WPI Regional 2010

to Week 2
WPI in Worcester, MA, USA
http://www.wpi.edu/news/firstregional - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2877 3280 358 2791 195 3125 4 3
20 3205 1735 839 2621 230 3 2
2104 2523 2079 172 1995 716 0 1
348 1124 3273 529 190 1687 0 0
2370 571 157 663 228 20 0 2
1687 1995 1124 2104 2877 230 2 5
2791 172 3205 3273 529 157 1 1
228 195 2079 663 839 348 1 1
2523 2621 716 2370 3125 190 0 5
571 358 2079 3280 1735 2104 0 3
529 2523 2370 3205 1124 3125 2 0
20 190 716 571 3273 172 3 0
839 2877 195 358 230 663 2 3
3280 348 1687 1735 1995 157 5 2
228 2621 3205 2791 230 2079 2 3
20 529 1124 2523 195 663 0 3
228 2877 348 1995 571 2621 0 0
2791 1735 2370 839 716 1687 7 0
358 3125 3273 157 172 190 1 3
2104 3205 348 3280 228 230 1 8
571 1687 3125 172 529 1735 2 3
3280 1995 663 2791 1124 839 3 0
195 2621 2104 716 2370 3273 5 4
190 157 2079 2523 2877 20 2 1
358 228 2370 195 1124 571 1 3
190 839 1995 3125 3280 2079 3 4
20 172 348 2877 3273 3205 6 1
2104 529 663 1687 2621 358 0 3
157 716 2791 2523 1735 230 0 11
1995 348 3125 1687 20 3273 1 2
663 2079 1735 2370 2104 172 2 5
157 358 839 2877 2621 1124 0 6
571 3205 2523 716 3280 195 0 1
190 230 2877 228 529 2791 9 2
1687 195 1995 2621 2079 3273 1 3
2523 157 172 2791 571 348 0 0
529 1124 3280 2104 358 20 1 2
3125 230 716 1735 839 228 3 3
190 2370 3280 663 3205 157 4 1
3273 2621 195 2104 839 3125 2 2
1687 2079 172 1124 358 716 0 0
1735 190 2877 1995 3205 2370 4 7
348 230 529 20 571 663 2 0
2791 3273 3280 228 2523 1995 1 0
663 172 1124 3205 20 230 1 6
195 358 1735 3125 157 228 7 1
1687 2791 2104 348 2621 190 3 3
529 2079 839 716 2877 571 1 1
2370 230 1687 2523 157 3280 1 1
2621 663 3125 228 3205 716 2 1
1995 2791 20 195 172 529 5 3
2523 839 2370 2079 348 358 3 0
1124 1735 3273 190 2104 571 2 1
2877 1995 230 2523 20 3125 4 5
228 571 3273 1124 2370 2079 0 2
663 716 2104 348 157 195 0 1
172 2877 2621 1687 529 1735 3 1
3205 3280 839 190 2791 358 1 7


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 230 20 228
Alliance 2 1735 2370 663
Alliance 3 3280 348 157
Alliance 4 190 2523 839
Alliance 5 2791 195 1124
Alliance 6 2877 172 3205
Alliance 7 358 716 2621
Alliance 8 2104 1995 3125

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
230 228 20 3125 2104 1995 9 3
230 20 228 3125 1995 2104 8 0
190 2523 839 195 2791 1124 3 3
839 190 2523 2791 195 1124 3 3
190 2523 839 1124 2791 195 5 7
190 2523 839 195 2791 1124 6 4
190 2523 839 195 2791 1124 7 5
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 3
1735 2370 663 358 716 2621 1 2
663 2370 1735 2621 358 716 4 0
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 2 2
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 3
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 1
3280 348 157 3205 172 2877 6 2
157 348 3280 3205 2877 172 3 0
228 20 230 839 190 2523 8 2
230 228 20 2523 839 190 6 1
663 2370 1735 157 3280 348 3 3
663 1735 2370 3280 157 348 6 3
663 1735 2370 3280 157 348 7 3
20 228 230 1735 2370 663 9 0
20 228 230 1735 663 2370 4 1

Elimination Bracket



Seeding Score
Coopertition Bonus
Hanging Points
Seeding Score/Match*
1 230 133 34 12 0 12 11.08
2 20 125 34 0 0 12 10.42
3 1735 123 28 4 0 12 10.25
4 2370 106 20 10 0 12 8.83
5 3280 105 24 4 0 11 9.55
6 2877 103 24 4 0 12 8.58
7 2104 97 30 4 0 12 8.08
8 172 97 30 2 0 12 8.08
9 2621 93 32 2 0 11 8.45
10 195 93 24 0 0 12 7.75
11 3125 92 26 0 0 12 7.67
12 190 91 18 4 0 11 8.27
13 2791 88 20 2 0 11 8.00
14 2079 82 28 0 0 12 6.83
15 358 82 18 0 0 11 7.45
16 1995 80 16 2 0 12 6.67
17 348 76 22 2 0 12 6.33
18 3205 76 16 2 0 11 6.91
19 2523 75 12 2 0 12 6.25
20 663 75 12 0 0 12 6.25
21 3273 73 22 2 0 12 6.08
22 157 71 12 0 0 12 5.92
23 1124 70 14 0 0 12 5.83
24 529 69 16 2 0 12 5.75
25 1687 69 16 0 0 12 5.75
26 716 66 10 2 0 12 5.50
27 228 65 12 2 0 12 5.42
28 839 55 14 2 0 11 5.00
29 571 36 6 0 0 12 3.00

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Clifton Park, New York, USA
Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA
Falmouth/Gorham, Maine, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Norwell, Massachusetts, USA
Hauppauge, New York, USA
Mansfield, MA, USA
Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA
Falls Village, Connecticut, USA
Feeding Hills, Massachusetts, USA
Avon, Connecticut, USA
Team Location Image
Worcester, MA, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Bangor, ME, USA
Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Rutland, Vermont, USA
Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, USA
Bedford, MA, USA
Latham, New York, USA
Newtonville, Massachusetts, USA
Hartford, CT, USA
Concord, Massachusetts, USA
Springfield, MA, USA
Providence, RI, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 1124
Engineering Inspiration 228
Rookie All Star Award 3125
Woodie Flowers Award Miki Oliver
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Brian Loveland
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Tina Dutra, Team 228
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Eric Gehrken, Team 3125
Winner 230
Winner 20
Winner 228
Finalist 1735
Finalist 2370
Finalist 663
Coopertition Award 230
Coopertition Award 20
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 20
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 1124
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 839
Excellence in Design Award sponsored by Autodesk 1995
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 358
Highest Rookie Seed 3280
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2877
Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors 1735
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1995
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 230
Judges Award 2791
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 2370
Rookie Inspiration Award 3280
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 172
Website Award 2791

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
230 3.17
1735 2.56
190 2.07
2370 2.06
195 1.66
20 1.65
3280 1.60
2621 1.31
2791 1.20
172 1.09
2877 1.07
3125 1.04
358 0.78
1995 0.74
2104 0.54
2523 0.51
3205 0.39
348 0.26
228 0.24
1124 0.15
3273 0.13
663 0.05
1687 -0.02
2079 -0.11
839 -0.15
529 -0.49
716 -0.50
157 -0.50
571 -0.75
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