From Vallejo , California, USA
aka NASA / Google / NOVA Group / Bulldog Machine / Moschetti Coffee / XKT Engineering / Solano County Office of Education / Skyview Memorial / Vallejo City Unified School District / Minuteman Press of Vallejo / Klimisch, Inc. Collision Repair Specialists & Vallejo High School
Rookie Year: 2009
Last competed in 2018
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Event Results

Team 3013 was 11-15-0 in official play in 2013.

Colorado Regional

in Denver, CO, USA
to Week 6

Team 3013 was Rank 12 with a record of 9-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler

Captain 3200
Pick 1 3013
Pick 2 4499
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4387 2945 1410 3013 1245 2083 18 29
3013 1303 4386 1011 1157 1583 41 50
1619 2996 3013 1789 4072 3643 106 13
3884 1361 1245 3200 3013 4388 32 66
3884 4387 3013 4581 1584 3703 6 55
1339 3648 1348 3013 4499 2036 45 65
3200 1339 1799 3013 1332 4068 56 70
2261 4499 2083 3403 3013 2240 43 56
1584 3013 2275 4068 3807 2240 30 12
662 1977 3013 701 4593 2169 61 185
1332 4388 159 3648 4293 3013 70 18
1245 1584 1977 3200 4499 3013 62 84
1977 1584 1245 4499 3013 3200 90 93
3013 4499 3200 662 2996 1410 74 103
3200 3013 4499 2996 1410 662 39 50

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