From USAF Academy, Colorado, USA
aka Academy School District 20 / Verizon / National Defense Education Program / United States Air Force Academy STEM Outreach Program / The Niedringhaus Family / Northrup Grumman / Marco's Pizza / Alvin Fishman, CPA / Fastenal / Red Rock Technologies / Broadcom Limited & Air Academy High School & Discovery Canyon Campus HS & Pine Creek High School & Rampart High School & Tca College Pathways
Rookie Year: 2001
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Event Results

Team 662 was 18-14-0 in official play in 2014.

Utah Regional

in West Valley City, UT, USA
to Week 3

Team 662 was Rank 4 with a record of 10-4-0

Captain 662
Pick 1 2993
Pick 2 4944

Colorado Regional

in Denver, CO, USA
to Week 6

Team 662 was Rank 34 with a record of 8-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist

Captain 2996
Pick 1 1410
Pick 2 662
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4388 2259 4153 2945 2996 662 17 101
3643 2275 4293 2972 1332 662 20 133
649 1619 662 3562 1987 4068 117 133
4550 649 4418 662 2259 1799 113 48
1583 662 4593 4072 5318 3243 41 130
1584 2261 662 3648 1011 159 73 84
3703 3310 662 2259 1977 2036 215 11
1245 4581 662 3703 2972 1799 87 83
3310 4944 4928 4418 4499 662 270 39
1157 1138 4293 1339 662 3403 225 82
3562 662 5318 2240 1011 1361 68 139
1410 662 2996 1583 4928 649 57 97
1410 662 2996 1583 4928 649 154 118
2996 662 1410 649 1583 4928 117 112
4153 1987 1619 2996 1410 662 83 125
1987 1619 4153 662 1410 2996 127 157
2543 1138 3310 662 1410 2996 126 88
1138 2543 3310 662 2996 1410 141 119

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