From Saratoga, California, USA
aka Apple/NASA/Ford/Intuitive Foundation/Gene Haas Foundation/Lockheed Martin/PG&E/Dream Maker/Falkenburg Family/Cooney Family/Worley Family/Nomi Family/Kahn Family/Kawamoto-Chheang Family/Jariwala Family/Mark Family/Lau Family/Kim Family/Hung Family/Mr. Slimak&Prospect High School
Rookie Year: 2009
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Robot Name: Doom Turtle 2: Electric Boogaloo

Event Results

Team 2813 was 10-6-1 during the 2021 offseason.

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No matches played.

No matches played.


in San Jose, CA 95129, USA

Team 2813 was Rank 4 with a record of 10-6-1 and won the following awards:

  • Judges Award

Captain 2813
Pick 1 8048
Pick 2 6238
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
253 199 8048 2813 5026 668 67 23
6238 1351 2813 2489 115 2643 32 46
846 5940 2813 5026 1351 6059 45 14
6059 2489 2813 649 846 8404 60 77
5430 649 2813 253 6238 5940 56 30
1700 1868 841 3045 115 2813 104 127
5940 3045 114 2813 1700 8048 74 60
2813 840 841 4159 8404 5430 72 66
1967 2135 852 253 6036 2813 133 137
8404 6036 199 1868 2813 2643 49 111
846 852 2643 5419 199 2813 51 116
8048 2813 6238 1351 5430 253 118 116
8048 2813 6238 1351 5430 253 111 107
5026 846 852 8048 2813 6238 69 69
5026 846 852 8048 2813 6238 144 15
5026 846 852 8048 2813 6238 96 97
5026 846 852 8048 2813 6238 119 104

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Robot Name: Doom Turtle 2: Electric Boogaloo

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