From Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
aka WPI/Jabil Healthcare&Mass Academy-Math & Science
Rookie Year: 1992
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Event Results

Team 190 was 1-6-0 in official play and 6-10-0 overall in 2005.

BAE SYSTEMS Granite State Regional

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Week 1

Team 190 won the following awards:

  • Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology"

No matches played.

SBPLI Long Island Regional

in Hempstead, NY, USA
to Week 3

Team 190 won the following awards:

  • Delphi Drive Tommorows Technology

No matches played.

Galileo Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 190 had a record of 1-6-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
294 514 190 1280 1492 433 36 37
190 1089 894 126 1006 1137 16 15
1305 231 237 341 178 190 56 35
1051 843 650 64 190 1596 33 20
25 224 1675 811 563 190 55 21
1261 334 989 930 190 1167 26 0
1403 190 801 103 16 316 10 54

Battlecry@WPI 6

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 190 had a record of 5-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
190 467 173 228 1307 1350 36 37
596 350 131 190 40 237 40 57
61 663 271 190 1568 1686 31 23
155 1519 190 166 181 126 42 28
126 181 88 1276 663 190 61 14
190 176 1307 1519 1027 350 35 50
155 190 1568 246 839 42 65 18
237 131 157 190 121 348 28 48
1685 175 663 467 190 166 35 40

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