From TORREON, Coahuila, Mexico
aka Peñoles&Colegio Americano de Torreon
Rookie Year: 2015
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Event Results

Team 5526 was 15-25-0 in official play in 2022.

Regional Laguna

in Torreon, COA, Mexico
to Week 4

Team 5526 was Rank 29 with a record of 4-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 4355
Pick 1 5526
Pick 2 3526
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Aerospace Valley Regional

in Lancaster, CA, USA
to Week 6

Team 5526 was Rank 31 with a record of 9-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Wildcard

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 5199
Pick 1 4414
Pick 2 5526
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6989 3328 1700 3491 6072 5526 20 14
5526 6560 5199 1572 6072 1700 82 47
5526 5430 4160 4414 5012 2404 8 44
5526 2404 3309 2429 3669 3491 41 53
7607 968 5526 6560 399 2659 25 73
2584 2659 981 399 5526 1572 55 58
5199 4079 2429 3863 5526 3647 99 84
1700 5526 6305 3669 3863 5869 50 47
1538 4014 399 5012 5526 6989 63 23
3669 5199 1572 3328 2658 5526 97 34
5526 1538 4079 5818 6060 4414 57 127
5869 4414 3925 2659 2429 5526 103 45
4414 5199 5526 1700 6305 3863 110 41
4414 5199 5526 1700 6305 3863 82 38
4414 5199 5526 3309 6560 4079 131 73
4414 5199 5526 3309 6560 4079 105 91
4414 5199 5526 1538 3647 6989 120 96
4414 5199 5526 1538 3647 6989 105 0

Newton Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 5526 was Rank 76 with a record of 2-8-0

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