From Granada Hills, California, USA
aka Walt Disney Animation Studios/Gene Haas Foundation/Northrop Grumman/Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council/Chris Siegert/SolidWorks&Granada Hills Charter High Sch
Rookie Year: 2001
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Robot Name: Ruby the Rheumatologist

Event Results

Team 599 was 10-16-0 in official play and 17-23-0 overall in 2018.

Los Angeles Regional

in Pomona, CA 91768, USA
to Week 3

Team 599 was Rank 21 with a record of 4-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 7051
Pick 1 599
Pick 2 1515
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Aerospace Valley Regional

in Lancaster, CA 93535, USA
to Week 6

Team 599 was Rank 19 with a record of 6-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (David Paulson)

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 4470
Pick 1 599
Pick 2 6072
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
981 4276 5805 4322 599 4191 368 240
599 3669 6382 2339 6060 597 253 321
2493 5012 399 3476 599 2658 379 231
5012 585 5124 5474 599 6060 235 132
981 1160 3309 585 599 2339 470 179
4014 5102 599 3309 6072 3647 382 317
3309 6060 294 599 399 980 448 243
702 3309 599 5102 4322 3390 371 222
3390 3476 4255 599 597 5124 339 358
599 294 330 3647 2658 3453 441 191
4255 6072 599 4470 702 5805 385 291
2658 4014 3390 4470 981 599 320 331
3390 2429 599 5805 3647 2493 251 451
399 294 3390 599 4470 6072 483 388
399 294 3390 599 4470 6072 352 299

Beach Blitz

in Huntington Beach, CA, USA

Team 599 was Rank 26 with a record of 7-7-0

Captain 597
Pick 1 294
Pick 2 599
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Robot Name: Ruby the Rheumatologist

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