New England FIRST District Championship - Titanium Division 2022

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6690 5846 126 238 3146 61 86 96
195 6201 2713 6933 663 5687 81 80
8023 95 172 1768 558 1027 81 79
2648 6329 176 8889 1991 7153 132 43
2877 237 3182 2067 8046 3461 67 104
166 467 509 1073 1099 6153 69 70
5494 228 558 5112 195 6933 69 73
2648 1991 6201 5687 1027 8023 56 56
663 8046 237 3146 5846 8889 54 53
6329 95 126 3182 6153 166 144 57
3461 7153 172 6690 228 5112 74 59
467 1073 238 2067 176 2877 55 115
2713 1768 5494 1099 61 509 86 59
166 558 126 6201 5687 6329 90 110
6153 3461 6933 3182 8046 5846 61 45
1073 172 237 663 2648 195 98 66
95 1099 2067 2713 228 1991 101 74
8023 7153 5112 467 8889 61 49 62
176 238 1027 1768 3146 2877 116 93
509 6690 663 5494 126 3182 74 59
166 1991 1099 172 2648 5846 68 71
228 467 6329 61 237 558 133 83
8889 6201 8046 1768 2067 238 70 134
5112 1073 1027 2877 7153 6933 58 62
195 8023 5494 95 3146 6153 89 115
2713 509 5687 6690 3461 176 81 102
8889 237 228 172 126 467 79 86
238 2877 1991 7153 3182 6201 98 57
558 6153 8046 1027 5494 663 95 34
1099 6690 3146 176 5687 1073 51 123
3461 195 1768 166 2713 8023 116 62
6329 6933 2067 2648 61 95 107 100
2877 5112 509 5846 1991 558 73 59
5494 238 5687 228 172 3182 109 65
1099 2713 176 8046 126 7153 94 82
61 1768 1073 6153 8889 663 97 66
2067 467 6690 1027 6329 195 62 102
8023 6933 5846 237 2648 509 59 75
5112 3461 3146 6201 95 166 71 92
663 61 2713 1991 176 172 49 118
5687 2877 8889 6329 5494 1099 104 70
7153 6153 1768 2067 126 237 103 94
509 5846 3461 6201 467 1027 70 50
6933 1073 2648 238 3182 558 77 80
95 6690 8046 228 166 195 83 79
3146 2067 8023 5112 5687 6153 88 108
61 1027 1991 237 5494 3461 76 105
1073 3182 8889 5846 2713 6329 45 82
558 195 95 7153 176 467 94 83
6201 663 172 8046 166 2877 83 95
3146 2648 228 509 6933 1768 90 79
126 1099 5112 6690 238 8023 52 92
237 5846 7153 3461 95 2713 58 124
3182 6329 61 5687 8046 195 71 101
176 5494 166 2877 228 1073 96 97
1768 663 467 2648 5112 2067 61 70
558 509 3146 238 8889 1099 67 82
172 1027 6933 1991 6153 126 71 77
8023 6201 2877 195 61 6690 57 87
5846 166 5687 7153 2067 5494 106 49
8046 1099 2648 467 5112 95 49 58
172 558 2713 126 509 238 96 104
1991 6329 3461 3146 663 1073 106 86
6153 1027 237 176 6201 228 106 123
6933 6690 3182 8889 8023 1768 45 17
467 2877 5494 126 2713 2648 83 94
1991 195 3146 8046 172 238 95 107
5846 2067 6153 558 3461 1099 47 59
1027 8889 6690 6933 166 61 59 93
663 176 5112 237 8023 6329 92 87
228 7153 95 1073 509 6201 116 50
3182 1768 1991 5687 558 467 43 98
6153 238 2648 2713 2877 6690 109 58
5494 6933 8889 3461 8023 663 49 65
509 172 2067 6329 5112 166 86 69
126 1768 228 195 1073 5846 80 65
61 5687 7153 1027 3146 8046 98 73
95 3182 176 1099 237 6201 134 68


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 238 176 5846
Alliance 2 95 6329 1027 (8046)
Alliance 3 3461 228 663
Alliance 4 5687 1768 6933
Alliance 5 172 2067 237
Alliance 6 6153 1073 3146
Alliance 7 195 166 558
Alliance 8 2877 126 509

