Colorado Regional 2014

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3648 3403 2543 3310 2275 4593 17 100
2972 1011 1138 1303 2240 1332 95 27
3703 4386 3643 2261 1619 4072 0 201
3200 4068 1584 4499 3243 4293 71 46
159 649 2083 1361 1410 5318 92 42
4388 2259 4153 2945 2996 662 17 101
3562 4581 1977 4944 1583 3729 106 107
1799 1987 4928 1339 2036 1157 31 17
4418 1245 3243 4550 3807 2240 53 43
3643 2275 4293 2972 1332 662 20 133
4386 2945 2083 4593 3703 1011 65 16
4499 4153 1361 1410 1138 1977 76 160
1987 4944 4388 4068 5318 3648 117 32
2036 1799 3807 2996 3403 4072 10 67
1619 2543 4418 1245 3200 1339 128 97
2259 159 4928 1584 4581 3729 41 11
4550 1157 3310 2261 1303 649 135 41
3562 3643 4593 1583 1799 2996 30 132
2972 4418 3807 2945 4153 1011 37 66
4072 3200 3703 3403 5318 2240 67 98
159 1138 4499 2275 3648 2036 140 10
3310 1583 1410 1157 4388 1245 145 16
1339 4550 3729 4386 4944 1584 53 82
1977 2543 4293 2083 4928 1303 50 10
2259 3243 1332 1361 4581 2261 68 11
649 1619 662 3562 1987 4068 117 133
4072 2275 1339 3729 1245 1011 62 173
3648 4928 1584 1410 3200 3643 41 87
2036 4386 2543 1361 4388 2972 35 98
4593 4944 2240 3807 159 4153 74 52
3703 2261 2996 1987 4293 1303 16 87
4550 649 4418 662 2259 1799 113 48
3403 1157 4581 2945 1977 5318 70 151
1583 3243 4068 1332 3310 1138 88 145
4499 1619 1339 2083 3562 2261 161 55
4388 4293 159 3643 4550 2259 58 156
4581 2275 4944 2036 3703 649 33 78
2972 3729 2996 3200 3310 4418 150 95
1583 662 4593 4072 5318 3243 41 130
3403 2083 1011 4153 4068 4928 57 142
3648 1332 1977 1619 1799 2945 39 140
1361 1303 3807 1157 4499 1584 38 101
3562 4386 1410 1138 1987 1245 30 107
2240 4581 2996 2543 4550 4068 76 57
4418 2036 2945 1583 2275 2083 95 166
1361 1799 4072 4293 3200 4944 37 104
2259 1245 1619 4593 1157 1303 190 10
1584 2261 662 3648 1011 159 73 84
1138 3643 5318 4499 2543 3729 135 41
649 2240 1410 3403 1977 4386 38 17
3562 3807 1332 4928 4388 3703 66 22
1987 4153 1339 3243 3310 2972 108 96
1011 2543 1799 159 1583 1619 123 165
2996 1245 4293 4499 5318 649 60 87
4388 2261 4593 1138 4418 1584 37 90
4153 1410 1303 4068 4581 4072 117 12
2972 3562 3403 3648 4550 3243 112 77
3729 3200 1332 2083 1157 1987 38 46
3643 2240 1339 2275 2945 1361 22 86
3703 3310 662 2259 1977 2036 215 11
4386 4928 2261 3807 4944 2996 20 127
4068 3403 1303 3562 1583 4418 62 90
2275 5318 2543 1584 4153 4550 85 101
649 1977 3200 4593 1339 1138 34 160
3729 3807 2945 4293 1619 1410 56 175
4388 3648 3310 4072 2240 2083 120 48
1245 4581 662 3703 2972 1799 87 83
1011 1987 1332 2259 4944 4499 119 73
3643 159 2036 4386 3243 1157 50 67
1361 1619 4550 4928 2945 4072 135 62
3648 1138 2996 3807 3703 4581 140 18
2083 1799 1584 2240 2972 1583 65 69
4068 1157 1332 4386 4593 4153 22 185
2261 159 2543 3200 3562 2036 70 96
2259 1303 5318 1410 3243 1339 50 58
3310 4944 4928 4418 4499 662 270 39
4293 1011 649 1977 3643 4388 83 0
1987 1361 3729 1245 2275 3403 172 33
2972 5318 2083 4068 2259 3807 95 16
2036 4153 3310 1584 1619 3562 110 131
4944 3243 1011 2543 1410 2996 92 173
4581 4593 4550 1987 3643 4499 61 97
1332 1245 4072 4418 1977 159 81 65
1157 1138 4293 1339 662 3403 225 82
1799 3200 1303 4386 4388 2275 90 66
1583 3648 3703 4928 1361 649 58 134
2240 2945 4068 3729 2261 2036 156 11
1157 2259 4072 2543 1138 2083 11 175
1584 2996 1339 1332 159 3403 89 37
3807 1977 1583 4550 1987 3200 102 159
2945 4944 3643 1303 1245 3310 159 180
2261 2275 2972 4928 4593 1410 83 87
3562 662 5318 2240 1011 1361 68 139
3243 3703 4153 3729 4388 1799 95 51
3648 1619 4386 4418 4581 4293 171 72
4499 2972 4072 649 2945 3403 120 57


