Event Results

Team 973 was 32-23-0 in official play and 51-39-1 overall in 2014.

Central Valley Regional

in Madera, CA, USA
to Week 2

Team 973 was Rank 43 with a record of 8-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

Captain 254
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 2135
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1072 702 3120 973 254 4159 10 151
256 3256 3189 973 5102 670 92 38
973 295 3495 3303 3045 1458 21 31
973 4695 1671 254 4973 702 105 116
973 1148 3501 649 2637 2135 28 186
4135 3970 2637 1072 696 973 77 56
2085 691 3189 5136 1159 973 162 73
4159 4973 1323 2643 3189 973 37 11
2761 1422 4159 973 8 3482 115 82
973 2443 4543 5102 1671 2643 61 241
2761 3562 973 3501 841 5104 151 95
2135 973 254 256 3512 2643 185 92
254 2135 973 3512 2643 256 191 67
254 2135 973 3501 649 2073 206 148
254 2135 973 649 3501 2073 280 44
2135 254 973 1323 1671 3970 130 136
254 973 2135 3970 1323 1671 244 158
254 2135 973 3970 1671 1323 148 109

Los Angeles Regional sponsored by The Roddenberry Foundation

in Long Beach, CA, USA
to Week 4

Team 973 was Rank 10 with a record of 12-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist

Captain 330
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 980
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3408 974 973 1452 696 294 75 112
3309 1160 606 4079 973 1692 76 145
3027 3328 4201 973 207 5124 86 82
1759 867 4141 2584 330 973 17 135
973 1836 4997 702 4413 1148 150 43
1452 1661 973 4276 1644 3851 170 120
2637 207 4913 973 4415 981 125 61
988 4619 3453 3993 973 691 123 126
1197 1717 4964 973 4 3953 78 100
5102 973 3759 2496 2576 1438 155 131
980 973 330 687 1692 4415 181 118
330 980 973 687 1692 4415 266 113
973 980 330 2637 696 5102 201 90
330 973 980 696 5102 2637 142 121
973 980 330 294 1717 5124 157 165
973 980 330 1717 294 5124 181 126
980 330 973 1717 294 5124 146 236

Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 973 was Rank 31 with a record of 12-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Winners
  • Judges Award

Captain 67
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 2481
Pick 3 2363
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3316 1011 973 1756 2363 1610 117 160
1717 955 973 2974 1218 1108 127 107
973 3480 1023 4979 3360 4982 155 78
4967 869 973 4488 714 2481 225 130
3937 303 4719 353 3310 973 132 170
766 337 5122 67 973 3504 60 245
70 973 862 4063 126 4176 163 95
4256 5012 2642 4476 973 5137 218 110
148 1266 4945 1515 2337 973 180 171
4965 2135 4917 4985 857 973 156 118
2337 862 179 973 67 2481 178 157
2337 862 179 973 67 2481 97 116
2337 179 488 973 67 2481 166 195
1756 148 558 973 67 2481 137 205
3098 148 558 973 67 2481 147 155
973 67 2481 1318 4488 1153 265 82
973 67 2481 1218 4488 1153 185 201
973 67 2481 1218 4488 1153 215 140

Einstein Field

in St. Louis, USA

Team 973 had a record of 0-2-0

Captain 67
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 2481
Pick 3 2363
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1678 1640 1114 973 67 2481 221 121
1678 1640 1114 973 67 2481 200 125

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 973 was Rank 26 with a record of 9-6-1 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 1678
Pick 1 254
Pick 2 973
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1983 1868 4543 1671 766 973 124 111
971 5136 973 1323 2485 254 150 246
2928 973 3476 148 604 4201 72 50
973 2813 1868 696 5012 2073 32 122
8 5136 1678 3482 4543 973 58 58
971 1671 2928 4159 3309 973 175 81
192 5136 2135 2085 2073 973 91 200
399 8 973 114 846 1318 91 176
1323 973 192 971 8 3476 78 190
2085 687 841 4201 973 846 75 178
973 1678 254 3476 2085 1671 306 151
973 254 1678 3476 1671 2085 255 107
1678 973 254 148 1318 766 261 201
1678 973 254 1318 766 148 311 150
254 1678 973 846 2135 971 310 270
1678 254 973 2135 971 846 273 147

MadTown ThrowDown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 973 was Rank 25 with a record of 10-10-0

Captain 254
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 1671B
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2135 973 2073B 5458 971B 3495 54 88
2073 973C 973 1671 852 971C 22 141
2135 973C 1671B 1323B 3495 973 51 20
2135B 973B 852 4498 1662 973 47 140
1671 4498 973 2073 1323B 971C 130 190
2073B 971 973B 2813 3970 973 116 162
1323B 4255 973 3495 1671 2135B 23 66
3970 3495 1323 973 971C 1422 28 126
2073B 4498B 973 1323 254 852 71 104
971C 2135B 254 973 971B 973C 193 86
1678 973 5458 4255 971C 4498B 149 240
1323 4498 973 3482 1671B 1662 98 178
973B 2073 5458 973 2813 1671B 52 81
973 1671B 254 1662 3482 2073 188 71
973 254 1671B 2073 3482 1662 151 78
2813 4498B 971 1671B 254 973 201 171
2813 971 4498B 254 973 1671B 240 271
2813 971 4498B 1671B 254 973 211 220
2073B 1678 971C 254 973 1671B 247 290
1678 971C 2073B 1671B 973 254 310 341

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