From Redmond, WA, USA
aka DigiPen Institute of Technology & WaNIC & L & E Academy
Rookie Year: 2013
Last competed in 2014
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Event Results

Team 4559 was 23-27-1 in official play in 2014.

As a member of the Pacific Northwest district, Team 4559 ranked 28 having earned 137 points.

PNW FIRST Robotics Auburn Mountainview District Event

in Auburn, WA, USA
to Week 1

Team 4559 was Rank 17 with a record of 8-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 2927
Pick 1 360
Pick 2 4559

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 12
Alliance Points 6
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 33
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2990 3586 4726 4469 2557 4559 21 43
4579 4060 3576 3220 4559 4450 65 126
3220 1294 2046 4559 3586 4304 122 38
2192 4579 1294 5295 2929 4559 52 27
3786 2555 2906 4559 4579 4726 27 126
3576 4559 3786 2192 4131 3781 21 57
4559 3781 4089 3588 4469 2927 8 75
3237 4559 2990 4089 4726 4772 61 18
3393 4559 4060 2927 4579 4772 120 21
3221 4559 4131 5295 3220 3393 67 160
2046 3237 2907 2555 4559 3218 190 27
2906 4304 3221 4559 2907 2192 17 146
4450 3586 3588 2927 360 4559 45 25
3586 4450 3588 360 2927 4559 16 22
4450 3586 3588 2927 4559 360 56 76
2046 2907 3237 4559 360 2927 136 27
2046 3237 2907 360 2927 4559 77 41

PNW FIRST Robotics Shorewood District Event

in Shoreline, WA, USA
to Week 4

Team 4559 was Rank 31 with a record of 9-9-1 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 4077
Pick 1 4915
Pick 2 4559

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 7
Alliance Points 5
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 0
Total Points 42
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4559 2942 4461 4915 4911 5295 18 140
2903 3268 4030 4559 4512 4542 43 33
3268 4559 3070 3787 4682 1258 67 67
4559 1318 4682 4180 3268 488 125 101
1258 5295 4559 1778 3049 4131 27 76
2903 4077 2412 949 4131 4559 110 62
4180 1899 4681 4915 492 4559 29 201
4542 3681 3268 3049 1899 4559 136 93
4559 2928 2903 492 948 3781 72 99
1778 4559 4911 2928 4180 949 68 112
3070 2557 492 2412 4030 4559 218 108
4030 949 1318 3787 948 4559 125 157
3268 2412 948 4915 4559 4077 121 155
948 2412 3268 4915 4559 4077 131 66
2412 3268 948 4915 4559 4077 162 186
1318 2928 4512 4559 4077 4915 96 150
1318 4512 2928 4077 4559 4915 118 150
4077 4915 4559 2522 4131 3070 276 98
4915 4077 4559 3070 4131 2522 200 103

Autodesk PNW FRC Championship

in Portland, OR, USA
to Week 7

Team 4559 was Rank 43 with a record of 6-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Judges Award

Captain 2928
Pick 1 3588
Pick 2 4559

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 30
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 15
Total Points 57
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4559 2927 488 1425 3711 2903 121 86
3574 2471 2976 4038 4559 2907 85 134
2811 4559 2635 4542 4061 4457 151 131
2980 2557 3574 4559 3131 3663 165 48
4911 1595 1294 2557 4559 3789 237 118
3238 2002 948 3574 4915 4559 71 150
4542 4559 4918 1540 4125 4980 113 167
2147 3219 4915 4559 955 4488 159 155
4559 956 4450 4131 360 5085 93 144
997 3131 3393 2147 4457 4559 177 39
2471 4127 4559 1318 2412 3812 116 287
4559 2522 4120 4057 2923 3070 166 57
3588 4559 2928 2412 1595 3812 115 138
2928 4559 3588 2412 1595 3812 235 206
2928 4559 3588 2412 1595 3812 117 122

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