From San Diego, California, USA
aka Qualcomm/DoDEA OY2/Intuitive Foundation/HAAS&Clairemont High School
Rookie Year: 2015
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Event Results

Team 5474 was 6-3-0 in official play and 16-18-0 overall in 2024.


in Del Mar, CA, USA

Team 5474 was Rank 13 with a record of 6-10-0

Captain 2658
Pick 1 3749
Pick 2 5474
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2658 2102 3749 5474 9452 5514 65 42
3255 9452 3749 2658 4419 5474 81 46
5474 2543 3255 3749 1622 3128 39 63
2543 2102 5474 1622 9452 9573 65 51
9573 5474 3647 5514 3128 2658 64 44
9452 4419 2543 8891 5474 3128 60 47
8891 3647 3255 3749 5474 9573 44 51
5474 8891 2658 2102 3128 9573 61 85
2102 4419 5514 3128 3749 5474 72 58
5474 5514 4419 2543 2658 9573 50 42
3647 1622 9452 3255 5514 5474 54 57
3128 2543 3255 3749 5474 3647 70 48
5474 1622 2658 3647 3255 2102 40 54
8891 5474 2543 4419 3749 1622 55 45
2543 3255 3128 5474 2658 3749 76 47
2543 3255 3128 5474 2658 3749 74 45

Battle at the Border

in San Diego, CA, USA

Team 5474 was Rank 23 with a record of 4-5-0

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