From Watertown, Connecticut, USA
aka Siemon Company/Raytheon Technologies Corporation/Lockheed Martin - Sikorsky/Watertown Foundation/Watertown Rotary Club/Precision Dip Coating/Mike Sorrenti&Watertown High School
Rookie Year: 1999
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Event Results

Team 237 was 18-13-0 in official play in 2008.

Connecticut Regional

in Hartford, CT, USA
to Week 3

Team 237 was Rank 31 with a record of 4-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1124 237 358 2205 236 571 68 34
1665 237 1991 839 354 905 34 14
230 467 1071 178 905 237 20 2
61 383 237 175 178 358 64 86
716 237 270 95 228 61 36 60
369 1230 195 181 743 237 66 50
178 173 176 237 175 213 26 52
177 999 157 173 237 230 46 72

Philadelphia Regional

in Philadelphia, PA, USA
to Week 5

Team 237 was Rank 6 with a record of 10-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Motorola Quality Award

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
237 1640 834 709 84 2559 56 40
2229 237 284 708 357 1727 54 24
423 365 709 1727 237 341 4 76
1495 563 103 816 237 539 70 36
709 237 1647 304 484 1885 64 14
708 2558 237 1143 834 284 38 26
467 809 284 237 321 1634 88 34
1712 444 486 304 237 1370 10 60
84 237 433 1370 2539 316 62 54
1391 237 1143 816 2180 1647 58 78
1370 1634 539 237 486 484 24 78
316 1511 484 816 237 1370 56 92
316 1640 1511 1370 816 237 72 66
1511 316 1640 237 1370 816 70 100
341 84 365 237 1370 816 98 82
365 84 341 1370 816 237 84 64

Curie Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 237 was Rank 27 with a record of 4-3-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
100 418 858 368 304 237 68 100
418 108 237 271 67 462 56 120
203 294 340 67 237 45 26 124
33 16 45 126 326 237 112 80
16 237 138 173 75 108 100 24
86 237 395 16 57 67 100 144
191 126 118 768 57 237 42 78

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