From Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
aka Merrimack School District/New Hampshire Department of Education/Elbit Systems of America/Saint-Gobain/Raytheon Technologies/Fully Promoted/Sal's Pizza&Merrimack High School
Rookie Year: 1995
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Event Results

Team 166 was 11-12-1 in official play and 16-16-2 overall in 2007.

BAE SYSTEMS Granite State Regional

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Week 1

Team 166 was Rank 16 with a record of 4-3-1 and won the following awards:

  • Judges Award

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1699 811 166 172 1721 885 12 38
166 1824 885 1721 811 151 0 32
166 1058 1922 1991 1073 172 8 8
1991 151 1058 1247 166 1073 26 68
1289 172 238 1277 166 1153 16 36
1289 1153 151 166 238 1307 6 16
241 166 1512 172 1517 296 2 16
166 296 1519 151 241 1517 18 8

Boilermaker Regional

in West Lafayette, IN, USA
to Week 3

Team 166 was Rank 22 with a record of 7-9-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
166 1760 1138 1856 1189 234 2 8
1327 829 2081 2015 1024 166 34 64
573 1646 1730 166 1555 2015 128 64
1018 166 2015 1327 2171 45 8 28
1741 554 1023 166 1501 1747 22 68
135 1319 2171 931 166 1990 0 128
1730 1024 141 1985 1327 166 0 8
829 1646 1872 166 1138 1741 30 4
1985 234 1646 166 1189 1730 20 32
1985 166 1138 1737 292 1646 2 4
166 1646 2171 45 1990 1501 0 76
573 868 141 1189 931 166 54 132
141 868 573 166 931 1189 26 16
868 573 141 166 1189 931 38 128
234 1730 1555 166 1189 931 38 12
1730 1555 234 1189 931 166 256 0

Battlecry@WPI 8

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 166 had a record of 5-4-1

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