Winners advance to the Einstein Field
The Dome at America's Center in St. Louis, MO, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5114 66 1099 3560 4468 5053 124 72
2834 4391 2054 177 433 5854 152 50
1690 5915 3303 2337 5912 74 117 106
1860 1250 2522 6134 537 4930 99 79
1405 604 5030 5016 6221 5809 66 94
5439 2194 6171 5726 3042 329 91 88
2451 781 4488 5677 2363 3158 110 107
3245 1510 1675 111 5437 3130 113 162
2415 3655 4905 1756 3039 2823 71 87
5804 181 1622 2619 423 272 78 106
3238 1806 2783 461 1306 6219 135 108
3853 6055 33 540 3015 548 114 99
3044 2056 1690 4401 5030 5114 177 117
3130 433 3042 5912 1250 4930 94 93
2522 5016 4468 2834 4905 3158 111 142
2619 5053 6171 111 1860 781 98 111
2783 1622 2194 3245 6221 2363 97 101
5677 2337 1806 3560 3015 3655 118 62
4488 6219 329 5854 3303 6055 110 79
272 2056 2451 2054 548 1756 149 114
5809 1405 540 1099 461 4391 75 119
6134 177 1306 604 2415 3044 111 114
423 66 74 5437 5726 2823 72 109
3039 1510 3238 5439 181 3853 89 76
1675 33 537 5915 4401 5804 57 75
2194 3015 3303 1690 433 5016 90 126
5030 4488 1860 1099 3130 2783 109 161
3044 6219 5809 1756 5053 4930 102 124
3158 272 4391 1806 74 1250 84 120
461 6221 781 329 3039 548 87 141
4401 3042 177 2363 4905 2619 102 82
3245 1306 2823 6171 6055 537 124 73
4468 5437 1405 2337 1622 5439 116 83
540 5854 2451 5804 6134 66 122 86
111 2834 604 2056 5915 3238 126 110
33 2522 181 3853 2054 3560 143 99
5726 2415 5912 5677 5114 1675 98 110
423 1510 3042 3655 3303 3044 75 90
433 4401 3245 4468 74 548 111 132
2363 272 1306 5437 3015 4930 86 112
1250 1690 3238 1756 177 329 135 109
540 1099 537 2834 2783 2056 90 155
6221 5053 6134 5804 4488 5016 72 118
5809 5912 3853 781 6171 1622 80 84
5677 4391 2451 5915 1510 604 150 88
1860 66 3158 3655 181 1675 84 91
3039 1405 111 2522 2054 1806 81 112
2194 423 5114 2337 4905 3130 103 148
5030 2415 3560 5726 6055 6219 104 112
5439 2823 461 2619 33 5854 125 123
6221 537 4468 5912 3303 3238 84 93
74 3655 5804 604 781 2783 108 61
433 5437 1756 3158 1806 6171 115 116
3044 272 5915 66 2522 2194 84 85
4905 1690 5053 2451 1675 1405 99 124
1622 5016 6219 33 177 1510 83 172
3015 5439 4488 2415 423 4391 112 100
5809 2619 1250 3039 2056 6055 111 117
4930 4401 3560 111 540 5030 80 129
5677 1099 548 3130 1306 181 100 147
2363 2337 3853 2823 2834 6134 95 104
3042 1860 2054 5114 3245 461 105 151
329 5854 4468 5726 1675 1806 118 129
3655 6055 2619 272 433 1405 79 88
3303 3560 5809 5439 2783 2451 77 124
1250 781 5915 6219 1099 5437 99 101
2337 5016 4401 4488 1306 2522 73 108
5804 2823 548 2194 1860 3044 156 103
181 4905 5726 461 604 4930 82 117
6134 1756 3015 5030 5912 1510 112 72
5114 2363 3039 329 33 4391 118 149
3853 3245 66 6221 177 2056 103 167
423 1690 5854 3158 537 111 134 80
2054 3238 6171 540 1622 5677 137 79
74 3130 2834 3042 2415 5053 97 113
2823 1675 1099 604 3015 2522 141 111
181 5912 6055 3044 2451 5016 80 171
3655 4468 461 2194 2056 6134 116 152
1806 2619 4488 5114 1510 537 135 103
3039 6219 2337 433 540 3158 105 62
2363 5726 74 1756 1860 3853 119 72
5677 2834 329 5804 5437 5809 100 67
781 3238 3245 1690 272 33 111 187
1250 5053 5439 1306 5030 2054 98 150
423 4930 177 2783 5915 1405 134 106
1622 2415 111 3303 4905 66 92 93
6171 5854 4391 4401 6221 3130 112 117
3560 548 5437 3042 3039 5016 109 113
604 5804 6219 4468 3853 1690 93 152
3655 329 540 2522 5912 5053 95 107
3245 5726 3044 4488 2834 1250 102 118
66 537 2415 2363 781 1405 119 99
177 2823 5030 181 3303 1806 127 120
3130 3158 3015 2054 5915 2619 102 94
111 548 5114 6134 5809 5439 125 85
1099 4930 2194 3238 5854 74 98 148
1756 2783 461 5677 4401 6055 112 80
6171 1860 4905 272 3560 1510 95 80
2337 2056 4391 1622 3042 1675 151 101
433 1306 6221 423 33 2451 84 132
2054 5726 177 5809 3655 537 87 75
1690 1806 2834 548 5439 66 190 102
3158 4401 3303 5053 1099 3853 82 129
3044 2823 3130 3560 1405 3238 134 116
540 1860 5915 2415 5016 5854 107 115
74 1306 1675 3039 6134 1622 137 94
1756 5030 781 4468 2194 4391 126 127
5437 2056 4905 33 5912 4488 149 127
272 3042 111 5677 6221 6219 105 83
2619 329 2451 2337 3245 4930 137 91
3015 2783 5114 181 6171 1250 125 107
433 1510 5804 2522 2363 461 90 138
6055 604 1806 423 1860 5053 100 98
3130 3303 6134 5726 3039 781 97 78
74 33 5439 3044 5677 537 134 96
177 4468 272 540 2823 4488 122 132
2056 181 1756 5854 1405 1306 132 80
1510 2337 1099 2054 5804 2415 111 116
6219 1675 2363 423 6171 548 120 102
5437 2522 2783 1690 4391 2619 130 142
3042 3238 3015 5809 66 4401 152 67
5915 1622 4905 329 5030 433 84 111
3158 5912 3560 604 2194 3245 78 109
4930 5114 6055 6221 3655 2834 115 127
5016 461 3853 111 1250 2451 94 122


