From Hamtramck, Michigan, USA
aka General Motors Foundation/Ford Motor/Gene Haas Foundation/Toyota/Autodesk/DADARA/State of Michigan&Hamtramck High School
Rookie Year: 1997
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Event Results

Team 123 was 25-18-0 in official play and 30-21-0 overall in 2013.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 123 ranked 37 having earned 84 points.

Detroit FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Center Line, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 123 was Rank 7 with a record of 10-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 123
Pick 1 2834
Pick 2 94

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 43
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4380 2851 815 3632 3398 123 19 0
4838 1023 815 123 469 4380 14 67
322 1189 4815 3175 123 4854 51 6
3632 4758 469 2224 3706 123 73 21
4758 4507 123 4834 4854 1941 35 0
1189 3096 123 280 314 2673 78 74
314 123 94 3706 1250 2832 94 27
1701 2851 123 3619 4680 322 113 23
4834 123 910 4768 3096 4507 29 8
4768 123 2620 3619 519 2676 40 41
2591 4758 2834 1250 4680 123 57 67
3542 123 2673 4507 201 4838 91 20
519 1250 1023 123 94 2834 59 63
1023 519 1250 123 94 2834 122 80
1250 1023 519 94 123 2834 33 72
469 2676 2851 123 94 2834 100 58
2851 2676 469 94 2834 123 113 64

Livonia FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Livonia, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 123 was Rank 9 with a record of 8-6-0

Captain 123
Pick 1 2673
Pick 2 503

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 11
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 27
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Michigan FRC State Championship

in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 123 was Rank 25 with a record of 7-5-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 14
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 14
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Kettering Kickoff

in MI, USA

Team 123 had a record of 5-3-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2619 4810 123 3534 1322 70 64 46
27 70 123 2337 2960 1684 99 55
3547 2604 2054 3667 468 123 91 36
2832 468 1506 123 33 2137 22 87
217 2619 2959 2612 123 226 65 70
123 494 703 3568 548 3667 74 51
494 2054 910 123 2619 2959 101 56
910 2054 494 2619 2959 123 122 110

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