From Palo Alto, California, USA
aka Apple/Bayer Fund/Intuitive Foundation/Costco/Microsoft&Palo Alto High School
Rookie Year: 1996
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Event Results

Team 8 was 5-5-0 during the 2021 offseason.

Cobalt Group - FIRST Innovation Challenge

in Manchester, NH, USA
to FIRST Innovation Challenge

Team 8 won the following awards:

  • FIRST Innovation Challenge Semi-Finalist Award

No matches played.

Caesium Group - INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge

in Manchester, NH, USA
to INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge

Team 8 won the following awards:

  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

No matches played.

No matches played.

No matches played.

Oxygen Group - Game Design Challenge

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Game Design Challenge

Team 8 won the following awards:

  • Concept Award

No matches played.

No matches played.

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 8 was Rank 21 with a record of 5-5-0

Captain 971
Pick 1 3647
Pick 2 5507
Pick 3 8
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
670 1072 3538 3647 8736 8 130 187
649 973 4414 1351 115 8 213 151
8 1678 2135 5460 8736 5419 165 171
1072 3476 1351 8 971 2659 105 141
1671 3374 8 1700 1678 4499 90 130
5026 971 115 2168 8 254 134 243
1619 8033 5507 5026 8 1690 173 204
8 604 3859 5026 8736 1868 155 134
8 1868 1072 5940 1619 114 167 210
5104 8 670 3476 1671 1868 68 147

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