had a record of 11-5-1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
175 811 1735 1519 195 1468 38 26
166 1761 1058 1519 1153 811 40 60
271 555 1685 263 1519 1058 94 72
562 555 1519 172 190 238 72 36
1289 1519 1761 88 809 1991 70 32
97 571 1474 1519 467 1991 46 78
230 1519 2079 1100 126 1991 106 86
126 1519 1027 181 571 2342 56 46
126 1519 1027 181 571 2342 100 56
176 238 175 1519 126 1027 104 70
238 175 176 1519 126 1027 80 86
238 176 175 1027 1519 126 80 92
271 263 839 1027 126 1519 72 82
271 263 839 1519 126 1027 64 94
121 1474 40 1519 126 1027 146 82
121 40 1474 1027 1519 126 98 98
1474 40 121 1519 126 1027 130 82

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 1519 had a record of 4-1-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1731 1739 1114 1519 330 910 112 126
461 1243 1519 1008 16 93 44 80
2171 47 2194 1720 2377 1519 64 68
1501 469 1519 292 27 1327 86 60
1519 116 888 931 868 1094 86 34

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