Winners advance to the Einstein Field
George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
840 2067 51 8717 3538 118 82 103
1710 1538 4237 3863 4828 4920 95 61
5534 449 4593 5216 8873 6911 66 90
27 1771 7501 9400 1574 4795 124 64
131 1076 8153 8085 7102 9427 86 61
2054 4735 2052 1700 3184 6989 75 49
9015 9134 3603 9501 2869 148 63 99
1902 103 422 694 1986 1690 119 103
9642 3314 5460 1506 910 2813 92 92
9405 368 4146 9624 4403 2811 57 100
7157 649 8338 4135 4522 9659 50 75
980 4028 7451 1108 9480 581 70 87
9432 1538 9400 5934 321 131 59 114
2054 840 5534 3863 51 8085 81 64
1076 1710 449 9501 2052 2067 115 78
8717 3603 1902 4828 9134 422 56 64
7102 5216 3538 7501 4920 9642 100 58
2811 1574 1690 6911 2869 3314 121 89
4735 4135 9405 9427 4795 2813 27 66
103 148 4593 27 9480 4146 105 93
1700 4403 9432 1108 694 9659 72 90
4028 8338 910 3184 1986 7157 106 81
4522 5460 9624 6989 8873 980 110 66
5934 1506 118 4237 1771 649 109 98
581 7451 368 8153 9015 321 120 64
9501 1690 4920 2054 1574 131 89 116
3863 5534 7501 2811 1902 9405 63 75
9134 3314 9400 1710 9480 9642 50 96
8717 2869 7102 4593 1700 9427 85 43
910 7157 3538 4403 4735 1538 122 59
51 2813 8338 5216 9624 980 67 88
1076 3184 694 5934 27 8873 100 87
422 4146 4795 2052 4028 1506 82 121
4237 449 1986 5460 9015 581 114 124
9432 8153 118 3603 6989 103 102 72
1108 8085 4135 1771 6911 4522 82 126
840 4828 321 148 9659 649 50 95
368 2067 9400 9405 7451 910 104 103
2811 4920 51 7157 4593 9501 111 88
4403 2054 2869 980 1710 5934 120 104
2813 1574 3184 1538 4146 1902 97 78
4028 131 8717 9642 5534 9015 112 93
8338 8873 8153 7501 1700 1506 44 90
581 9427 27 1690 422 4522 117 151
118 2052 3863 321 4135 9134 102 33
9659 103 1076 3538 4237 4795 103 127
5460 6911 2067 3603 840 9480 139 78
1771 4735 8085 694 5216 148 93 88
9624 9432 7102 4828 7451 449 64 122
368 1108 649 3314 6989 1986 100 88
131 8338 7501 4593 8717 4920 84 73
9427 1710 7157 8873 4146 9015 100 74
2813 3863 4403 4028 9400 1690 43 124
980 4237 1574 321 910 5534 92 98
2052 6911 1902 9659 5934 3538 77 92
694 2054 2811 4522 148 8153 157 86
422 51 1771 9134 5460 9432 110 76
649 5216 6989 2869 1076 9405 76 71
7102 9501 9480 368 4135 3184 68 94
449 1506 1108 1538 840 103 82 116
2067 581 3314 4795 4735 4828 106 59
1986 1700 9642 8085 9624 118 75 68
4403 27 3603 7451 4237 131 116 113
6911 980 148 7157 3863 8717 79 39
3538 4593 2813 9015 422 2054 61 114
4146 694 6989 649 7501 9134 58 65
9427 2052 5216 9480 1902 9432 76 71
9400 5534 2869 1108 8153 5460 97 104
4828 9501 5934 103 8338 4735 75 50
1076 4135 1574 581 9642 9624 80 82
1710 910 840 4795 7102 4522 103 113
449 1771 1690 3603 368 51 161 127
8873 3314 9659 1986 118 7451 74 119
3184 9405 1506 4920 8085 321 77 81
2067 27 1700 1538 2811 4028 87 123
8153 7157 694 2052 2813 4237 102 77
649 131 4735 9480 5460 3863 86 81
103 9624 8717 9400 581 2054 64 89
2869 4828 980 3538 4146 4135 92 79
3603 1108 6911 910 1076 7501 91 99
7451 9642 8873 1902 9501 1771 107 110
4403 9427 1574 449 8338 9134 61 49
5216 321 27 1986 2067 7102 88 87
9405 9015 1538 51 4522 3314 57 138
148 1690 5534 1506 4795 9432 104 90
8085 9659 4028 4593 6989 1710 91 72
4920 5934 840 422 1700 368 87 89
3184 2811 6911 118 131 103 120 157
8873 3603 4735 9400 980 2052 69 52
449 7501 9480 2869 2813 7157 91 93
4146 321 7451 1076 5460 2054 43 134
8153 51 27 1902 649 910 85 65
1986 1506 5216 9501 8717 4403 112 30
4135 4593 3863 3314 9432 694 31 110
4795 5934 8085 4920 9624 9134 107 58
6989 9642 9427 840 4237 2811 56 103
1690 1108 9015 2067 9659 3184 116 52
148 1538 422 5534 118 7102 99 63
4828 4522 368 1574 4028 1700 111 75
1771 3538 1710 8338 9405 581 147 52
4146 1986 8717 4735 8153 449 68 78
9480 103 321 8873 4403 51 101 98
910 694 2052 131 4920 2869 128 106
9624 3314 4237 840 7501 9501 108 70
649 4795 3603 3184 9642 4593 77 78
9432 422 2067 980 7157 8085 86 84
2813 6989 4828 7451 27 5534 76 92
1690 3538 5460 4135 148 1700 149 103
4522 1902 8338 118 9400 1076 85 84
1574 5934 5216 1710 2811 1108 116 77
9659 9427 1538 368 2054 1771 51 145
581 9134 4028 7102 6911 9405 126 64
1506 9015 4593 3863 910 9624 89 61
9642 4795 9501 8153 980 4403 107 54
7501 8085 7451 103 649 2052 74 131
131 3184 148 3314 449 422 121 140
321 3538 4522 5534 3603 2813 121 65
4237 9432 8873 8338 2869 2067 97 101
6989 8717 9480 1538 1690 5934 48 136
5460 118 1710 27 368 694 126 143
1700 3863 4146 5216 581 1771 47 127
6911 9400 1986 51 9427 4828 78 66
1902 4920 4135 9015 4028 840 55 90
7157 9405 2054 1574 7102 1108 121 76
9134 9659 2811 4735 1506 1076 102 78


