From San Diego, California, USA
aka Qualcomm/DoDEA OY2/Intuitive Foundation/HAAS&Clairemont High School
Rookie Year: 2015
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Robot Name: Shoryuken

Event Results

Team 5474 was 8-18-0 in official play and 9-21-0 overall in 2018.

San Diego Regional presented by Qualcomm

in Del Mar, CA 92014, USA
to Week 2

Team 5474 was Rank 61 with a record of 2-6-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3704 812 3473 3021 5477 5474 169 194
5474 6885 3749 1972 1266 6382 209 216
5514 3882 2839 2576 5474 2659 404 279
5474 3341 5137 5012 2102 4201 183 375
6659 624 4486 5474 4919 4160 371 138
2613 3953 3328 1661 5474 5429 349 194
4583 597 5474 2485 6755 3045 127 295
6920 1538 5474 4711 5025 1622 380 229

Aerospace Valley Regional

in Lancaster, CA 93535, USA
to Week 6

Team 5474 was Rank 33 with a record of 6-12-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 5012
Pick 1 3476
Pick 2 5474
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
597 3669 5474 2429 294 5102 198 314
3453 5102 981 980 5474 5805 286 313
597 5869 3647 981 5474 585 359 176
5012 585 5124 5474 599 6060 235 132
5805 6060 2637 3476 5102 5474 219 439
5474 3390 4470 294 4276 399 106 461
2658 5474 4191 4255 5124 3647 255 404
5124 330 5474 585 399 4276 291 319
4322 5474 1160 4014 3647 6382 308 440
4191 2637 981 5474 3309 4470 273 402
5474 2429 4014 330 6060 3476 264 476
330 6072 1160 4255 2339 5474 470 148
4276 5474 3453 2658 2339 5102 222 415
3476 5012 5474 2637 1160 5805 325 248
3476 5012 5474 2637 1160 5805 330 285
3476 5012 5474 399 294 3390 352 308
3476 5012 5474 399 294 3390 361 405
3476 5012 5474 399 294 3390 402 415

Battle at the Border

in San Diego, CA, 92130

Team 5474 was Rank 30 with a record of 1-3-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5012 4014 5474 4 7517 3647B 230 331
4160 5474 1266 6926 1538 5477 162 330
2102B 1266 2543 4486 3965 5474 317 252
5514 5474 3255B 3128 4486B 1622 237 220

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Robot Name: Shoryuken

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