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 2056 1690 3015 1405
Alliance 2 2451 1806 2194 1306
Alliance 3 2834 33 1756 329
Alliance 4 2823 3130 3042 2415
Alliance 5 4488 548 2363 1250
Alliance 6 4391 5114 2337 5854
Alliance 7 1675 177 111 3044
Alliance 8 74 2054 4468 3238

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1690 2056 3015 3238 74 2054 250 130
1690 2056 3015 4468 74 2054 205 169
2823 3130 3042 548 4488 1250 142 130
3130 2415 3042 548 4488 1250 147 140
2451 1806 2194 177 111 1675 152 113
2451 1806 2194 111 177 3044 195 144
2834 33 1756 5114 4391 2337 207 140
2834 33 1756 5114 4391 2337 154 125
1690 2056 3015 2415 3130 3042 165 180
1405 2056 1690 2415 3130 3042 207 180
1690 2056 1405 2415 3130 3042 209 145
1806 2451 1306 2834 33 1756 99 197
1806 2451 1306 2834 33 1756 150 207
1690 2056 3015 2834 33 1756 225 160
1690 2056 3015 2834 33 1756 210 170

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Record (W-L-T)
Ranking Score/Match*
1 2056 37 366 250 603 540 9-1-0 0 10 3.70
2 2451 36 297 195 499 580 10-0-0 0 10 3.60
3 2834 35 310 180 556 525 9-1-0 0 10 3.50
4 1690 34 363 175 681 535 9-1-0 0 10 3.40
5 1806 34 318 135 547 540 9-1-0 0 10 3.40
6 2823 32 332 155 477 525 10-0-0 0 10 3.20
7 4488 32 284 155 455 525 8-2-0 0 10 3.20
8 4391 30 348 200 468 550 7-3-0 0 10 3.00
9 3130 30 344 165 485 540 9-1-0 0 10 3.00
10 1675 30 296 170 332 555 7-3-0 0 10 3.00
11 74 30 286 235 337 545 7-3-0 0 10 3.00
12 33 29 329 245 474 535 7-3-0 0 10 2.90
13 2522 28 347 160 352 565 7-3-0 0 10 2.80
14 329 28 274 180 394 540 6-4-0 0 10 2.80
15 3238 27 294 155 442 530 7-3-0 0 10 2.70
16 4468 26 322 165 373 565 4-6-0 0 10 2.60
17 1099 26 309 210 335 590 6-4-0 0 10 2.60
18 3042 26 282 125 351 510 6-4-0 0 10 2.60
19 5437 25 346 170 409 535 6-4-0 0 10 2.50
20 272 25 332 140 339 570 5-5-0 0 10 2.50
21 177 25 328 185 418 500 6-4-0 0 10 2.50
22 2619 25 293 150 379 550 4-6-0 0 10 2.50
23 2054 25 282 105 419 530 6-4-0 0 10 2.50
24 111 25 254 170 469 470 7-3-0 0 10 2.50
25 3039 25 246 150 332 515 6-4-0 0 10 2.50
26 5016 24 314 135 374 525 6-4-0 0 10 2.40