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 2054 368 1506 1710
Alliance 2 1771 118 1986 449
Alliance 3 1690 4522 9432 321
Alliance 4 422 27 910 1076
Alliance 5 4028 581 694 51
Alliance 6 2811 103 3314 4795
Alliance 7 131 148 7157 2052
Alliance 8 5460 2067 3538 1574

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1506 368 2054 2067 5460 3538 138 117
910 422 27 581 694 4028 145 119
1771 1986 118 148 131 7157 133 100
9432 4522 1690 2811 3314 103 133 83

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1574 5460 2067 694 4028 581 101 152
131 7157 148 2811 3314 103 137 95
1710 368 2054 27 422 910 113 140
1771 1986 118 1690 4522 321 69 120

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1506 2054 368 148 7157 131 114 143
1771 1986 118 694 4028 581 111 137

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
910 422 27 1690 4522 321 57 131
581 4028 694 148 7157 131 99 154

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
910 27 1076 148 7157 131 87 128


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
321 4522 1690 148 7157 131 129 63
321 4522 1690 148 7157 131 127 91

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 2054-368-1506-1710 1
8 5460-2067-3538-1574 0
Match 7
1 2054-368-1506-1710 0
4 422-27-910-1076 1
Match 2
4 422-27-910-1076 1
5 4028-581-694-51 0
Match 11
4 422-27-910-1076 0
3 1690-4522-9432-321 1
Match 3
2 1771-118-1986-449 1
7 131-148-7157-2052 0
Match 8
2 1771-118-1986-449 0
3 1690-4522-9432-321 1
3 1690-4522-9432-321 2
7 131-148-7157-2052 0
Match 4
3 1690-4522-9432-321 1
6 2811-103-3314-4795 0
Match 13
4 422-27-910-1076 0
7 131-148-7157-2052 1
Match 10
2 1771-118-1986-449 0
5 4028-581-694-51 1
Match 5
8 5460-2067-3538-1574 0
5 4028-581-694-51 1
Match 12
5 4028-581-694-51 0
7 131-148-7157-2052 1
Match 9
1 2054-368-1506-1710 0
7 131-148-7157-2052 1
Match 6
7 131-148-7157-2052 1
6 2811-103-3314-4795 0
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Coop Avg Match Avg Auto Avg Stage Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 2054 3.70 0.90 106.80 32.00 13.10 10-0-0 0 10 37
2 1771 3.40 1.00 120.20 41.00 13.70 9-1-0 0 10 34
3 1690 3.40 0.80 122.20 39.50 13.00 8-2-0 0 10 34
4 4522 3.40 0.80 108.00 32.40 12.30 9-1-0 0 10 34
5 422 3.30 0.90 102.10 32.60 9.60 9-1-0 0 10 33
6 4028 3.30 0.90 96.10 30.20 14.00 8-2-0 0 10 33
7 2811 3.30 0.80 103.20 33.90 13.80 8-2-0 0 10 33
8 131 3.20 1.00 103.60 25.90 13.80 7-3-0 0 10 32
9 5460 3.10 1.00 109.00 35.70 10.90 6-3-1 0 10 31
10 3538 3.10 0.90 107.50 37.20 14.50 8-2-0 0 10 31
11 581 3.10 0.90 99.60 34.80 12.70 8-2-0 0 10 31
12 5216 3.00 0.90 87.90 28.20 8.70 9-1-0 0 10 30
13 368 3.00 0.80 107.60 35.90 14.20 8-2-0 0 10 30
14 694 2.90 0.90 102.70 28.50 13.60 7-3-0 0 10 29
15 5934 2.90 0.90 101.80 35.00 9.10 7-3-0 0 10 29
16 1710 2.60 1.00 101.60 34.70 10.80 5-5-0 0 10 26
17 118 2.60 1.00 99.70 34.10 12.00 6-4-0 0 10 26
