From Fitchburg, MA, USA
aka Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School
Rookie Year: 2001
Last competed in 2011
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Event Results

Team 562 was 4-4-0 in official play and 11-13-0 overall in 2007.

BAE SYSTEMS Granite State Regional

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Week 1

Team 562 was Rank 19 with a record of 4-4-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
133 1474 549 1512 134 562 16 12
133 562 1517 131 549 1512 36 20
131 1519 562 1517 549 126 16 8
562 126 1699 1519 549 95 8 12
58 549 1512 562 95 1517 28 0
1517 42 549 58 1519 562 11 22
42 1699 562 40 1519 549 32 0
1824 40 562 1721 213 501 34 36

Battlecry@WPI 8

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 562 had a record of 7-9-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
175 1733 562 1687 555 173 32 84
40 1991 562 1058 178 1302 48 6
1991 562 177 178 1100 230 2 32
1474 166 88 562 1302 1991 38 0
1991 1735 88 271 562 2079 32 0
178 562 190 246 1735 663 35 36
173 1685 839 562 176 175 4 8
40 121 562 166 1058 1027 136 6
40 121 562 166 1058 1027 2 4
40 121 562 228 131 157 128 64
40 121 562 228 131 157 294 38
121 562 40 809 1687 88 20 31
562 40 121 88 1687 809 64 36
40 121 562 1687 88 809 28 6
1153 271 1685 562 121 40 47 42
1153 1685 271 40 562 121 25 8

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