From Berkeley, California, USA
aka Bowden Family Foundation/Cultivating Leadership /Berkeley High School Development Group/Dream Maker Fund/Bayer/Philanthropic Ventures Foundation/Google/Berkeley Public Schools Fund/Berkeley Rotary Club/PG and E/Smart Deploy /First NorCal/Harbor Freight &Berkeley High School
Rookie Year: 2015
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Event Results

Team 5419 was 11-17-0 during the 2021 offseason.

Neodymium Group - INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge

in Manchester, NH, USA
to INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge

Team 5419 won the following awards:

  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

No matches played.


in San Jose, CA 95129, USA

Team 5419 was Rank 24 with a record of 7-8-0

Captain 841
Pick 1 5419
Pick 2 4159
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2135 8404 6238 840 5419 1351 109 58
253 5419 3045 4159 841 6059 50 65
5419 115 5026 2135 1700 5430 57 68
199 115 1967 114 8048 5419 49 72
5419 4159 5940 8404 668 114 81 25
5419 846 6036 2489 253 1967 71 95
1967 649 6036 852 5419 841 108 45
5430 5419 6059 6036 2489 114 72 45
1351 114 199 5419 668 1868 50 115
2135 5940 840 5419 1700 6238 150 76
846 852 2643 5419 199 2813 51 116
1967 3045 6036 5419 841 4159 28 93
1967 2643 6036 5419 841 4159 40 81
1868 2135 6059 5419 841 4159 72 61
1868 2135 6059 5419 841 4159 125 66

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 5419 was Rank 37 with a record of 4-9-0

Captain 2168
Pick 1 1678
Pick 2 5419
Pick 3 3374
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