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1138 3310 2543
Alliance 2 1987 1619 4153
Alliance 3 2996 1410 662
Alliance 4 2972 1011 3200
Alliance 5 4944 2945 4499
Alliance 6 1583 4928 649
Alliance 7 1245 5318 4293
Alliance 8 2240 4550 1339

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1138 2543 3310 4550 1339 2240 115 97
2543 1138 3310 4550 1339 2240 80 62
3200 2972 1011 4499 2945 4944 108 67
1011 2972 3200 4499 2945 4944 128 56
1619 1987 4153 1245 4293 5318 117 70
1987 4153 1619 1245 5318 4293 136 110
1410 662 2996 1583 4928 649 57 97
1410 662 2996 1583 4928 649 154 118
2996 662 1410 649 1583 4928 117 112
1138 2543 3310 1011 2972 3200 136 68
2543 3310 1138 2972 3200 1011 195 99
4153 1987 1619 2996 1410 662 83 125
1987 1619 4153 662 1410 2996 127 157
2543 1138 3310 662 1410 2996 126 88
1138 2543 3310 662 2996 1410 141 119

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Truss & Catch
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 1138 22 320 510 180 562 11-0-0 0 11 2.00
2 1987 22 270 470 90 346 11-0-0 0 11 2.00
3 1619 20 460 465 270 519 10-1-0 0 11 1.82
4 2996 18 270 355 130 376 9-2-0 0 11 1.64
5 1410 18 250 286 200 376 9-2-0 0 11 1.64
6 3310 16 400 510 200 501 8-3-0 0 11 1.45
7 2972 16 200 385 240 309 8-3-0 0 11 1.45
8 4944 14 320 270 80 568 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
9 1583 14 310 385 170 298 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
10 1245 14 300 331 70 376 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
11 2240 14 300 237 70 183 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
12 1011 14 290 360 170 227 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
13 649 14 270 386 140 78 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
14 4153 14 240 428 160 241 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
15 1584 14 140 360 120 235 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
16 2945 12 280 386 80 382 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
17 4550 12 270 361 160 299 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
18 4499 12 260 351 160 210 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
19 4293 12 260 276 140 304 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
20 4928 12 250 271 90 249 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
21 1361 12 250 267 130 321 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
22 3200 12 240 300 220 178 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
23 3243 12 210 241 130 289 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
24 2083 12 190 405 110 169 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
25 5318 12 160 350 210 253 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
26 1332 12 150 282 80 263 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
27 3562 12 90 396 120 311 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
28 4593 10 250 231 80 240 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
29 159 10 240 281 160 173 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
30 1339 10 210 355 150 194 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
31 4418 10 200 370 120 187 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
32 4386 10 200 251 60 227 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
33 1157 10 120 200 90 310 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
34 662 8 270 291 120 323 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
35 1799 8 250 290 130 140 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
36 3648 8 230 251 90 218 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
37 1303 8 220 307 60 125 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
38 2543 8 210 400 170 174 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
39 4068 8 200 282 60 249 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
40 2259 8 160 209 80 232 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
41 3643 8 120 185 140 311 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
42 4072 8 110 216 150 288 4-6-0 1 11 0.73
43 3729 8 70 260 40 493 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
44 2275 6 190 290 110 154 3-8-0 0 11 0.55
45 4388 6 160 198 80 164 3-8-0 0 11 0.55
46 1977 6 130 233 90 282 3-8-0 0 11 0.55
47 3703 6 100 201 200 167 3-8-0 0 11 0.55
48 4581 4 150 117 40 250 2-9-0 0 11 0.36
49 3403 4 70 311 70 160 2-9-0 0 11 0.36
50 2036 4 70 210 90 116 2-6-0 3 11 0.36
51 3807 4 60 298 30 177 2-9-0 0 11 0.36
52 2261 0 70 205 90 52 0-10-0 1 11 0.00

