From Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
aka Illinois Tool Works (ITW)/Amiel P. Zak Fund/Collins Aerospace & 4-H & Connecticut 4-H Foundation, Inc. & Windsor Locks High School & Suffield High School
Rookie Year: 1996
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Robot Name: Acenator

Event Results

Team 176 was 15-12-1 in official play and 35-20-1 overall in 2017.

As a member of the New England district, Team 176 ranked 100 having earned 47 points.

NE District - Waterbury Event

in Waterbury, CT 06704, USA
to Week 1

Team 176 was Rank 7 with a record of 8-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 176
Pick 1 175
Pick 2 2170

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 30
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NE District - Rhode Island Event

in Smithfield, RI 02917, USA
to Week 4

Team 176 was Rank 28 with a record of 7-7-1

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 5000
Pick 1 88
Pick 2 176

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 10
Alliance Points 7
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 17
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6731 6620 176 2064 1786 121 235 305
176 1350 3780 126 5856 78 220 292
1757 1768 4796 176 2168 5112 305 230
1153 3466 176 5112 1100 1124 235 205
4097 1350 190 4151 4048 176 235 235
3780 4097 1757 4176 176 1277 235 262
176 467 5846 69 4097 6731 235 215
2877 121 467 2262 176 126 245 260
1973 1099 1153 4796 176 88 255 210
2877 176 1099 1277 5000 3719 194 305
5856 2079 125 176 157 1100 294 305
3719 176 1973 78 1768 3525 255 235
6620 4176 5846 88 5000 176 305 331
6620 4176 5846 88 5000 176 475 255
6620 4176 5846 88 5000 176 255 206

Connecticut State Championship

in Guilford, CT, USA

Team 176 was Rank 21 with a record of 9-2-0

Captain 195
Pick 1 558
Pick 2 176
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
181 3461 4055 3719 176 2067 255 187
177 228 5686 176 3146 2168 186 250
176 2836 5142 230 2064 3634 205 196
1991 1071 176 173 1699 3146 245 235
3525 176 237 4557 230 2168 255 336
176 195 558 236 155 228 458 310
176 195 558 236 155 228 519 190
176 195 558 2067 2836 2170 405 249
176 195 558 2067 2836 2170 572 308
176 195 558 999 230 3654 466 351
176 195 558 999 230 3654 531 255

BattleCry 18

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 176 was Rank 4 with a record of 7-1-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
131 6763 2713 176 3719 1073 242 255
176 238 172 88 181 228 266 260
4987 1100 716 1289 176 2877 211 310
176 133 467 5556 839 2342 254 197
237 5846 3467 176 999 716 186 346
4122 2262 138 176 173 2079 95 185
2084 121 1058 4041 4122 176 225 235
4176 176 121 5030 4055 4151 255 271

RiverRage 21

in Manchester, NH, USA

Team 176 was Rank 16 with a record of 4-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 811
Pick 1 5556
Pick 2 176
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
131 237 1058 176 190 5556 241 200
6762 238 88 319 176 166 130 230
5813 1922 4905 6324 2342 176 235 285
176 4909 5813 319 1519 6328 225 350
176 811 5556 6328 6324 4909 285 270
176 811 5556 6328 6324 4909 195 260
176 811 5556 6328 6324 4909 285 195
3467 125 88 5556 811 176 322 205
3467 125 88 5556 811 176 371 210

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Robot Name: Acenator

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