From Providence, Rhode Island, USA
aka La Salle Academy
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1350 was 3-4-0 in official play and 8-8-0 overall in 2005.

No matches played.

Curie Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 1350 had a record of 3-4-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1350 234 854 440 375 596 82 12
703 1350 1033 832 904 73 16 57
1000 677 1350 499 301 1646 21 35
175 388 816 638 269 1350 25 16
41 353 292 337 1350 967 26 36
1610 1665 752 518 1350 981 24 21
1350 1257 368 1188 141 1140 20 14

Battlecry@WPI 6

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 1350 had a record of 5-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
190 467 173 228 1307 1350 36 37
126 571 1350 246 1685 155 29 24
237 42 1350 96 181 1519 63 15
238 596 1686 1350 157 1687 8 22
1519 222 839 1100 1350 596 46 34
663 237 1350 809 61 121 20 46
1276 467 238 562 1350 1307 10 19
350 166 181 1685 42 1350 32 27
1350 88 155 40 121 228 17 129

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