From Elk Grove, California, USA
aka Siemens Mobility/ECMC Foundation&Pleasant Grove High School
Rookie Year: 2007
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Event Results

Team 2073 was 5-6-0 in official play and 14-21-1 overall in 2013.


in CA, USA

Team 2073 had a record of 3-5-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2643 581 5023 2073 846 2122 28 116
4255 766 2073 1678 5023 604 42 85
1458 2073 2813 840 668 751 85 12
2073 3256 751 115 4186 2122 36 73
2035 2122 766 4159 2073 1868 76 58
4765 2813 670 2035 4498 2073 49 41
668 2073 3501 2367 1351 1967 60 44
846 1967 2489 670 2073 840 107 44

MadTown Throwdown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 2073 had a record of 6-10-1

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3970 1836 852 254 2073 971 51 150
2135 604 100 3482 2073 3022 107 13
3495 2135 2073 1868 1422 973B 79 133
2073 973B 256 1836 846 604 119 152
100 2073 3970B 295 4543 973B 98 73
1323 1323B 4543B 1678 2073 3859B 63 106
1868 3859 2073 3970 1323 100 56 127
3022 4543 971 2073 1422 971C 124 56
3482 3495 1422 3303 604 2073 46 46
971C 3970 3859 4973 1836 2073 67 24
852 1323 2073 295 3303 1323B 119 26
971B 2073 4498 973C 256 1671 84 89
846 971B 971C 1323 973B 2073 147 116
846 971B 971C 1323 973B 2073 100 194
846 971B 971C 1323 973B 2073 64 187
973C 1678 3970B 1323 973B 2073 197 160
973C 1678 3970B 1323 973B 2073 172 152

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