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
176 238 5846 126 2877 509 103 47
176 238 5846 126 2877 509 110 43
1768 5687 6933 2067 172 237 121 104
1768 5687 6933 2067 172 237 115 84
6329 95 1027 166 195 558 100 89
6329 95 1027 166 195 558 110 82
228 3461 663 1073 6153 3146 94 102
228 3461 663 1073 6153 3146 110 110
228 3461 663 1073 6153 3146 87 93
176 238 5846 1768 5687 6933 122 92
176 238 5846 1768 5687 6933 150 83
6329 95 1027 1073 6153 3146 122 106
6329 95 1027 1073 6153 3146 93 92
176 238 5846 6329 95 1027 117 91
176 238 5846 6329 95 8046 128 100

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Avg Match
Avg Hangar
Avg Taxi + Auto Cargo
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 238 3.75 95.83 26.33 25.16 11-1-0 0 12 45
2 95 3.58 98.50 27.58 25.50 11-1-0 0 12 43
3 176 3.41 106.66 26.58 28.66 10-2-0 0 12 41
4 3461 3.41 85.08 28.33 20.66 11-1-0 0 12 41
5 5687 3.25 92.83 26.00 27.50 9-2-1 0 12 39
6 6329 3.16 99.41 25.83 21.33 8-4-0 0 12 38
7 172 3.16 83.00 24.83 20.83 8-4-0 0 12 38
8 6153 3.00 82.16 26.66 20.50 8-4-0 0 12 36
9 2067 2.83 86.75 24.83 24.66 7-5-0 0 12 34
10 195 2.83 83.00 24.00 22.66 7-5-0 0 12 34
11 228 2.75 84.00 26.16 22.16 6-6-0 0 12 33
12 2877 2.75 79.83 23.41 23.33 7-5-0 0 12 33
13 126 2.66 86.00 26.58 21.66 6-6-0 0 12 32
14 8046 2.66 77.83 22.83 20.00 7-5-0 0 12 32
15 2648 2.58 79.75 19.16 23.50 7-4-1 0 12 31
16 2713 2.58 79.08 16.83 23.16 6-6-0 0 12 31
17 166 2.50 78.33 27.08 16.66 4-8-0 0 12 30
18 1768 2.41 80.66 22.75 23.66 6-6-0 0 12 29
19 61 2.41 79.58 27.66 20.83 6-6-0 0 12 29
20 6690 2.41 68.50 21.16 19.00 6-6-0 0 12 29
21 237 2.25 78.50 24.50 21.66 4-8-0 0 12 27
22 558 2.25 75.08 25.83 21.33 5-7-0 0 12 27
23 509 2.25 71.25 25.91 21.33 6-6-0 0 12 27
24 6201 2.16 72.08 25.83 18.83 4-7-1 0 12 26
25 467 2.16 72.00 23.58 20.33 5-7-0 0 12 26
26 7153 2.16 69.83 19.33 18.16 5-7-0 0 12 26
27 6933 2.16 69.33 16.08 20.83 6-6-0 0 12 26
28 5112 2.16 65.00 18.08 22.00 6-6-0 0 12 26
29 3146 2.08 77.16 25.33 21.33 3-9-0 0 12 25
30 1073 2.08 73.75 20.33 23.16 5-7-0 0 12 25
31 1991 2.08 73.08 22.83 21.00 4-7-1 0 12 25
32 1099 1.83 65.58 15.50 21.16 5-7-0 0 12 22
33 663 1.75 65.50 17.00 19.33 4-8-0 0 12 21
34 8023 1.75 63.50 20.75 18.16 3-8-1 0 12 21
35 5846 1.75 62.41 17.50 16.33 4-8-0 0 12 21
36 3182 1.75 62.33 21.83 17.50 3-9-0 0 12 21
37 1027 1.66 71.33 23.41 18.00 2-9-1 0 12 20
38 5494 1.66 68.41 17.58 19.00 3-8-0 1 12 20
39 8889 1.50 58.41 17.08 18.83 3-9-0 0 12 18

