From Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, USA
aka John Deere / 3M / GE Volunteers of GE Healthcare / Sharp Packaging Systems / Society of Manufacturing Engineers / D & H Industries / Milwaukee School of Engineering & Oconomowoc High School
Rookie Year: 1999
Last competed in 2021
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Event Results

Team 269 was 13-11-1 in official play and 17-15-1 overall in 2009.

Wisconsin Regional

in Milwaukee, WI, USA
to Week 3

Team 269 was Rank 22 with a record of 8-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Rockwell Automation Innovation in Control Award

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1816 3110 269 1103 2826 2709 62 65
2077 2830 269 1024 1850 1259 90 68
2062 93 537 2817 269 2022 38 80
1716 269 2547 1736 2194 2549 28 63
1739 2538 171 93 269 1675 50 57
2946 2039 269 1816 2500 2481 52 60
2506 2574 120 2500 269 930 75 51
706 1306 2437 1850 269 537 44 59
2506 269 2970 2338 1732 93 89 57
269 2970 2506 1732 2338 93 60 81
2506 2970 269 2338 1732 93 60 42
2506 269 2970 2062 167 1736 88 83
2506 269 2970 167 1736 2062 99 32
1625 2039 2194 2970 269 2506 84 54
2194 2039 1625 2506 2970 269 91 85

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 269 had a record of 4-4-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
269 1747 1000 1714 1529 829 68 72
269 33 868 70 179 573 95 62
760 393 2056 1038 269 832 36 109
269 148 107 254 1114 1732 60 111
222 68 888 269 47 1771 52 86
1503 1024 116 330 2081 269 87 44
1902 234 1108 447 269 2970 87 79
269 2753 2199 16 461 245 102 59

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