27 6219 24 287 160 255 560 5-5-0 0 10 2.40
28 1250 24 274 215 288 545 5-5-0 0 10 2.40
29 461 24 270 155 407 545 6-4-0 0 10 2.40
30 3245 23 304 170 317 580 4-6-0 0 10 2.30
31 3015 23 298 150 359 520 6-4-0 0 10 2.30
32 2783 23 296 155 445 550 6-4-0 0 10 2.30
33 2337 23 293 135 318 555 4-6-0 0 10 2.30
34 1306 23 288 170 372 530 5-5-0 0 10 2.30
35 5053 22 320 150 265 570 4-6-0 0 10 2.20
36 423 22 294 160 322 540 4-6-0 0 10 2.20
37 4905 22 293 140 297 535 5-5-0 0 10 2.20
38 5114 22 292 155 444 565 5-5-0 0 10 2.20
39 6171 22 291 155 244 535 5-5-0 0 10 2.20
40 2363 22 287 160 278 565 4-6-0 0 10 2.20
41 5726 22 269 110 305 525 5-5-0 0 10 2.20
42 5804 22 257 135 290 510 5-5-0 0 10 2.20
43 1756 21 318 155 350 535 5-5-0 0 10 2.10
44 181 21 315 160 331 525 4-6-0 0 10 2.10
45 2194 21 298 175 312 535 5-5-0 0 10 2.10
46 3044 21 282 160 421 520 5-5-0 0 10 2.10
47 6221 21 281 160 305 530 5-5-0 0 10 2.10
48 548 21 266 165 419 540 4-6-0 0 10 2.10
49 4930 21 248 200 255 540 4-6-0 0 10 2.10
50 5439 20 278 160 302 535 5-5-0 0 10 2.00
51 2415 20 268 130 384 490 5-5-0 0 10 2.00
52 3303 20 264 135 239 515 5-5-0 0 10 2.00
53 3655 20 255 110 244 520 4-6-0 0 10 2.00
54 5677 20 252 150 301 515 4-6-0 0 10 2.00
55 604 20 202 165 278 485 5-5-0 0 10 2.00
56 5854 19 292 195 404 450 4-6-0 0 10 1.90
57 5030 19 270 120 421 505 4-6-0 0 10 1.90
58 6055 19 254 155 240 505 4-6-0 0 10 1.90
59 433 17 296 135 235 505 4-6-0 0 10 1.70
60 1405 17 275 175 221 520 3-7-0 0 10 1.70
61 1510 17 269 130 264 550 2-8-0 0 10 1.70
62 781 17 238 135 283 500 3-7-0 0 10 1.70
63 6134 17 229 170 268 500 4-6-0 0 10 1.70
64 3853 16 304 140 270 545 3-7-0 0 10 1.60
65 66 16 297 150 238 530 4-6-0 0 10 1.60
66 540 15 266 145 274 525 3-7-0 0 10 1.50
67 1860 14 265 120 328 510 3-7-0 0 10 1.40
68 5915 14 260 145 234 545 2-8-0 0 10 1.40
69 3158 12 287 90 275 515 3-7-0 0 10 1.20
70 537 11 240 115 186 505 1-9-0 0 10 1.10
71 5809 10 276 125 152 525 1-9-0 0 10 1.00
72 5912 10 271 135 228 510 2-8-0 0 10 1.00
73 4401 10 218 135 176 470 2-7-0 0 10 1.00
74 3560 8 274 100 203 510 0-10-0 0 10 0.80
75 1622 8 228 120 227 475 1-9-0 0 10 0.80

