From Bucksport, Maine, USA
aka RSU 25/The Silvernail Family/The Town of Bucksport&Bucksport High School
Rookie Year: 2017
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Event Results

Team 6329 was 41-13-0 in official play and 54-15-0 overall in 2022.

As a member of the New England district, Team 6329 ranked 6 having earned 296 points.

NE District Pine Tree Event

in Waterville, ME, USA
to Week 2

Team 6329 was Rank 1 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Entrepreneurship Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 6329
Pick 1 3467
Pick 2 7907

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 63
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7907 6329 172 6153 2648 166 63 44
5265 125 5813 3467 6329 1831 50 96
4041 6329 5494 190 4473 5265 62 22
6329 2648 4473 58 4906 190 44 52
8023 4906 4473 6329 6153 125 23 86
4906 157 6329 4473 7907 6161 76 6
6329 5813 8023 5687 4041 133 79 80
7314 6153 1831 5687 190 6329 23 77
4564 190 6329 125 7314 5494 85 54
5494 190 7907 5265 6329 3451 24 65
7907 3451 1831 6329 133 6161 30 53
3451 8023 5494 6161 6895 6329 45 49
3467 6329 7907 1831 6153 4906 82 37
3467 6329 7907 1831 6153 4906 85 52
3467 6329 7907 5687 58 2648 72 63
3467 6329 7907 5687 58 5265 88 69
3467 6329 7907 4564 5813 8023 88 91
3467 6329 7907 4564 5813 8023 0 63

NE District Pease ANG Event

in Durham, NH, USA
to Week 5

Team 6329 was Rank 4 with a record of 15-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4564
Pick 1 6329
Pick 2 6324

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 59
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6329 6690 6161 238 1307 131 35 81
6329 6324 4473 4906 6161 319 65 48
246 2648 6762 5459 6329 2713 34 87
4546 6762 58 8023 8410 6329 54 72
5494 6329 4761 131 166 8023 70 56
2648 7913 58 3451 6153 6329 58 64
6329 7913 6762 2713 7314 6324 59 38
2648 5265 6329 319 5902 1831 73 45
1247 3451 133 6329 172 509 96 99
8046 1247 6329 7674 131 5494 69 47
131 6329 1512 5494 8410 4473 116 50
4925 663 4761 5687 6329 4906 57 130
6329 4564 6324 509 4761 4906 93 44
6329 4564 6324 509 4761 4906 95 55
6329 4564 6324 166 131 5494 98 85
6329 4564 6324 166 131 6690 94 91
133 238 2648 6329 4564 6324 105 77
133 238 2648 6329 4564 6324 93 75

New England FIRST District Championship - Titanium Division

in West Springfield, MA, USA
to Week 7

Team 6329 was Rank 6 with a record of 12-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Finalist
  • Quality Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 95
Pick 1 6329
Pick 2 1027
Backup for 1027 8046

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 54
Alliance Points 45
Playoff Points 60
Award Points 15
Total Points 174
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2648 6329 176 8889 1991 7153 132 43
6329 95 126 3182 6153 166 144 57
166 558 126 6201 5687 6329 90 110
228 467 6329 61 237 558 133 83
6329 6933 2067 2648 61 95 107 100
2067 467 6690 1027 6329 195 62 102
5687 2877 8889 6329 5494 1099 104 70
1073 3182 8889 5846 2713 6329 45 82
3182 6329 61 5687 8046 195 71 101
1991 6329 3461 3146 663 1073 106 86
663 176 5112 237 8023 6329 92 87
509 172 2067 6329 5112 166 86 69
6329 95 1027 166 195 558 100 89
6329 95 1027 166 195 558 110 82
6329 95 1027 1073 6153 3146 122 106
6329 95 1027 1073 6153 3146 93 92
176 238 5846 6329 95 1027 117 91
176 238 5846 6329 95 8046 128 100

Summer Heat

in Falmouth, ME, USA

Team 6329 was Rank 2 with a record of 13-2-0

Captain 6329
Pick 1 6328
Pick 2 9989
Pick 3 2648
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
501 9992 2648 6153 4041 6329 35 98
133 4473 9985 6329 4909 3467 66 112
133 6329 172 1071 4473 4041 123 47
2370 5687 2713 6329 4564 9996 67 99
4473 501 6153 2713 319 6329 69 73
6329 5813 9989 8046 9985 9996 118 28
131 6329 8046 172 2713 58 118 91
6329 9989 6328 319 133 9992 108 92
6329 2648 6328 5687 1071 58 96 68
6329 9989 6328 5813 4564 2713 122 65
6329 2648 6328 4041 4909 4473 129 46
131 3467 8046 6329 9989 6328 104 122
131 3467 6153 6328 9989 6329 138 84
131 3467 8046 6328 9989 6329 82 83
131 3467 6153 6328 9989 6329 114 66

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