18 3314 2.60 1.00 96.40 34.00 11.80 5-4-1 0 10 26
19 2869 2.60 1.00 89.20 29.40 8.30 6-4-0 0 10 26
20 1506 2.60 1.00 88.70 30.20 10.80 5-4-1 0 10 26
21 449 2.50 1.00 97.10 34.30 10.60 5-5-0 0 10 25
22 1108 2.50 1.00 88.10 33.70 9.70 5-5-0 0 10 25
23 4237 2.50 0.90 99.90 34.20 10.60 4-6-0 0 10 25
24 148 2.50 0.90 88.20 26.60 9.80 6-4-0 0 10 25
25 103 2.40 1.00 98.00 33.60 7.80 6-4-0 0 10 24
26 2067 2.40 1.00 89.00 27.00 10.60 5-5-0 0 10 24
27 1574 2.40 1.00 87.40 28.50 13.00 5-5-0 0 10 24
28 27 2.40 0.90 100.60 32.20 8.70 6-4-0 0 10 24
29 910 2.40 0.90 94.20 33.60 9.90 5-4-1 0 10 24
30 6911 2.40 0.90 90.60 26.20 8.60 5-5-0 0 10 24
31 2052 2.40 0.70 87.10 25.60 10.30 6-4-0 0 10 24
32 1076 2.30 1.00 91.70 31.00 11.70 5-5-0 0 10 23
33 9659 2.30 0.90 80.70 25.80 9.60 6-4-0 0 10 23
34 9642 2.30 0.80 77.40 29.30 6.90 5-4-1 0 10 23
35 4795 2.20 0.90 86.60 27.60 6.10 5-5-0 0 10 22
36 1986 2.10 1.00 85.80 27.40 8.40 4-6-0 0 10 21
37 9624 2.10 1.00 75.00 28.60 9.50 5-5-0 0 10 21
38 9015 2.10 0.90 86.00 29.60 8.70 5-5-0 0 10 21
39 7157 2.10 0.80 81.10 29.60 7.80 5-5-0 0 10 21
40 649 2.10 0.70 79.20 27.30 6.00 6-4-0 0 10 21
41 8153 2.10 0.70 71.60 23.90 5.10 6-4-0 0 10 21
42 7451 2.00 0.90 92.60 29.50 8.00 4-6-0 0 10 20
43 1538 2.00 0.90 84.60 27.10 7.90 5-5-0 0 10 20
44 3184 2.00 0.80 83.30 25.80 12.70 4-6-0 0 10 20
45 321 2.00 0.80 74.60 24.70 6.40 6-4-0 0 10 20
46 51 1.90 0.90 91.10 31.80 9.80 4-6-0 0 10 19
47 840 1.90 0.90 85.00 30.20 7.10 4-6-0 0 10 19
48 8085 1.80 1.00 80.00 26.50 10.70 4-6-0 0 10 18
49 4828 1.80 0.90 73.70 27.20 6.20 5-5-0 0 10 18
50 9501 1.80 0.80 78.50 25.20 7.60 4-6-0 0 10 18
51 9400 1.80 0.80 74.40 27.10 7.00 4-6-0 0 10 18
52 4403 1.80 0.80 72.80 22.10 7.80 4-6-0 0 10 18
53 9480 1.80 0.70 77.90 29.20 7.70 3-7-0 0 10 18
54 7501 1.70 0.80 77.90 30.60 6.70 5-5-0 0 10 17
55 4735 1.70 0.80 62.50 21.40 6.60 5-5-0 0 10 17
56 7102 1.60 0.90 74.80 26.00 9.10 3-7-0 0 10 16
57 5534 1.60 0.80 77.70 31.10 6.70 4-6-0 0 10 16
58 8338 1.50 0.90 63.60 25.30 6.50 4-6-0 0 10 15
59 2813 1.50 0.80 67.80 29.50 5.10 3-6-1 0 10 15
60 9427 1.50 0.80 65.80 23.50 7.90 4-6-0 0 10 15
61 4593 1.40 1.00 67.50 28.00 8.40 3-7-0 0 10 14
62 9432 1.40 0.90 81.80 28.90 4.90 3-7-0 0 10 14
63 1700 1.40 0.90 64.30 22.40 8.10 3-7-0 0 10 14
64 9134 1.40 0.80 65.00 25.10 6.50 4-6-0 0 10 14
65 980 1.40 0.70 72.70 23.80 7.60 3-7-0 0 10 14
66 1902 1.40 0.60 75.90 23.50 5.70 4-6-0 0 10 14
67 8717 1.30 0.70 61.50 23.10 8.30 3-7-0 0 10 13
68 3603 1.20 0.70 80.10 25.60 6.40 2-8-0 0 10 12
69 4920 1.10 1.00 74.00 24.10 7.30 2-8-0 0 10 11
70 8873 1.00 0.90 77.40 25.40 6.60 2-8-0 0 10 10
71 4135 1.00 0.80 61.20 19.50 10.00 2-8-0 0 10 10
72 9405 0.90 0.90 66.00 22.40 6.40 2-8-0 0 10 9
73 6989 0.80 0.60 64.00 25.90 6.50 1-9-0 0 10 8
74 3863 0.60 0.70 56.70 22.20 7.10 1-9-0 0 10 6
75 4146 0.30 0.90 65.40 22.20 6.90 0-10-0 0 10 3