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Upton, Massachusetts, USA
White River Junction, Vermont, USA
Clinton, Massachusetts, USA
Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Falmouth/Gorham, Maine, USA
Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Watertown, Connecticut, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
Bedford, New Hampshire, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA
West Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Hollis, New Hampshire, USA
Brookfield, Connecticut, USA
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Team Location Image
Oakland, Maine, USA
Melrose, Massachusetts, USA
Newtonville, Massachusetts, USA
Granby, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Connecticut, USA
Foster and Glocester , Rhode Island, USA
Holbrook, Massachusetts, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA
Farmington, Maine, USA
Somerville, Massachusetts, USA
Bucksport, Maine, USA
Penacook, New Hampshire, USA
Bethel, Vermont, USA
Manchester, Connecticut, USA
Lewiston, Maine, USA
Meredith, New Hampshire, USA
Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
Award Winner
District Championship Winner 238
District Championship Winner 176
District Championship Winner 5846
District Championship Finalist 95
District Championship Finalist 6329
District Championship Finalist 1027
District Championship Finalist 8046
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 2067
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1768
Entrepreneurship Award 166
Excellence in Engineering Award 238
Gracious Professionalism Award 6153
Highest Rookie Seed 8889
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3182
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 176
Innovation in Control Award 5687
Judges' Award 2713
Quality Award 6329
Rookie Inspiration Award 8889
Team Spirit Award 237
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 238 66 90 48 15 219
2 176 60 90 48 15 213
3 6329 54 60 45 15 174
4 95 63 60 45 0 168
5 5687 57 30 39 15 141
6 6153 51 30 33 15 129
7 1768 39 30 39 15 123
8 5846 21 90 3 0 114
9 2067 51 0 36 15 102
10 3461 57 0 42 0 99
11 1073 27 30 33 0 90
12 228 48 0 42 0 90
13 172 54 0 36 0 90
14 166 42 0 30 15 87
15 1027 18 60 6 0 84
16 3146 30 30 18 0 78
17 195 48 0 30 0 78
18 6933 30 30 12 0 72
19 126 45 0 27 0 72
20 2877 45 0 27 0 72
21 237 36 0 15 15 66
22 509 36 0 24 0 60
23 558 36 0 21 0 57
24 2713 42 0 0 15 57
25 8046 45 0 0 0 45
26 2648 42 0 0 0 42
27 6690 39 0 0 0 39
28 61 39 0 0 0 39
29 663 24 0 9 0 33
30 467 33 0 0 0 33
31 6201 33 0 0 0 33
32 7153 33 0 0 0 33
33 3182 18 0 0 15 33
34 5112 30 0 0 0 30
35 1991 27 0 0 0 27
36 8889 12 0 0 15 27
37 1099 24 0 0 0 24
38 8023 21 0 0 0 21
39 5494 15 0 0 0 15

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
176 58.20
95 50.10
6329 48.84
238 47.51
5687 47.38
126 35.52
195 35.31
3461 34.76
172 34.57
228 33.91
6153 33.58
237 33.49
1768 33.26
2877 32.69
2067 31.32
3146 30.87
61 29.00
166 27.65
8046 25.34
558 24.51
1073 23.74
2713 23.70
2648 23.53
6933 21.62
6201 21.40
509 20.49
6690 19.85
1991 19.06
5494 18.84
7153 17.68
1027 17.42
467 15.61
663 14.46
5846 13.41
8889 12.89
5112 11.46
8023 10.12
1099 9.78
3182 4.28


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Taxi Line 450 468 96.15%
Quintet Achieved 65 156 41.67%
Low Climb 11 468 2.35%
Mid Climb 93 468 19.87%
High Climb 48 468 10.26%
Traversal Climb 166 468 35.47%
Cargo Bonus RP Achieved * 109 156 69.87%
Hangar Bonus RP Achieved * 118 156 75.64%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Cargo Bonus + Hangar Bonus)
58 156 37.18%

Match Statistics

High Score 144 in Q10
Average Match Score 80.55
Average Winning Score 93.68
Average Win Margin 26.26
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Taxi Points 5.77 -- --
Average Cargo Count (Lower) 0.66 3.69 4.35
Average Cargo Count (Upper) 3.56 14.83 18.39
Average Cargo Count 4.22 18.53 22.74
Average Cargo Points 15.55 33.36 48.91
Average Hangar Points -- 22.90 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 2.97
Average Score 21.32 56.26 80.55


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Taxi Line 86 90 95.56%
Quintet Achieved 0 30 0.00%
Low Climb 8 90 8.89%
Mid Climb 9 90 10.00%
High Climb 5 90 5.56%
Traversal Climb 48 90 53.33%
Cargo Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
Hangar Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Cargo Bonus + Hangar Bonus)
0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 150 in SF1-2
Average Match Score 100.00
Average Winning Score 113.07
Average Win Margin 26.13
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Taxi Points 5.73 -- --
Average Cargo Count (Lower) 0.33 0.73 1.07
Average Cargo Count (Upper) 5.23 20.30 25.53
Average Cargo Count 5.57 21.03 26.60
Average Cargo Points 21.60 41.33 62.93
Average Hangar Points -- 28.53 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 2.80
Average Score 27.33 69.87 100.00