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
Holland, Michigan, USA
Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA
Medford, New York, USA
Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA
Flourtown, Pennsylvania, USA
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Sussex, Wisconsin, USA
Henrico, Virginia, USA
Northville, Michigan, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
Brookfield, Connecticut, USA
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Middleton, Wisconsin, USA
Penfield, New York, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Poway, California, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Binyamina, HaZafon, Israel
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Smithville, Missouri, USA
Sao Jose dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
Hopkins, Michigan, USA
Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA
Grand Blanc, Michigan, USA
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Saint Charles, Illinois, USA
Bothell, Washington, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
La Grange, Kentucky, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Team Location Image
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Spencerport, New York, USA
Destrehan, Louisiana, USA
Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA
Ballston Spa, New York, USA
Woodbury, Minnesota, USA
Metepec, Mexico, Mexico
Anacortes, Washington, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Fresno, California, USA
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Mason, Michigan, USA
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Gladstone, Michigan, USA
Laguna del Rey Coahuila, Coahuila, Mexico
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
Ayer, Massachusetts, USA
Buffalo, New York, USA
Huntington, New York, USA
Utica, New York, USA
Waterford, Michigan, USA
Fenton, Michigan, USA
Booneville, Arkansas, USA
Québec, Québec, Canada
San Jose, California, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Jordan, Ontario, Canada
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Batesville, Arkansas, USA
Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico
Plano, Texas, USA
Blountville, Tennessee, USA
Miami, Arizona, USA
Award Winner
Championship Subdivision Winner 2056
Championship Subdivision Winner 1690
Championship Subdivision Winner 3015
Championship Subdivision Winner 1405
Championship Subdivision Finalist 2834
Championship Subdivision Finalist 33
Championship Subdivision Finalist 1756
Championship Subdivision Finalist 329
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2054
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 540
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2522
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 5437
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6134

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1690 69.80
2056 68.08
33 62.08
2451 59.87
3130 54.70
1806 54.13
2834 51.03
5114 50.42
3238 49.55
548 46.00
2823 45.27
177 45.11
4391 44.83
1099 44.07
4468 43.99
3044 43.91
5030 43.63
461 43.47
3245 43.08
2415 42.91
5437 42.61
111 41.50
74 41.47
2054 40.56
329 40.09
1306 39.65
2783 39.60
4488 39.35
2363 39.23
4930 39.04
2522 39.03
5016 37.73
1675 37.49
3015 36.48
6171 36.00
3042 35.94
1756 35.01
2619 34.71
2337 34.05
5804 33.92
6219 33.49
181 33.18
540 32.86
1250 32.30
2194 31.64
5053 31.37
1860 31.27
1510 30.82
6221 30.26
4905 30.06
272 29.07
5439 28.91
3039 28.33
6134 28.05
5854 27.99
66 27.84
3158 27.65
3853 27.32
6055 26.97
5677 26.85
1405 25.91
3303 25.65
5915 25.28
781 25.27
5726 25.11
5809 24.40
5912 23.81
423 23.78
604 23.39
4401 23.33
3655 22.75
1622 21.19
3560 20.02
433 18.19
537 13.61


Defense Statistics

Defense # Damaged # Opportunities % Success
Low Bar 242 250 96.80%
A Cheval De Frise 189 212 89.15%
Portcullis 35 38 92.11%
B Ramparts 132 146 90.41%
Moat 98 104 94.23%
C Sally Port 52 228 22.81%
Drawbridge 3 22 13.64%
D Rough Terrain 31 31 100.00%
Rock Wall 213 219 97.26%
Total Breaches 223 250 89.20%

Tower Statistics

Item Count # Opportunities % Success
Challenges 516 750 68.80%
Scales 88 750 11.73%
Captures 83 250 33.20%

Match Statistics

Average Low Goals 4.22
Average High Goals 4.79
High Score 190 in Q102
Average Match Score 108.29
Average Winning Score 123.54
Average Win Margin 30.50
Average Auto Score 28.76
Average Teleop Crossing Score 28.82
Average Teleop Boulder Score 30.48
Average Teleop Tower Score 15.60
Average Foul Score 4.64


Defense Statistics

Defense # Damaged # Opportunities % Success
Low Bar 30 30 100.00%
A Cheval De Frise 20 20 100.00%
Portcullis 8 10 80.00%
B Ramparts 9 10 90.00%
Moat 20 20 100.00%
C Sally Port 6 23 26.09%
Drawbridge 0 7 0.00%
D Rough Terrain 2 2 100.00%
Rock Wall 28 28 100.00%
Total Breaches 30 30 100.00%

Tower Statistics

Item Count # Opportunities % Success
Challenges 67 90 74.44%
Scales 14 90 15.56%
Captures 13 30 43.33%

Match Statistics

Average Low Goals 1.07
Average High Goals 9.70
High Score 250 in QF1-1
Average Match Score 168.23
Average Winning Score 192.47
Average Win Margin 48.47
Average Auto Score 37.17
Average Teleop Crossing Score 29.50
Average Teleop Boulder Score 44.57
Average Teleop Tower Score 18.17
Average Foul Score 8.00