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Clarkston, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Kintnersville, Pennsylvania, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Greenville, Texas, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Saratoga, California, USA
New York, New York, USA
San Mateo, California, USA
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Burbank, California, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Paola, Kansas, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Misgav, HaZafon, Israel
Binyamina, HaZafon, Israel
Palo Alto, California, USA
Olathe, Kansas, USA
Suwanee, Georgia, USA
Orlando, Florida, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
New Brighton, Minnesota, USA
Hopkins, Michigan, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Vancouver, Washington, USA
Saratoga, California, USA
Bethpage, New York, USA
Burnsville, Minnesota, USA
Clifton, New Jersey, USA
Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Reed City, Michigan, USA
Newbury Park, California, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Modesto, California, USA
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Stevensville, Michigan, USA
Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico
Sedalia, Missouri, USA
Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
TORREON, Coahuila, Mexico
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Belle River, Ontario, Canada
Essexville, Michigan, USA
Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Onaway, Michigan, USA
DeKalb, Illinois, USA
Orangeburg, New York, USA
Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico
Brea, California, USA
Cumming, Georgia, USA
Brooklyn, Michigan, USA
Milford, Connecticut, USA
Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Mount Pleasant, Michigan, USA
Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
Santa Clara, California, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
ShuLin, New Taipei, Chinese Taipei
Anthem, Arizona, USA
Flowery Branch, Georgia, USA
New Taipei, New Taipei, Chinese Taipei
Longueuil, Québec, Canada
New York, New York, USA
North York, Ontario, Canada
Award Winner
Engineering Inspiration Award 4403
Rookie All Star Award 9501
Championship Division Winner 1690
Championship Division Winner 4522
Championship Division Winner 9432
Championship Division Winner 321
Championship Division Finalist 131
Championship Division Finalist 148
Championship Division Finalist 7157
Championship Division Finalist 2052
Autonomous Award 1771
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4028
Excellence in Engineering Award 118
Gracious Professionalism Award 8717
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3538
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 5460
Innovation in Control Award 1690
Judges' Award 6989
Quality Award 148
Rookie Inspiration Award 9400
Team Spirit Award 1700
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 27

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