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Saratoga, California, USA
USAF Academy, Colorado, USA
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Chatsworth, California, USA
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Louisville, Colorado, USA
Casper, Wyoming, USA
Collbran, Colorado, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Watkins, Colorado, USA
Nederland, Colorado, USA
Longmont, Colorado, USA
Littleton, Colorado, USA
Loveland, Colorado, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Conifer, Colorado, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Longmont, Colorado, USA
Denver, CO, USA
Chula Vista, California, USA
Manitou Springs, Colorado, USA
Team Location Image
Lafayette, Colorado, USA
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Centennial, Colorado, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Heath, Texas, USA
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Pocatello, Idaho, USA
Henderson, CO, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Denver, CO, USA
Aurora, Colorado, USA
Aurora, Colorado, USA
Monument, Colorado, USA
Glenwood Springs, CO, USA
Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
Louviers, Colorado, USA
Brush, Colorado, USA
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Littleton, Colorado, USA
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Englewood, Colorado, USA
Aurora, CO, USA
Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
Al Ain, Abu Z¸aby (Abu Dhabi), United Arab Emirates
Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
Lead, South Dakota, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 3562
Engineering Inspiration 1011
Rookie All Star Award 4944
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award John Rigsby (1619)
Volunteer of the Year Steve Garran
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Kip Stahlecker (3562)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Ivan France (649)
Regional Winner 1138
Regional Winner 3310
Regional Winner 2543
Regional Finalist 2996
Regional Finalist 1410
Regional Finalist 662
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1619
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4293
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 4499
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 159
Highest Rookie Seed Award 4944
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1011
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1138
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1987
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 3310
Judges Award 1583
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1987
Rookie Inspiration Award 4928
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 2996

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1619 106.63
3310 92.29
1138 86.58
4944 61.69
2996 50.28
1987 48.51
4153 48.50
4550 45.12
1583 44.36
2945 44.09
2972 43.82
5318 36.83
1245 36.36
1011 35.39
3562 34.97
662 31.87
1361 31.28
3200 30.74
2543 28.91
1410 28.20
159 27.57
4293 25.79
4928 25.56
3729 24.96
649 24.80
4068 24.31
4072 22.84
1977 22.53
2083 22.52
4499 21.33
1339 19.27
3243 18.67
2240 17.81
4386 17.74
1799 15.86
1157 15.24
2275 15.24
1584 13.52
1303 13.18
3643 12.71
4593 12.33
3703 11.63
1332 11.63
4418 8.64
3403 8.52
2259 7.71
3648 5.93
2261 4.93
4581 3.62
2036 1.04
4388 -0.56
3807 -2.69
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