From Hauppauge, New York, USA
aka Hauppauge Union Free School District/Rockwell Automation/Gene Haas Foundation/Hauppauge Educational Foundation/Suffolk Transportation Services/AMS Risk Management and Consulting INC/Apple Bank&Hauppauge High School
Rookie Year: 2000
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Event Results

Team 358 was 29-12-4 in official play in 2010.

WPI Regional

in Worcester, MA, USA
to Week 2

Team 358 was Rank 15 with a record of 7-7-4 and won the following awards:

  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

Captain 358
Pick 1 716
Pick 2 2621
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2877 3280 358 2791 195 3125 4 3
571 358 2079 3280 1735 2104 0 3
839 2877 195 358 230 663 2 3
358 3125 3273 157 172 190 1 3
358 228 2370 195 1124 571 1 3
2104 529 663 1687 2621 358 0 3
157 358 839 2877 2621 1124 0 6
529 1124 3280 2104 358 20 1 2
1687 2079 172 1124 358 716 0 0
195 358 1735 3125 157 228 7 1
2523 839 2370 2079 348 358 3 0
3205 3280 839 190 2791 358 1 7
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 3
1735 2370 663 358 716 2621 1 2
663 2370 1735 2621 358 716 4 0
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 2 2
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 3
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 1

SBPLI Long Island Regional

in Hempstead, NY, USA
to Week 4

Team 358 was Rank 5 with a record of 15-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

Captain 271
Pick 1 358
Pick 2 263
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
358 545 522 527 3171 564 4 2
2869 369 329 527 2161 358 4 6
1796 352 358 1203 28 1626 2 1
1468 2641 870 533 358 417 6 2
884 358 1803 2785 353 871 8 0
2487 263 1808 270 358 2347 2 3
271 1554 2849 1468 1537 358 4 3
569 2875 1796 2869 358 514 2 5
358 1554 2875 1601 545 2027 11 0
270 1601 871 1751 810 358 0 4
1606 2027 358 533 287 884 4 2
263 358 271 28 270 2869 13 1
263 358 271 270 2869 28 10 3
271 263 358 1626 369 545 9 1
358 263 271 1626 545 369 11 2
870 514 3171 271 263 358 0 10
1546 870 514 358 271 263 8 13

Archimedes Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 358 was Rank 25 with a record of 7-3-0

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