From Saratoga, California, USA
aka Apple/NASA/Ford/Intuitive Foundation/Gene Haas Foundation/Lockheed Martin/PG&E/Dream Maker/Falkenburg Family/Cooney Family/Worley Family/Nomi Family/Kahn Family/Kawamoto-Chheang Family/Jariwala Family/Mark Family/Lau Family/Kim Family/Hung Family/Mr. Slimak&Prospect High School
Rookie Year: 2009
Last competed in 2024
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Robot Name: Swegbot

Event Results

Overall, Team 2813 had an average qual score of 90.03 and an average playoff score of 139.86 in 2015.

Utah Regional

in West Valley City, UT, USA
to Week 3

Team 2813 was Rank 33 with an average qual score of 60.30 and an average playoff score of 73.00

Captain 2996
Pick 1 1569
Pick 2 2813
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Silicon Valley Regional sponsored by

in San Jose, CA, USA
to Week 6

Team 2813 was Rank 22 with an average qual score of 70.50

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MadTown ThrowDown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 2813 was Rank 19 with an average qual score of 131.08 and an average playoff score of 166.60

Captain 973B
Pick 1 2813
Pick 2 1678B
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3482 971B 2813 3495 604 1323B 172 36
2135 4135 3495 4225 2813 8678 156 47
4171 2135 2813 4135 3482 5817 62 78
2813 5104 4973 971B 973B 1678 20 456
971C 4171 973C 3495 2813 1678 150 137
4135 1323 2813 971C 9135 5104 151 60
2813 1678B 3482 5104 1323 8678 109 159
4171 971B 1323 1323B 2813 971 318 130
9135 2813 114 604 5817 1678 39 188
5817 971C 4225 1671 973B 2813 196 321
1323B 3482 4973 5012 5817 2813 131 269
4973 971 8678 2813 1323B 973C 206 116
1678B 973B 2813 5817 973C 2135 108 145
1678B 2813 973B 5817 2135 973C 178 165
1678B 973B 2813 5817 973C 2135 113 70
971 1671 3495 973B 2813 1678B 370 223
1671 3495 971 1678B 973B 2813 270 211

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Robot Name: Swegbot

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