From Madera, California, USA
aka Madera Unified School District/WestCoast Products/JBT FoodTech/PG&E/Evening Lions/Madera Fair/Kiwani's Madera/BK Lighting/BOEING&Madera High School
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1323 was 26-18-0 in official play and 36-25-0 overall in 2013.

Central Valley Regional

in Madera, CA, USA
to Week 1

Team 1323 was Rank 15 with a record of 9-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist (Gurtinder Chahal)

Captain 973
Pick 1 1323
Pick 2 4135
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3256 2135 1323 1678 4135 3501 5 58
1323 675 2085 4159 581 3501 0 6
2813 4785 1458 2643 294 1323 23 66
670 3970 1280 4785 1323 4135 79 22
973 1323 1967 2761 670 701 88 33
3669 2085 4785 1197 2493 1323 32 23
973 3256 1197 581 1323 1422 70 43
1197 1671 3189 3303 3970 1323 37 85
3669 2813 1323 295 649 3256 53 51
1323 670 841 2085 4695 4543 54 22
701 1671 1323 840 1160 1422 99 95
1678 3970 3408 1160 1323 3189 80 40
1323 973 4135 649 841 3495 93 51
973 4135 1323 3495 841 649 56 49
4135 973 1323 295 1678 840 0 88
4135 1323 973 295 1678 840 117 112
4135 1323 973 295 1678 840 78 106

Inland Empire Regional

in San Bernardino, CA, USA
to Week 5

Team 1323 was Rank 6 with a record of 11-5-0

Captain 1323
Pick 1 399
Pick 2 3647
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1323 2637 4322 4160 3476 4161 55 24
3925 3512 3476 751 207 1323 68 54
2658 4140 1323 4556 4 3128 33 4
4140 207 3512 1323 585 3470 104 58
4322 1422 4470 1138 1323 3880 38 57
1828 696 3491 1622 1323 3128 48 73
968 2658 4019 2429 3476 1323 52 112
4 1323 1266 4056 3453 2485 64 60
1323 4161 3255 2493 3473 3647 99 47
2029 691 2658 1323 4705 399 13 73
1323 4736 4139 3295 3521 4160 36 0
4139 2493 3880 3647 399 1323 60 48
3880 4139 2493 399 3647 1323 62 111
2493 3880 4139 399 3647 1323 51 71
968 2485 1538 399 1323 3647 154 55
2485 1538 968 399 3647 1323 118 74

Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1323 was Rank 28 with a record of 6-5-0

Captain 2338
Pick 1 2512
Pick 2 1323
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MadTown Throwdown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 1323 had a record of 10-7-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1323 973C 3482 2813 3970B 1671 172 36
1323 1836 4498 2813 1868 971C 141 84
1323 2813 971B 256 3022 3970 134 10
3482 852 971B 3859 1678 1323 93 95
971B 254 846 1323 4973 971 164 71
1323 1323B 4543B 1678 2073 3859B 63 106
1868 3859 2073 3970 1323 100 56 127
1323 1671 254 4498 604 973B 108 143
295 971 1678 2135 3859B 1323 174 131
852 1323 2073 295 3303 1323B 119 26
3970B 4543 1323 3022 3495 4973 119 47
1422 3970 2135 3495 1323 971C 68 112
846 971B 971C 1323 973B 2073 147 116
846 971B 971C 1323 973B 2073 100 194
846 971B 971C 1323 973B 2073 64 187
973C 1678 3970B 1323 973B 2073 197 160
973C 1678 3970B 1323 973B 2073 172 152

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