Bloomfield Girls Robotics Competition 2023

Bloomfield Hills High School in Bloomfield Twp, MI, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8426 8728 2832 4384 8280 245 128 82
3322 226 4810 1481 5436 910 89 53
7211 5860 2834 469 3414 5577 85 70
548 1506 3539 2337 33 201 76 50
5712 68 3641 573 503 772 112 62
8280 3414 51 302 3322 910 105 81
201 4810 5860 2832 548 7211 44 98
5436 503 5577 1506 772 1481 75 64
469 8426 3539 8728 51 5712 66 117
68 245 302 2337 2834 226 90 129
3641 573 3322 4384 1506 33 65 90
503 469 201 910 8426 4810 66 95
8728 5577 7211 226 245 51 91 111
33 3641 772 2834 2832 302 112 132
3539 5436 8280 5860 2337 573 80 100
5712 4384 1481 3414 68 548 118 50
1506 7211 8426 772 3322 2834 118 74
910 2337 503 33 5860 8728 52 100
302 4384 5436 201 5577 5712 91 81
573 8280 2832 548 226 469 106 141
245 3641 3414 4810 3539 68 104 94
51 201 4384 1481 2834 503 104 88
226 573 1506 5860 302 8426 119 95
5577 2832 3322 3539 5712 2337 97 132
68 1481 33 8280 7211 469 112 93
245 910 8728 3641 548 5436 96 73
51 772 2337 3414 4810 573 117 90
7211 302 226 503 3539 4384 108 120
8426 1481 548 5577 910 3641 127 69
2834 5712 1506 4810 8728 8280 151 68
2832 33 3414 5436 51 68 143 72
3322 469 5860 772 201 245 89 78


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 226 5712 8280 4810
Alliance 2 4384 33 910 5860
Alliance 3 2832 2834 8728 5436
Alliance 4 51 2337 1481 3322
Alliance 5 1506 302 3539 68
Alliance 6 8426 503 469 772
Alliance 7 3414 548 573 201
Alliance 8 7211 245 3641 5577

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8280 226 5712 7211 3641 245 142 99
1481 2337 51 302 1506 3539 128 148
4384 910 33 548 573 3414 101 133
8728 2834 2832 503 8426 469 96 122

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7211 3641 245 51 2337 1481 110 122
4384 910 33 2832 2834 5436 71 115
8280 226 5712 302 1506 3539 139 143
3414 573 548 503 8426 469 110 84

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8280 226 5712 2832 2834 8728 142 78
772 469 8426 51 2337 1481 113 137

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3539 1506 302 548 573 3414 124 111
1481 2337 51 5712 226 8280 139 138

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3414 573 548 51 2337 1481 108 156


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3539 1506 302 51 2337 1481 111 170
3539 1506 302 51 2337 1481 148 160

