From Irvine, California, USA
aka JPL / Walt Disney Imagineering / Boeing / Northrop/Grumman / Beckman Coulter Foundation / Psomas / Beckman Robotics Organization, Inc. & Arnold O Beckman High School
Rookie Year: 2008
Last competed in 2020
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Robot Name: Pat Junior

Event Results

Team 2496 was 8-13-0 in official play and 13-24-0 overall in 2018.

Los Angeles Regional

in Pomona, CA 91768, USA
to Week 3

Team 2496 was Rank 53 with a record of 1-8-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5510 691 589 2496 2404 6000 255 38
580 5851 2496 5765 7185 4 220 270
2496 6668 4 5802 1197 5669 88 466
7042 2496 848 4763 6833 4141 123 310
606 2496 1452 6938 5107 702 270 160
2496 1759 696 687 599 6658 229 464
4019 5089 5851 3952 2496 867 219 214
3863 330 6000 6833 5818 2496 382 279
4972 1726 2710 6658 2496 330 335 116

Orange County Regional

in Irvine, CA 92697, USA
to Week 4

Team 2496 was Rank 8 with a record of 7-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 2496
Pick 1 4079
Pick 2 207
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LA Fleet Week Battleship Blast (Day 1)

in San Pedro, CA, USA

Team 2496 had a record of 3-6-0

Captain 7157
Pick 1 3473
Pick 2 2496
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1622 2637 4322 2496 6821 2710 248 116
3309 3473 6821 4014 4322 2496 328 54
2710 2496 6821 7157 3309 5851 40 356
3473 589 2710 1622 2496 3309 96 303
4014 2496 5851 1622 7157 2637 180 295
5851 2637 2496 589 4322 3473 168 319
4322 3647 2496 3309 5851 589 258 339
6821 3647 1622 2496 7157 3473 252 333
2496 589 7157 4014 2710 6821 356 224

LA Fleet Week Battleship Blast (Day 2)

in San Pedro, CA, USA

Team 2496 was Rank 15 with a record of 2-5-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3476 4984 2496 4056 4123 2710 256 181
5810 691 2496 4322 2710 4984 180 282
5805 2496 5851 691 3476 3473 265 229
3647 2496 4123 3128 3309 3476 196 390
4984 3647 1197 2496 3473 4322 286 249
3473 1197 3128 2496 2710 3309 318 306
4123 5805 4322 2496 3128 4984 371 252

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Robot Name: Pat Junior

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