From Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
aka Illinois Tool Works (ITW)/Amiel P. Zak Fund/Collins Aerospace & 4-H & Connecticut 4-H Foundation, Inc. & Windsor Locks High School & Suffield High School
Rookie Year: 1996
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Robot Name: Black Widow

Event Results

Team 176 was 53-18-0 in official play and 65-19-0 overall in 2018.

As a member of the New England district, Team 176 ranked 4 having earned 286 points.

NE District Waterbury Event

in Waterbury, CT 06704, USA
to Week 2

Team 176 was Rank 7 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 230
Pick 1 176
Pick 2 5129

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 17
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 68
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
236 1676 3525 176 3182 4097 192 233
181 5142 176 3464 2170 558 354 105
1676 176 6723 4572 7266 5856 310 231
1085 4557 177 3525 5856 176 456 283
3314 4055 2170 176 1085 237 272 324
176 7266 3464 5129 999 1085 347 55
5129 6723 237 176 571 230 230 536
3461 230 5856 177 176 1699 377 243
1124 5129 176 999 3314 3182 290 348
3314 176 228 4055 6723 181 430 215
2067 176 501 4055 1085 4572 454 113
4557 1099 176 2170 228 5129 352 395
176 230 5129 999 237 4055 443 304
176 230 5129 999 237 4055 433 331
176 230 5129 558 3461 4097 415 298
176 230 5129 558 3461 4097 525 154
176 230 5129 5856 177 5142 413 283
176 230 5129 5856 177 5142 389 350

NE District Hartford Event

in Hartford, CT 06105, USA
to Week 6

Team 176 was Rank 5 with a record of 13-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 230
Pick 1 176
Pick 2 2064

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 59
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
155 176 173 3182 3146 3634 463 159
4987 7153 6333 195 236 176 30 454
5686 3634 176 2067 236 5746 419 232
5746 155 3146 1740 176 6346 234 433
2064 839 176 6895 173 5129 383 210
2170 181 1973 1085 176 177 356 403
230 2785 999 1027 5142 176 496 213
177 190 195 176 175 5746 417 293
6333 176 2836 3146 3654 6812 411 316
2064 177 1991 176 7127 190 217 393
181 1027 571 176 6812 4987 437 211
176 999 3464 7127 5686 4987 297 192
176 230 2064 2067 2836 5686 443 294
176 230 2064 2067 2836 5686 444 277
176 230 2064 236 999 839 335 287
176 230 2064 236 999 839 447 289
177 195 7153 176 230 2064 435 282
177 195 7153 176 230 2064 519 237

New England District Championship

in Boston, MA 02215, USA
to Week 7

Team 176 was Rank 9 with a record of 14-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Finalist

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 177
Pick 1 176
Pick 2 78

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 54
Alliance Points 45
Playoff Points 60
Award Points 0
Total Points 159
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5735 177 5813 133 811 176 294 381
176 1699 2168 2370 1729 1058 387 109
176 1289 5687 2168 3236 6763 539 289
2067 3930 6329 4176 176 230 232 470
4041 176 467 3623 195 6933 348 363
5000 999 1519 177 175 176 182 502
176 1071 2877 88 663 6328 460 162
78 2342 95 238 4557 176 214 469
125 5856 1100 58 7153 176 295 362
176 5856 1729 4041 2836 319 291 453
1768 176 5962 1153 1073 558 349 272
7127 176 2370 5962 237 6201 427 323
176 177 78 1729 2170 2168 434 347
176 177 78 1729 2170 2168 349 306
176 177 78 125 133 238 366 426
176 177 78 125 133 238 423 273
176 177 78 125 133 238 385 253
319 195 5846 176 177 78 409 311
319 195 5846 176 177 78 411 326

Darwin Division

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 176 was Rank 4 with a record of 12-4-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 176
Pick 1 177
Pick 2 772
Pick 3 3274
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2337 125 3274 3535 176 5740 421 144
51 4122 176 578 5234 1711 367 298
2451 1418 176 3504 3130 5339 429 238
234 176 6869 247 2834 2791 446 342
176 5406 2501 494 1391 772 485 311
4917 176 5914 4905 157 365 398 302
4198 6869 250 176 2481 5883 211 446
977 6947 3542 857 1625 176 301 489
548 4645 3117 176 6193 2337 275 400
5492 3461 5443 176 3844 3536 183 356
772 176 177 3542 2337 1018 300 447
772 177 176 3542 2337 1018 540 356
772 177 176 3542 2337 1018 446 277
4028 1391 56 772 177 176 324 402
4028 56 365 772 177 176 383 335
4028 56 365 772 177 176 392 326

CT FIRST State Robotics Championship

in Groton, CT 06340, USA

Team 176 had a record of 12-1-0

Captain 176
Pick 1 195
Pick 2 3182
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Robot Name: Black Widow

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