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 226-5712-8280-4810 1
8 7211-245-3641-5577 0
Match 7
1 226-5712-8280-4810 0
5 1506-302-3539-68 1
Match 2
4 51-2337-1481-3322 0
5 1506-302-3539-68 1
Match 11
5 1506-302-3539-68 1
7 3414-548-573-201 0
Match 3
2 4384-33-910-5860 0
7 3414-548-573-201 1
Match 8
7 3414-548-573-201 1
6 8426-503-469-772 0
5 1506-302-3539-68 0
4 51-2337-1481-3322 2
Match 4
3 2832-2834-8728-5436 0
6 8426-503-469-772 1
Match 13
7 3414-548-573-201 0
4 51-2337-1481-3322 1
Match 10
6 8426-503-469-772 0
4 51-2337-1481-3322 1
Match 5
8 7211-245-3641-5577 0
4 51-2337-1481-3322 1
Match 12
4 51-2337-1481-3322 1
1 226-5712-8280-4810 0
Match 9
1 226-5712-8280-4810 1
3 2832-2834-8728-5436 0
Match 6
2 4384-33-910-5860 0
3 2832-2834-8728-5436 1
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Match Avg Charge Station Avg Auto Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 226 3.00 112.83 35.33 33.83 5-1-0 0 6 18
2 4384 2.83 97.50 34.33 23.33 5-1-0 0 6 17
3 2832 2.66 113.16 33.66 35.50 4-2-0 0 6 16
4 5712 2.50 114.33 30.66 31.16 5-1-0 0 6 15
5 51 2.50 102.66 27.33 33.33 5-1-0 0 6 15
6 1506 2.50 99.33 30.66 27.83 5-1-0 0 6 15
7 2834 2.33 109.83 26.66 34.33 4-2-0 0 6 14
8 8426 2.33 103.16 35.33 35.33 4-2-0 0 6 14
9 2337 2.33 95.00 23.66 26.50 4-2-0 0 6 14
10 33 2.00 99.50 22.33 28.33 4-2-0 0 6 12
11 3414 2.00 90.33 29.33 34.50 3-3-0 0 6 12
12 548 2.00 87.16 26.66 28.50 4-2-0 0 6 12
13 7211 1.83 98.00 32.00 32.33 3-3-0 0 6 11
14 3539 1.83 89.33 30.66 24.83 3-3-0 0 6 11
15 8728 1.66 98.33 22.33 28.83 4-2-0 0 6 10
16 302 1.66 96.16 30.00 31.16 2-4-0 0 6 10
17 245 1.66 90.16 27.00 32.50 3-3-0 0 6 10
18 573 1.66 89.50 34.66 32.50 2-4-0 0 6 10
19 5860 1.66 78.83 19.66 27.00 4-2-0 0 6 10
20 1481 1.50 92.00 28.00 33.00 3-3-0 0 6 9
21 469 1.50 80.00 33.33 33.16 2-4-0 0 6 9
22 3641 1.33 85.00 28.33 33.83 2-4-0 0 6 8
23 5577 1.33 78.00 33.66 30.83 1-5-0 0 6 8
24 503 1.33 77.16 24.00 26.33 2-4-0 0 6 8
25 5436 1.33 70.66 27.00 25.50 2-4-0 0 6 8
26 8280 1.16 88.16 33.66 30.00 1-5-0 0 6 7
27 3322 1.16 77.50 28.00 30.00 2-4-0 0 6 7
28 4810 1.16 77.50 21.33 23.16 2-4-0 0 6 7
29 910 1.16 74.33 24.33 28.16 2-4-0 0 6 7
30 772 1.00 82.83 25.33 30.66 1-5-0 0 6 6
31 68 0.83 84.16 17.33 28.50 2-4-0 0 6 5
32 201 0.66 68.00 20.33 23.66 1-5-0 0 6 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Ortonville, Michigan, USA
Rochester, Michigan, USA
Troy, Michigan, USA
Rochester Hills, Michigan, USA
Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Novi, Michigan, USA
Northville, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
LaSalle, Ontario, Canada
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Farmington, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Grand Blanc, Michigan, USA
Livonia, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Farmington, Michigan, USA
Romeo, Michigan, USA
South Lyon, Michigan, USA
Troy, Michigan, USA
Clinton Township, Michigan, USA
Rochester, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Hemlock, Michigan, USA
Algonac, Michigan, USA
Holly, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Novi, Michigan, USA
Troy, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
Female Mentor of the Year Award (Woodie Flowers) Lisa Savage (573)
Winner 51
Winner 2337
Winner 1481
Winner 3322
Finalist 1506
Finalist 302
Finalist 3539
Finalist 68

COPRs (?)

# Team COPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 147 192 76.56%
Auto Docked 53 64 82.81%
Auto Engaged 47 64 73.44%
Coopertition Criteria Met 50 64 78.12%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 8 64 12.50%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 41 64 64.06%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
7 64 10.94%

Match Statistics

High Score 151 in Q30
Average Match Score 93.56
Average Winning Score 110.12
Average Win Margin 33.12
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 6.89 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 13.50 30.33 --
Average Park Points -- 1.34 --
Average Charge Station Points 9.56 18.47 --
Average Link Points -- -- 10.55
Average Foul Points -- -- 2.92
Average Score 29.95 50.14 93.56


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 78 90 86.67%
Auto Docked 26 30 86.67%
Auto Engaged 25 30 83.33%
Coopertition Criteria Met 0 30 0.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 170 in F1
Average Match Score 123.27
Average Winning Score 137.53
Average Win Margin 28.53
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 7.80 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 16.90 44.87 --
Average Park Points -- 0.80 --
Average Charge Station Points 10.27 22.13 --
Average Link Points -- -- 19.33
Average Foul Points -- -- 1.17
Average Score 34.97 67.80 123.27