From Bunkyo-ku, Tôkyô, Japan
aka Ikubunkan Institute of Education
Rookie Year: 2024
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Event Results

Team 9498 was 11-15-0 in official play in 2024.

Hawaii Regional

in Honolulu, HI, USA
to Week 6

Team 9498 was Rank 23 with a record of 8-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Rookie All Star Award
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Hidemasa N)
  • Wildcard

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 4).

Captain 3881
Pick 1 6704
Pick 2 9498
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2445 9629 2477 6920 9498 1622 23 67
9498 6909 368 8853 7724 3880 56 27
2441 3882 6909 9498 2477 2443 45 77
7724 6920 4270 8790 9019 9498 63 24
3721 2477 2348 9012 2465 9498 41 65
9012 9645 8871 3721 9498 2438 22 54
9645 9498 3881 2896 8871 9494 45 39
9498 2090 2896 3882 6920 8853 33 43
9498 4270 3008 2853 368 9629 38 83
8853 2348 9498 2853 2443 359 15 118
9494 9498 9629 2438 2443 4270 30 103
1622 7724 2445 2441 8871 9498 62 31
9012 2443 4270 3881 6704 9498 79 34
9498 6704 3881 2853 3880 8871 71 61
2477 9114 1622 3881 6704 9498 25 58
6909 3882 2465 3881 6704 9498 82 55

Milstein Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 9498 was Rank 70 with a record of 3-7-0

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